Web site thats been amusing me!

Saxif · 2846


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on: April 29, 2009, 10:51:24 pm
I somehow stumbled across this web site called "Broken Toys" and it's quite witty and often amusing, so I thought I'd share it with you.  Please bear in mind I have only read 2 articles, so maybe I got lucky ! ;p

My current favourite witticism ...

In the endless player skill argument, you should assume your players don?t have any. I?m tempted just to leave that sentence as is. However, the player-skill vs character-skill argument is, in the sense of this discussion, almost a red herring. Does your game have twitchy gameplay? Is player growth simply gated by whomever has the most time or cash on eBay to spend? Are your rules so arcane and so often patched that your players have to level up their Google skill just to get an accurate spell list off your website? ....

There is some eye opening stuff, maybe if a game designer checked it out they could get some good dieas :)


Linky - http://www.brokentoys.org/2007/12/10/how-to-make-a-game-with-pvp-done-right/

<Currently thinking of something amazing to write ...>


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Reply #1 on: April 30, 2009, 07:15:11 am
Good article, allot of interesting and correct points there and pretty amusing :) I'll read some of the others later, cheers sax