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General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Brigh on January 16, 2021, 04:44:53 pm »
Bump - completely forgot about this forum

Hope everyone is ok?

Brigh :D
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Brigh on October 18, 2019, 09:27:43 am »
Good to hear from you Cern :)

I'm not playing to much at the moment, mainly because my PC won't run new games so just mucking around playing things like Mass Effect etc.

I hope in the future another game might come along that brings us back together as it'll be good to catch up!

Appreciate you keeping these old forums running Cern!
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Cernos on October 16, 2019, 03:30:34 pm »
Hey all,

Sorry for the slow response, I don't check here too often either.

I'm currently playing WoW Battle For Azeroth and have to admit I'm enjoying it a lot. I blame Las for that, I wasn't planning to go near it until he recommended it :)

I did dip my toes into Wow Classic too. It's enjoyable nostalgia, but it does bring home how gaming and WoW itself have moved on. I like the slower and tougher combat and gameplay, that's good, but the levelling grind, pointless to-and-fro questing and PvP issues, not so much. I've made it to level 33 on my Hunter but seem to have lost the resolve to go much further, but will see how it goes.  Legion Inc have a guild up and running on the Mograine EU (PvP) server if anyone is interested, just give me or Shi a shout.

I haven't been back to official DAOC in a very long time now. I did take a look at the Uthgard free shard a couple of years ago. They've done a pretty good job, but it's faithful to the gameplay and levelling speed of DAOC at original launch. Commendable and fun for nostalgia, but painfully slow to progress. Who really has that sort of time to invest anymore, let alone in a free shard that could get shut down at any time?

Speaking of which, poor old Wildstar got shut down last year. I think I'll keep my avatar in honour of its memory. A wasted opportunity of a game sadly.

Just a heads up on the future of this forum. This is running a very old version of SMF, which causes some security issues. I am going to try to upgrade it, but I don't think it'll solve everything and I may need to move the forum's location to a different URL. If I do I'll install a redirect so old bookmarks will still work.
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Brigh on August 29, 2019, 08:17:22 pm »
It's very very weird stepping back I have to admit :)
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Lasiien on August 28, 2019, 06:45:40 pm »
I've not played daoc since retail, scared to ruin the memory i think. Was the greatest times I've had playing an online MMO for sure. So not sure i can check it out :)
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Brigh on August 20, 2019, 09:34:32 pm »
So was I when I came across it, the private server is free but it's by far the largest classic one although it has just added New Frontiers (nothing else though).

Link to it is here if interested -

It takes about 20 hours game play (solo) to get to max level thanks to the bonuses setup

As for the screenshots I need to locate them again, spotted them on an old hard-drive
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Lasiien on August 20, 2019, 03:22:32 pm »
Oh you said DAOC private server ! lol :) Amazes me the game is still going !!
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Lasiien on August 20, 2019, 03:21:15 pm »
Yeah i think that was Abba's channel with some other DAOC movies also.

You didn't post the screens ? :) I want to see some Warden AFK pics !

You gonna play wow classic then? Or just stick to playing on the private server. I will prolly dip my toe in wow classic for nostaliga's sake but dont wanna play it serious at all. Probably wont even level up to 60.

Good to hear from you, hope familay and all are well
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« Last post by Brigh on August 20, 2019, 11:04:24 am »
Hey Las, good to hear from you

I'm sure I came across those movies on youtube a few months ago but could be mistaken.

I created a new DAOC char on the Phoenix shard (free to play old school DAOC) and it was great fun exploring all the old places again!