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General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« Last post by Cernos on June 24, 2015, 12:24:08 am »
No worries Las. I decided not to take the plunge just yet, largely for the reasons you mentioned.

When you discard the reviews by fanboys and haters, the balanced view seems to be as you'e said - that it's a good game and lots of fun at first, but that interest can start to wane due to the time sink involved and the steep learning curve.

Perhaps I might have a look if it comes back up on sale at a later date. I bought several other games in the Steam sale (Saints Row IV, Europa Universalis IV, Telltale Game Of Thrones) so got plenty to waste my time with :)

I have an old Xbox 360 controller which might be a reasonable halfway house between keyboard/mouse and a joystick. It doesn't seem to work natively with that many games but I would imagine ED will support it.
General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« Last post by Lasiien on June 23, 2015, 08:47:15 pm »
Hiya Cern, sorry guess this reply is a bit late for the steam sale.

I found it was pretty fun at first but like you say it's quite a time sink. I found that RL would take over a bit and I wouldn't play it for a few weeks then had to go back and re-educate myself a bit on things. So in essence i started playing it a few times but got distracted :)

Think the joystick is pretty much essential yeah, you can try and play with keyboard but it probably won't be quite the same. eko and I both got the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X which is perfectly fine, I wouldn't splash out much more on those real flight sim ones (although I don't doubt they are good, the price difference is huge).
General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« Last post by Cernos on June 20, 2015, 06:25:37 pm »
Just seen Elite Dangerous is in the Steam summer sale with a 25% discount.

Has anyone been playing this much? What are your thoughts? Reviews seem generally positive, but it does sound like a bit of a huge time sink and lots of changes / nerfs while the game settles down.

Also, is a joystick essential to be able to fly with any competence?
WoW General / Re: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
« Last post by Lasiien on April 12, 2015, 02:00:29 pm »
Yer, I feel the same as eko, but it's cool you're having fun though :D
WoW General / Re: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
« Last post by eKo on April 12, 2015, 11:07:40 am »
Never say never, but I doubt I'll ever replay WoW. Did it after Pandaria was out and while questing was fun, it was also very easy. I reached level 90 in no time, but as I only finished half the zones I continued questing. But after that it was basically the same daily quests/dungeons/rep grind to gear up, even the farm you had was basically just a set of daily quests to do. Thunder Isle (or whatever the name is exactly) was fun (& hard) at first, but it too became a grind eventually. And once I got the gear it meant I had to start raiding to improve my gear.

To me it just felt exactly like before (there is a lot more to do, but it's basically the same formula). Every MMO suffers from this tbh, end game content expanding, but becoming more of the same eventually. I've had a lot of fun in WoW over the 7 years or so I played, but I just lost interest in it.
WoW General / World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
« Last post by Brigh on April 10, 2015, 10:02:22 am »
On the off chance that people still check these boards me, Shin and Cern are still playing WoW - I've recently brought the Warlords of Draenor expansion and I must say I'm very imrpressed, I quickly leveled a character from level 1 to level 60 then used the free boost to level 90 (you can use this from a level 1 character but I wanted to look at the old world after cataclysm), and so far I'm enjoying it.

Level 90 to 100 wasn't to hard and there are clear zones/waypoints to help you get there and along with the ability of having your own garrison (which you can customise however you like) makes this expansion stand out.

I've been level 100 for a couple of weeks now and I still have plenty of things to do i.e. trying out the battle pet system and treasure hunting.

If anyone is looking for something to play then it would be good to see you online - Horde - Skullcrusher server (PVP)

Brigh :D
General Chat / Re: Dragon Age Inquisition
« Last post by eKo on November 29, 2014, 01:07:57 pm »
I ran into stuff I can't kill in the Hinterlands (okay, just one rift with lvl 12 mobs). And no I can't handle lvl 12 mobs yet (I learned that the hard way :D).

I might respec to Archer tbh, running after the spasmic AI (both enemy & friendly) gets old fast. And I also start to run into some melee mobs who AoE, so I'm dieing more. Will play some more before deciding I guess.
General Chat / Re: Dragon Age Inquisition
« Last post by Lasiien on November 29, 2014, 12:08:01 pm »
So i rerolled rogue as seems to be the most interesting class I think, playing Archer but I figure if that gets dull respecs seem cheap so you can just go dual wield. Trying to leave the Hinterlands this time before I ran into stuff I can't kill ;-)
General Chat / Re: Dragon Age Inquisition
« Last post by Lasiien on November 27, 2014, 09:07:38 pm »
Yup, i got it, although i waited for reviews this time as the last one was not so good. Not got very far either and can't make my mind up which class to play :) Got furthest with a 2h Warrior but tried most of the basic classes out to get a feel. Silly really as you can pretty much play any character you want in your party but still something seems special about the one you roll ! Not surprised you spent so long on the generator, it is really good :) Nice gfx too, and seems really really (skyrim) big!