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General Chat / Re: For Honour
« Last post by Lasiien on February 06, 2017, 10:50:07 am »
Agent is awesome :-)

I also enjoyed KOTFE, although got to about chapter 9/10 and need to revisit it at some point. Agree with you about the difficulty, not sure why they make it so simple that you can face roll everything. It wasn't exactly a hard game when it launched (i remember soloing heroics) but now it's just crazy easy.
General Chat / Re: For Honour
« Last post by eKo on February 06, 2017, 10:36:13 am »
Hey all,

No PS4 here either and also eagerly awaiting the new Mass Effect game! Witcher 3 is a really great game though I still haven't finished the (base) game.

I'm now playing SWTOR again (just solo going through the story). I didn't much like the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion, but Shadows of Revan was really good and Knights of the Fallen Empire so far is great (only got to chapter 5 of the 15 or so). It's got a good, more cinematic story with some nice updated graphics in the new zones, but the difficulty is laughably easy and there's no class story anymore, all classes go through the same storyline. I'm only planning to go through it all once anyway, but might go through some more class stories (Imperial Agent is supposed to be really good).
General Chat / Re: For Honour
« Last post by Lasiien on February 05, 2017, 07:00:35 pm »
meep, Hi Cern :-)

Witcher 3 is a funny game for me, eKo loved it and raved about it to me but i've tried multiple times to get into it. I really love the gfx, atmos and even the way the storms make the trees bend in the wind etc. But for some reason hasn't worked for me (btw I loved not only witcher II but also the original). Dunno what didn't fire for me on it but can see why people like it allot :)

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« Last post by Cernos on February 03, 2017, 03:57:25 pm »
Hey all,

Good to hear from everyone. I'm mostly playing Witcher 3 at the moment. now that I finally have a PC that can handle it. Loving it, such a stunning game. So vast too and I only have the base version, no expansions.

I still have a WoW sub active but haven't played much since Xmas due to Witcher.

Also waiting for the new Mass Effect and hoping it's as good as it sounds, but trying not to build up expectations too much.
General Chat / Re: For Honour
« Last post by Brigh on February 03, 2017, 11:12:20 am »
Indeed :)

Good to hear you are ok, I'm still mucking around on Planetside 2 and playing Battlefront on the PS4 - waiting for Mass Effect as well, loved the other games so hoping this will be alright as well.

Brigh :D
General Chat / Re: For Honour
« Last post by Lasiien on February 03, 2017, 09:53:31 am »
Hey Brigh :)

I agree, gotta keep up the standards and use proper english (innit !).

Sorry no PS4 here but hope you're doing good ! At the moment I'm not playing much, waiting for Mass Effect i guess and hoping it will be good :)
General Chat / For Honour
« Last post by Brigh on January 27, 2017, 08:57:52 am »
Hey All

If anyone has a PS4 let me know as I've got some invites for the closed beta of For Honour (I refuse to call it For Honor!).

I've been keeping an eye on this game and I do like the idea so if the beta is any good I might consider getting it on release.

It will be for the PS4 though as my I doubt my current PC rig can handle anything more than solitaire (although Planetside 2 still seems to run ok)!

Brigh :D
General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« Last post by eKo on January 18, 2017, 09:59:19 pm »
A bit late, but happy new year :p.

Sorry, only saw this now, but that movie is hilarious, lol.
General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« Last post by Lasiien on January 05, 2017, 04:15:46 pm »
Happy New Year all :)

Here's one about overwatch that made me laugh eko :-)
General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« Last post by Lasiien on November 10, 2016, 09:49:21 pm »
haha awesome :)