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Messages - Saxif

Pages: 1 ... 43 44 45 46
WoW General / Honour System - Explanation and Thoughts
« on: April 26, 2005, 06:35:14 pm »
I didn't want to say it, but i think we have been spoilt by DAoC, the PvP system there was so good, and well thought out with hindersight, imo, its hard to get used to this.  However it is early days, very early, not been into it a week yet so i think we have to give Blizz the benefit of the doubt and see how it works out.

The things that get me are

1). Bad game world design for PvP
2). No reason to attack towns and no strategic objectives
3). No small scale PvP (this is the fault of players and a fact of a imature PvP system DAoC was the same in the early days)

With a bit of time it should calm down and become alot better, hopefully they will introduce more than one type of BG.  Of course for small scale PvP we could always migrate to Guild Wars :)

WoW General / Honour System - Explanation and Thoughts
« on: April 26, 2005, 04:16:35 pm »
First of all Honour is a misnomer, they should have thought up a different name.

Second i dont think the game world is very well set up for PvP, its to small for ppl to hide out somewhere and lvl.  There are atm no objectives for you to take, attacking a town eventually leads to a guard spawn that does enough damage to the attackers that defenders can then swamp them.*  Combat is a zerg fest atm, and I cannot see that changing due to the way ppl enter combat, i.e from one town or another.  

The BG's may change this, depending on how large they are and how many mobs they have in them, but as it is looking very much like a valley it would seem to funnel players towards the middle to meet in a large chaotic zerg.  They have said that there are tactics involved in taking the enemies base camp, but once again this will be achieved through a large force attacking to kill the large number of elite guards as well as the other sides players.  A well organised raid of lvl 60's would undoubtably be the way to do this, but that is only likely to happen in guilds who can muster 40 lvl 60's, and those players being willing to listen.

WoW is an exerlent game, but i feel it *may* be let down by not having an element of small scale PvP; but being aimed at a large number of players fighting all at once.  Which although fun and you'll undoubtably see me in Hillsbrad often enough, isn't the most rewarding way to play.

*I have been involved in a Southshore attack that lead to the entire town being destroyed, all npc's in the Inn and Town Hall were killed along with WR and any PC's there.

WoW General / Grats!
« on: April 25, 2005, 07:05:44 pm »
Well done guys, good effort :)

WoW General / Honour System - Explanation and Thoughts
« on: April 20, 2005, 05:59:34 pm »
Its a novel idea, on the whole i like it.  Having honour points that decay wont mean that much tbh, because those ppl in organised PvP guilds with the right mindset will dominate the rankings for a long time, Eclipse, SotL, LoE and various  Mid guilds were active for very long stretches.  I dont think have decaying honour points will make it that dynamic, ppl will fall into a rank and stay there until they stop playing and only then will they drop down.

Most of us wont see the upper ranks ever, which is a little disheartening tbh, but its a new idea, and new idea's are always welcome.

WoW General / edited out
« on: April 20, 2005, 01:42:47 pm »
edited out

WoW General / Agility, defense, strength and attack power
« on: April 20, 2005, 12:01:38 am »
Swiped from wow-europe home page.

 We asked the devs for a short explanation of Attack Power and Defense in relation to Agility and Strength. The following should be of some help to those wondering e.g. whether their new +x Attack Power weapon is better than their old +y Strength / +z Agility one. :)

- Increases Armor Class by 2 for every point of AGI.
- Increases the chance of a critical hit with melee and ranged attacks. The amount of the increase is dependant on both class and level. For most level 60 character classes, approximately 20 points of AGI will increase your critical hit chance by approximately 1%. Rogues require 29 AGI for an additional 1% critical hit chance, and Hunters require 53 AGI for an additional 1% critical hit chance, but both of these classes also gain attack power from agility and the items available to them typically have much higher amounts of AGI.
- Increases the chance to dodge an attack. The amount increased is dependant on both class and level. For most level 60 character classes, approximately 20 points of AGI will increase your chance to dodge by approximately 1%. Rogues only require 14.5 AGI for an additional 1% dodge chance. Hunters require 26.5 AGI for an additional 1% dodge chance, but Hunters typically have a high amount of agility, as well as an Aspect spell that further increases their chance to dodge attacks.

- Increases the chance of being missed by an attack.
- Increases the chance to dodge, parry, and block.
- Decreases the chance of being affected by a critical hit.
- Decreases the chance of being affected by a "crushing blow". Creatures that are higher level than your character can land crushing blows that deal increased melee damage. The chance of a crushing blow increases as the level difference between you and the opposing creature increases. Players never deal "crushing blows", only creatures.

