Champions Online

Saxif · 6833


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on: May 11, 2009, 07:17:58 pm
Apparently Cryptic sold City of Heroes to NCsoft and went off and developed CO which is due for release about July time.  From the PCgamer article I read its very much a seuel to CoH, it also looks pretty good and I might buy it when its released, I know a few played CoH, wondered if you're up for this installment also?


p.s - I bought Demigod and Elven Legacy, I'll let you know how they play (when Amazon deliver them).

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Reply #1 on: May 11, 2009, 10:52:37 pm
Strangely enough just this weekend I was considering the possibility of reactivating my CoH account to see how the game had changed (last time I played was 3 or 4 years ago). In the end I decided not to as I didn't fancy all the patching and also because with current exchange rates the monthly fee is not cheap.

CoH was a lot of fun for a while, but gameplay became a bit repetitive and grindy (something which may have changed, though the forums seem to suggest not).

But I would definitely give Champions Online a try if it has the same spirit as CoH but with some gameplay improvements. You can't beat a bit of spandex :)


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Reply #2 on: May 16, 2009, 09:00:21 am
While the cell shaded graphics look great, it looks like the game is CoH 2.0. I really liked CoH though, especially with all the free content patches. The game has changed alot since the start (and since last I played) there was way less grinding involved. They still only had the 5 or so indoor zones which does grow old fast. But they've added way more chain quests based around the story of the zone which is a nice way to learn the zone's history. CoH is about the only game I'd reconsider playing if I knew some people playing it. Transferred my characters to the EU servers some years back & played it again, but lack of people to play with made me quit eventually.

If we ever play CO, I know someone who will get frustrated again with my constant rerolls (/wave Las) ;D. Travel power at level 5 after the tutorial missions sounds great too. Really hope they keep the no healer thing, but instead have powerfull debuffs/CC to make up for it. That together with the fast action and always facing multiple mobs made CoH so original and great to me. You don't so much have the tank+healer(+cc)+dps setup in CoH which is a nice change. It's something I've disliked about WotLK, trash in instances is just AoE fodder now, sooo boring. Ulduar is different though, some CC at least is needed or you need to tank mobs apart cause they will wipe you fast otherwise (speaking from experience :P)

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Reply #3 on: May 17, 2009, 09:12:12 am
hehe, well it was the character generator i think that you really loved, always getting bored and re-rolling :) I'll have a look a bit more in depth when i get some time, but sounds as though you think it will be very similar to COH eko? When's it released?


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Reply #4 on: May 17, 2009, 10:07:12 am
It's mainly the impression I get when reading the previews (here, here and here (in French, but Sax can translate :P)). Of course CoH 2.0 makes it sound bad, but I liked CoH and if they can fix some of the flaws that would make for an awesome game. The combat & skill mechanics look a bit different though and this time there are stats & equipment. Sound like they've improved on everything, even on CoH's already imba character generator (weeeeee) and there's more travelpowers including burrowing which looks great.

Release date is September 1st.

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Reply #5 on: May 19, 2009, 08:10:31 am
looks interesting then, i wonder if theyhave thought anymore about longevity. One of the main problems i had with COH is that it was pretty much the same all the way through no matter what level you were. Once you got all your main abilities i felt the game didnt really expand, and whilst travel powers were awesome you can only bounce around the city for so long :)