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Messages - Lasiien

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 49
General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« on: August 28, 2019, 06:45:40 pm »
I've not played daoc since retail, scared to ruin the memory i think. Was the greatest times I've had playing an online MMO for sure. So not sure i can check it out :)

General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« on: August 20, 2019, 03:22:32 pm »
Oh you said DAOC private server ! lol :) Amazes me the game is still going !!

General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« on: August 20, 2019, 03:21:15 pm »
Yeah i think that was Abba's channel with some other DAOC movies also.

You didn't post the screens ? :) I want to see some Warden AFK pics !

You gonna play wow classic then? Or just stick to playing on the private server. I will prolly dip my toe in wow classic for nostaliga's sake but dont wanna play it serious at all. Probably wont even level up to 60.

Good to hear from you, hope familay and all are well

General Chat / Re: Anyone out there
« on: August 17, 2019, 09:44:30 pm »
Hey Brigh,

Sorry, i dont check this forum so often these days but thanks to Cern keeping it going ! :)

Post the DAOC screenies ? I dont have any apart from the movies i made, would love to see them.


General Chat / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:22:58 am »
Good review eko, I haven't played much due to time constraints but I can confirm it is quite playable whilst maybe not as good a game that I'd have hoped for.

Did you manage to hold fire Cern ? :)

General Chat / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 28, 2017, 12:27:29 pm »
Hola Cern,

I admit I was torn, i cancelled my pre-order and was determined to stay away for a few months and pick it up on sale but then my impatience got the better of me and i bought it (think it was ?42 from greenmangaming). I had a fairly busy weekend so haven't played it enough to say if reviews are right or not but it doesn't seem terribad (the character animations are sometimes very noticable, sometimes not). Story wise hasn't really got going yet for me but I'd suggest they were up against it anyways having to create a whole bunch of new characters.

I only tried the multiplayer once, but it seemed allot like ME3. In fact, very similar to me - waves after waves of enemies etc. They also say its optional and you can send NPC teams out to do the missions as well, doesn't seem to be as important as the 'war effort' was in ME3, but I'm not sure yet.

In short, if you can wait until it's properly discounted (maybe November for thanksgiving?) then I'd do so. I was too impatient :D

I know eko got it too and he's a bit deeper in than me I suspect, so I'm sure he'll post soon also.

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 15, 2017, 10:04:50 am »
haha, can't get rid of that Planetside bug hey Brigh ? Awesome games, both of them. Had countless fun with eKo in PS2 especially, although unless driving around in Harassers flashing neon lights on and off and getting 1 shot by the enemy counts as 'skill' then I guess we weren't very good ;) Listening to our platoon leader have an absolute freak out on a regular basis was also quite fun when you didn't take the game so seriously :) (yes, he was very much like the -50dkp guy!)

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:05:31 pm »
I've done two of those I think and yeah I agree they were thought provoking and not obviously 'good' or 'evil'. But I've always liked that about the Witcher, kinda cool yet depressing world :)

I loved the original Witcher, which was kinda clunky, but really loved it for the story and different kinda game it was to the normal fantasy stuff. Just like I loved Mass Effect 1, awesome worlds and story but clunky game :)

So what do you think of For Honour then Brigh? Beating up all those kids at pvp yet ? :D

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 06, 2017, 07:38:53 pm »
Guss !! :D Awesome character! :)

I've done plenty of hours in it Cern but I think it's quite a long game so I know I'm only part way in (maybe just about Act II as well, I'm not sure). I did the whole of Velen including side quests and some of Novigrad. I keep booting it up from time to time and play a bit more, but still can't get sucked in. Can see it's a good game just dunno why struggle!

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:50:07 am »
Agent is awesome :-)

I also enjoyed KOTFE, although got to about chapter 9/10 and need to revisit it at some point. Agree with you about the difficulty, not sure why they make it so simple that you can face roll everything. It wasn't exactly a hard game when it launched (i remember soloing heroics) but now it's just crazy easy.

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 05, 2017, 07:00:35 pm »
meep, Hi Cern :-)

Witcher 3 is a funny game for me, eKo loved it and raved about it to me but i've tried multiple times to get into it. I really love the gfx, atmos and even the way the storms make the trees bend in the wind etc. But for some reason hasn't worked for me (btw I loved not only witcher II but also the original). Dunno what didn't fire for me on it but can see why people like it allot :)

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 03, 2017, 09:53:31 am »
Hey Brigh :)

I agree, gotta keep up the standards and use proper english (innit !).

Sorry no PS4 here but hope you're doing good ! At the moment I'm not playing much, waiting for Mass Effect i guess and hoping it will be good :)

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: January 05, 2017, 04:15:46 pm »
Happy New Year all :)

Here's one about overwatch that made me laugh eko :-)

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: November 10, 2016, 09:49:21 pm »
haha awesome :)

General Chat / Re: No Man's Sky
« on: August 19, 2016, 04:28:09 pm »
I can't get over the game continually drawing the environment in front of me, really offputting :( Don't care so much that the combat is weak as I am happy enough just doing the exploring thing. Agree that it's nice and chilled out, the music is excellent actually and really helps.

I don't hate it (there are games that I paid ?40 for and really wished I hadn't, this isn't one of them) but it's probably just a fun aside for me for an hour here and there I'm afraid. Maybe they'll patch it and make it better ? :)

p.s. great reviews for deus-ex already, green man gaming has 25% off pre-orders. I'm in for sure :-)

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