Attack Power
- Attack power increases your base melee DPS by 1 for every 14 attack power.
- Strength increases your melee attack power by 2, except for rogues and Hunters. Rogues and Hunters gain 1 attack power per point of Strength, and 1 per point of Agility. Thundgot
Community Manager, English

WoW General / Patch frustrations
« on: April 19, 2005, 03:58:32 pm »
<--- Excited, now i only need 6 lvls in 2 1/2 days!!

Regarding what Lasiien said, grp up and stay away from areas such as STV, Hillsbrad, Arathi and other highly contested zones.  It's prolly best where you can to lvl within instances, although watch out for instance campers ...

WoW General / Patch frustrations
« on: April 12, 2005, 03:57:17 pm »
Looks like i got my wires crossed, it'll be a couple weeks till patch.  So that little bit more time to lvl.

WoW General / back up
« on: April 12, 2005, 01:52:42 pm »
Bah, just noticed that Cernos has already posted on it awhile back.  Bad man for not telling!

WoW General / back up
« on: April 12, 2005, 01:46:00 pm »
Thought i'd check it out as i do occasionally, and realised someone has resurrected it.  Thought i'd let you know ... going through the posts it doesn't seem as though any other old DAoC'ers have joined Skullcrusher though.

WoW General / Warlock Epic Mount
« on: April 08, 2005, 03:17:59 pm »
Out of interest what do you think needs fixing about the class?

 ... and yeah i think they r introducing several new quests including an Infernal quest for warlocks ... cant wait till they patch :)

WoW General / Patch frustrations
« on: April 08, 2005, 01:40:03 pm »
Looking at the vnboards the US have the latest patch by the sounds of it, and although i relaise we'll likely only have to wait a week, its just so damn frustrating :(

On the bright side i'll be able to lvl that little bit more b4 the serious gankage starts coming into play ...

WoW General / Small Test on Resistances
« on: April 06, 2005, 07:43:07 pm »
This wasn't a post to say all go out and get resist items, it was designed to highlight how resists worked, I think there is an obvious trend that will be the same through all spells, and for the most part i totally agree Stam>resists, i am certainly not gonna rush out and get resist items.

I am sure there r places where putting on your resist items may well be the way forward, i'm sure there are some bosses which will take 5 minutes to beat down, and that 50 - 100 resist will be a blessing, much more useful that stamina in that situation.  However situations like that will likely be known about prior, and can be planned for, general xping is always STAM.

I also wasn't testing your ability to resist the spell; it us written on our character sheets in a way that lead me to belive that resists could allow you to totally resist a spell, if my memeory is right, you didn't resist moe than 2 bolts out of 64, and i think it was more like 1.

I dont think beating around lower and higher lvl targets will make alot of difference, a debuff will still increase the damage of your spell, and high resists will still lower damage dealt.

WoW General / Small Test on Resistances
« on: April 06, 2005, 09:08:04 am »
Tester :- Saxif (49th lvl)
Testee :- Lasiien (49th lvl)

This is a small test comprising of 3 different resistances and 10 attacks of the appropriate form at each resistance value.

Attack Type :- Shadow Bolt (described damage 292-327)

Resistance 1:   10


Min :- 220
Max :- 326
Ave :- 295

Resistance 2:    55



Resistance 3:    -50

(crit 548)
(crit 558)

Min:- 297

The 2 criticals were not included in the min/max/ave.

Although a small sample size, the results do tend to start a very noticeable trend which i believe would continue if a larger sample was taken.

These results tend to point towards resistances changing damage dealt and not chance to totally resist a spell.  The sample size was small, there were however 30 more Shadow Bolts fired at the Lasiien in a diff test, but we were both grped at that point so Las's Shadow Weaving would have scewed the results gained.  In both instances however 2 crits emerged when Lasiien had my debuff on him which dropped his Shadow Resistance, with a larger test sample it could be decided if a lower Resistance, or a Resistance Debuff actually increases the chance of scoring a crit.

Just some food for though for those of you thinking about taking resistance gear.  Bear in mind that resistance is a value not a %, as 100% resistance would obviously negate all damage from that type.  This appears not to be the case.

WoW General / Warlocks - Shardtracker / Servitude
« on: April 01, 2005, 01:38:49 pm »
Quote from: Ozymandias
Quick question really:  Does anyone use Shardtracker or Servitude?
If so, would you recommend them?



I dont use either, but I know Feeron used shardtracker and said it was very good.  I may have a look at them at some point, as they are class specific to me.

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