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Messages - Darkly

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WoW General / Re: HD Fooked and Seasons Greetings :)
« on: January 05, 2009, 05:46:07 pm »
Aye, happy new year all :)

General Chat / Re: My Book
« on: November 03, 2008, 08:38:58 pm »
Cheers bro.

And ta Sax, yep was great fun writing it. Bit more of a headache getting it published (understatement of the year), but it happened in the end :)

General Chat / My Book
« on: October 29, 2008, 09:40:58 pm »
Hey folks,

Hope you're all doing well :) Been keeping an eye on the board here and there, sounds like WAR is going down pretty well. Hel and myself are feeling the itch to get back into an MMORPG, so we may be around soon-ish...

But as I think Las has said (possibly!) at the moment I've been working hard on getting my book promoted and stuff. Hence I have the perfect post for the spam section - an unashamed plug for my humorous nostalgia tome called "The Crap Old Days" (ahem).

Those of you who have partied with me will doubtless be familiar with my sense of humour, and won't buy it, but the rest of you I might be able to hoodwink into believing I'm actually funny. I am, really. Honest.

Anyhoo. It's basically taking the piss out of the past, rather than the usual nostalgia book which is all rose tinted specs and so forth. If you'd like to read some of it, there are some extracts from the book up here:

Right. Plug over. You can all go back to buffing yourselves, defending keeps and polishing your helmets.

See you sooner rather than later, hopefully, work and stuff permitting,

General Chat / Hello
« on: June 19, 2007, 09:29:10 pm »
Heheh Cern, frozen cucumber sandwiches, hmmm :)

Indeed that's how Scotland used to be, I don't doubt it. However, thanks to the miracle of global warming (TM), it's not so much the case anymore. It is cooler than England still, yeh, but the weather's much improved this last couple of years, almost freakishly so. We visited Nairn at the end of November last year, and walked along the beach in the sunshine, it was too warm to wear a coat! They had lots of sunny weather all year....

(Touch wood etc - it'll be bleeding awful now I've said that ;)

General Chat / Hello
« on: June 19, 2007, 06:09:41 pm »
Scotland being cold is just a tale told to keep away all the English ;)

General Chat / Hello
« on: June 18, 2007, 03:41:55 pm »
Off up to Nairn, Cern, lovely little place with a huge beach, lots of beach parties and stuff I reckon :)

General Chat / Hello
« on: June 14, 2007, 07:53:20 pm »
We're currently not playing anything... we're moving up North to the Highlands next week, Hel is helping a friend run her business (health shop) for a while, probably won't get ADSL sorted up there as it might only be a temporary thing, got to see how it all goes. So no online gaming for a little while, probably. Poo ;)

Lotro was quite enjoyable I thought, I was getting a bit burnt out on WoW anyway... however, War will probably be the next one we partake of seriously.

Either that or Hello Kitty Island Adventure :)

Hope you're all keeping well anyway and see you soon-ish!

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 21, 2007, 08:12:14 pm »
Happy birthday Cern :)

Actually the more I play Lotro the more I'm reminded of various bits of DDO, it really is a hybrid of all sorts of games. But seems to work well thus far. As everyone else says, what it will be like at higher levels remains to be seen. Monsterplay sounds like a larf though... we shall see....

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 11, 2007, 12:27:02 pm »
Ahh ok, cool. We'll all try out a few then :)

Not got it this morning, bah, so dunno if it will turn up tomorrow. Did get my new hard drive though, so will give me time to fit that. Only a matter of time before this one goes bust and doesn't recover via the magic of chkdsk /r...

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 11, 2007, 12:00:38 am »
Aye, champ gets heavy armour, but to dps has to basically sacrifice all block/parry etc which means can get ripped up a bit esp by elites and such. There's some flexibility in switching in a shield and dps mode off, no doubt, will have to try it all out. Many alts ftw ;p

Didn't know Xan had the game, cool. Thought burg was a bit different in that it's more tactical, CC/debuff and conjunctions, which is what appealed to me, a tactical rogue. Though they do have a lot of the same abilities like cb/vanish etc it would seem.

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 10, 2007, 08:19:41 pm »
Yeah, the guard is the defensive tank very much, I thought champ originally for Hel but in some ways it sounds like a combat rogue (even has combo points)... and she fancies trying out summat more survivable, bit fed up of being a paper bag ;) Will have to try them both I guess :)

Best duo seems to be guard-minstrel, but cba playing a healer atm, even though it sounds like quite a cool healer class. Then guard-lm, as lm can heal somewhat.

Not sure on the Captain, as you say pretty much pally but with a (small) pet.

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 10, 2007, 07:58:16 pm »
Short-arse! ;)

Guardian is a pretty cool class by all accounts. That's what Hel wants to be :)

I can't decide between loremaster (the sort of cc-caster I'd usually play, but apparently a bit borked atm, be fixed up soon enough I would guess) and burglar (summat a bit different).

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 10, 2007, 07:35:44 pm »
Copy not turned up yet. Will prolly have it for the weekend, so will roll on that server too. What class is card then?

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 09, 2007, 09:31:24 am »
The quests sound like DDO in some ways, but don't think there's much other resemblance, it's closer to WoW than DDO from what I've read. Soon find out anyway :)

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 08, 2007, 04:26:52 pm »
Just got the commission through to review it this aft, hehe :)

So will be trying it later this week, assuming they send it without pissing about....

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