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Messages - Evander

Pages: 1
General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:10:34 am »
Hey All,

Hope everything is ok :)

I'm currently in the tech test for PS2 as of last week and all i can say is it still needs some work for so far is going to be awesome. Is deffo a game i think i maybe able to stick with and help me with resisting going back to WoW.

VANU ftw!

General Chat / Re: Hey Guy's
« on: August 31, 2010, 11:49:56 am »
Glad to hear you all doing well. I been playing WoW mostly can't seem to kick this habbit :( that and been having some fun with starcraft 2 which has deffo provided some entertainment.

Though my gaming habbits will go on hold again in amonth or so again with as my wife and i are expecting our 3rd child :D (please be a boy don't think i will keep my sanity if a 3rd girl).

Oh and Brigh as much as i the feeling the play planetside every so often oh god some good moments and memorys from that game. I quickly slap myself back down remembering that now is just filled with hackers, that and they fixed my lovely lasher then broke it ffs :( Though might have to see what this Planetside Next is all about :P

Oh well as said glad everyone doing well and ill deffo stick around here this time incase that a game pop ups that can play with you guys again :P

General Chat / Hey Guy's
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:18:18 pm »
Ello all thought i'd pop by and say hello which i aint done in awhile :P

Anyway hope you all doing well :) What you guys up 2 anyway these days?

General Chat / Hello
« on: June 14, 2007, 11:42:22 pm »
Quote from: Brigh
I made it in - currently in their academy where you group with the "elite players" but don't have permission to access the TeamSpeak channel - someone has to move you into it. Once you get x amount of points within the trial outfit you are then promoted into the main outfit.

Having a really good time with it at the moment and although I looked at battlefield 2142 I didn't enjoy it, the graphics are a lot better than planetside but you lose the community feel as you are put into a fight with 63 other randoms.

Will stick with PS for now - if anyone else wants to play (you know you want to) then give me a shout and I will make sure I hunt you down and kill you (if non - nc) :P

Brigh :D

Pfft u joined Mercs oh dear :( i still play PS and BF2142 abit when i get the time also been playing abit of EvE

WoW General / Hiya
« on: December 11, 2006, 06:37:52 pm »
Ill try and get some time on WoW to play soon just been alittle busy at mo

WoW General / Hiya
« on: December 05, 2006, 07:55:54 pm »
aye only a lvl 12 priest never really got into WoW dunno why prob cause i joined in late dunno

WoW General / Hiya
« on: December 01, 2006, 08:47:53 pm »
Lo all just popping in to say ello and find out how everyone is and what they up 2 :D

I've been playing BF2142 mostly think i saw and killed Las afew times just been playing around work ect

If anyone else plays BF2142 then my name is in my sig though i think my ingame buddy list is full so if u uses xfire username is evander :D

look forward to hearing from u all :D


Tom aka Evander

General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: April 07, 2006, 10:40:15 am »
Hehe my house was'nt gone and all my characters fine on both accounts though only reopen my main one 2day :D and having a look around at mo :D

General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: March 29, 2006, 12:35:32 am »
Well seems i might of got somewhere with GOA now finaly understanding wot the issues is so in a email i got they saying that they will have the passwords sent to me in the post by a computer generated letter that no GOA staff will see they see :D so might well get to play DAoC again though aint played in 1year5months and i was doing so well staying away :(

even though ill prob have no money house prob gone now and prob have no items from cluster ect :(

General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: March 28, 2006, 11:02:29 pm »
Quote from: Cernos
Hi Evander, good to hear from you. Bad news about the password. Are you definitely getting other emails to the address that GOA have? If so it's a problem at GOA's end (so no surpises there) :(

Aye i get other emails through it inclueding GOA's responces to my emails which is dame stupid :(

General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: March 28, 2006, 06:36:06 pm »
i tryed to reactive my old EU account but cant remeber account password and i tryed the link on webbie with wot i know is correct address did'nt get email so i email them with all details ect over 2 days send info tell them stuff ect and say they cant see why it is'nt working for me and to try it again ect they confirmed that the email was correct that i used and that was about it so cant get bk to my lovely Druid or Enchanter at mo :(

Pages: 1