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Messages - Saxif

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GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: September 21, 2012, 08:36:45 pm »
Resistance is futile.

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: September 18, 2012, 07:51:28 pm »
Yup, he doesn't seem to wanna play with us  :'(

Give in Las, this game has a future! :)

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: September 16, 2012, 04:57:36 pm »
Looks like me and Cern are using old tech compared to everyone else then  ;D

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: September 16, 2012, 09:00:56 am »
My pc needs an upgrade for sure, however I only need a new cpu, mobo and RAM; as I am running an E8400 dual core and 4 gigs of 800mhz RAM.  I also have a 560ti geforce that is being held up by everything else and my PSU is a beast, something like 800W silver or gold rated.  I think I'll only need to spend about ?400 this time round, though I haven't checked current prices to confirm.

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:55:53 am »
Give in Las :)

I was playing the game and feeling a bit meh about it but then I did some WvW and really enjoyed it, has a very DAoC feeling and gave me a reason to level.  The nice thing is leveling seem linear all the way up, or at least that is what Cern is telling me!  Also because GW2 does things subtly different it does feel odd to start with, still I am enjoying it alot more now, just need to make time to actually play :)

I think alot of the weapon abilities, at least for Warrior seem focused around PvP rather than PvE, so that was one of the reasons I wasn't grabbed to start with, over all I am enjoying myself and thinking now I have a game I might play for awhile I might upgrade my pc as it is that time again!  Then maybe I can take screenies as nice as eKo's!

GW2 General / Re: Useful GW2 Resources
« on: September 15, 2012, 09:00:15 am »
Nice one, willl have a look-see at these.

GW2 General / Re: GW2 Screenies Thread
« on: September 06, 2012, 10:34:02 pm »
Pah, we'll see :)

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:53:48 pm »
It seems my AVG Firewall was stopping the DL from starting, disabled it so am running without a Firewall right now and it started, I hope it also finishes!

Is it me, or am I plagued by a disproportionate number of pc problems?


GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: August 30, 2012, 07:36:46 pm »
Are the servers down or something?  I can't download anything, who's idea was it to have a disc that caused a DL to start anyway?!

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: August 27, 2012, 12:50:07 pm »
Seems the official release is tomorrow for the game, at least according to Amazon.  I was in 2 minds about it but think I might splash for a copy, prolly give the newbie areas a week or so to calm down, might order it for next weekend.

Prolly play a warrrior or rogue type toon.

I have however been tempted by some WoW as well ...

General Chat / Re: ebay
« on: August 26, 2012, 05:05:25 pm »
Yeah I agree, I think I'll test the water and put a few items on ebay tomorrow and see what happens!

General Chat / Re: ebay
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:22:10 am »
The problem with posting my trains is I have maybe 2 boxes of trains and 5 boxes of accessories, then there is a massive box maybe 3 foot high by 1.5 feet wide full of the US stuff!  It took 2 taxi journies just to get it all to my house ...

The lot prolly weighs 20 kgs maybe more, it is clogging up alot of space hence wanting to move it ...

I'll ask around, check some fan based web sites and such like, might be easier to sell individually, also might make more cash, though would take alot of time ...

General Chat / Re: ebay
« on: August 25, 2012, 07:01:49 pm »
I have another question.  I have finally got around to selling my trains and am going to put some plans in motion.  I have 2 sets of trains, one US and one UK; they use different types of rail.  They are fairly significant sets and as e-bay has free listings this weekend it seems ideal.  The question I have is thus "Is it less dodgy selling with collection only?"

I don't want someone to wander off with all my stuff of which there might be 200 different items and then lodge a complaint.  I am looking for between ?2000 - ?2500 for the lot, listed as 2 auctions and am a little nervous of getting some chancer, especially if ebay can force me to refund and I then have to go and collect my stuff from someones house miles away when I don't even drive!  Especially as it is really hard to tell exactly what I have and don't have ...

Also one of the train sets hasn't been used for 20 or so years and I have no way of testing if every train works!  I obviously think they do as they have been well cared for but ...

Anyway, any ideas on what to do?

General Chat / Re: My Music
« on: August 25, 2012, 11:06:35 am »
Maybe one day you'll all be lucky and get to hear me sing :)

I missed this thread when it was first posted will have to read back ... and no I really sound terrible, no hidden talent here.  Still it amuses me to try!

General Chat / Re: Wiping a HD
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:34:00 pm »
I have an XP CD somewhere, I don't think I have a Vista CD but I bought Win 7.  The laptop is fairly old though, so I'd put XP on it.  I am not going to go to the trouble of pulling the HD out, so will check a few of the above mentioned programes and then put XP back on.  I wasn't sure how hard it was to get info off a laptop, or how easy, she has had her life on it at one point, bills, receipts, all sorts ...

I'll have a look at the links you gave and pick something, once I have found the XP CD :)



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