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Messages - Saxif

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WoW General / mmorpg development the HR Giger way
« on: August 24, 2005, 02:57:33 pm »
Dark n Light, Darkfall, and Ages of Athiria are all up coming mmorpgs that look promising, i'll prolly toy with DNDO also (PvE only).  

I am tempted to take advantage of Shadowbanes free 15 day trial, the gfx look shitty but the game play sounds good.  I never tried it when it was released, but it could be a way to kill some time, assuming I can drag myself away from conquering europe in Rome:Total War.


WoW General / mmorpg development the HR Giger way
« on: August 14, 2005, 11:39:17 pm »
Been checking some of the new and upcoming games coming out over the next couple of years and came across Atriarch.  The devs have gone for some totally different (far out) character models in this one, its like something out of a HR Giger book, sounds promising, if it delivers, dunno if i could get used to thier brand of 'art' though ...

WoW General / Elusive Honour Ranks
« on: July 31, 2005, 02:44:51 pm »
How could he have ranked first and moved backwards, that sucks, i'd get damn pissed if that was me.  I have stopped farming honour for the mean time as thats all it is farming, especially as so many ppl are off school, college and Uni atm.

WoW General / Elusive Honour Ranks
« on: July 06, 2005, 04:08:46 pm »
CP decide your standing, and its your standing that decide where in the ladder you fall. If to get rank 14 you have to be in the top 0.1% (approx), and there are 1000 ppl getting the required 25+ kills then you have to rank 10 or above consistantly to get and keep it.

To expand this say to get Rank 8 you need to be in the top 12%, if we have 1000 ppl achieving 25+ kills to rank then you'd have to consitantly place 120 or better.

Of course these are figures i plucked out of the air, I expect there are more ppl achieving the 25+ kills needed to rank, and I have no idea what % you fall into to achieve a specific rank.  However it (hopefully) shows that unlike DAoC and similar games its not CP that decide ranks its standing, however to get a rank you will need to have earned xxxx CP first and then rank highly second.

WoW General / Elusive Honour Ranks
« on: July 06, 2005, 03:32:34 pm »
Cern I have been keeping tabs on my progress, and here are some facts that may help you.

Week that Honour was released:- 25K - 265th (Stone Guard)

Next week:-15K - 74th (made Blood Guard)

Week after:- 19K - 120th (Blood Guard)

This week:- ?? (need to get home and check)

Basically I was Stone Guard for 2 weeks, I have been a Blood Guard for two weeks and if my rank has not changed this may be the 3rd week.  It does get alot harder to increase in ranks as you start into the officer ranks, and as you went up to Stone Guard last week, you'll prolly have to earn another 20K or so this week to get Blood Guard.

Also judging from the CP you earned and your rank ppl were pretty busy this week in the BG's.

Lasiien is also correct about soft caps, you need to have earned a total number of CP to be eligable for ranks, if you dont have that then no matter how high up the ladder you score you wont get a rank increase.

WoW General / (Huge) Change to honour rewards in 1.6 (maybe)
« on: June 28, 2005, 01:39:10 pm »
tbh I am not sure I really like this change.

Also something that Carke posted ...

Bad change.

This is only going to worsen the gear gap between melees and casters, because the high-end melee rewards increase character power much more than their caster counterparts.

Blizzard clearly doesn't want people to play casters.

I haven't really looked into this myself yet, was wondering if this is the general consensus?

WoW General / Server down?
« on: June 08, 2005, 09:12:57 pm »
No ones posted but due to ppl logging onto the web site i guess skullcrusher is down, am i right?

Its not on the realm list atm.

On another note, anyone got into the BG's or r there massive ques as i have heard from the US servers?


WoW General / Onyxia key (high end instance quests)
« on: June 07, 2005, 01:43:12 pm »
Done Done Done!

WoW General / Attention Addon Junkies
« on: June 04, 2005, 11:43:29 pm »
First off you want to browse

I use Insomniax compilation (link below), however this is a MASSIVE compliation, and you will need to turn alot of the crap off, but it leaves you with pretty much everything you could want.

This site has all the add-ons you could want, and they r rated by users, so either dl a compilation and turn off whats not relevant to you, or pick and choose.

WoW General / Warlock Build
« on: May 19, 2005, 12:29:36 pm »
When it comes to PvE in a couple of weeks i think there will be slightly less ganking as there will be a BG for all lvls.  

CoE is used to stop ppl getting away from you, its not alot of use on mobs (especially as CoR stops them from running), but imo i'd prefer to take a talent that makes me better at killing or increases your chance of survival.  At least in grps ppl who run away should be forgotten about, rule no#1 of grpvsgrp combat if someone runs away let them get away and concentrate on ppl who are still about fighing, if you chase chance is you'll run the risk of getting split from your grp and dying.

I am tempted to go Soul Link, but a poor selection of Demon talents made me change my mind, now with the buff that tree has been given it seems a more tempting option, especially with the 40% mana reduction for summoning new pets.

I'm Ruin and Fire atm, its a bit of a no brainer, the main focus is damage.  However  You wont come close beating a mage for pure DPS, this doesn't mean you cant beat them in a fight, especially if you have your VW out (or any pet really), as your defense can out last their offense.

Imo i rate Shadowburn as one of the best talents period, its a low mana insta, useable once every 30 secs, i have been able to use it twice in a fight before, so i always start off with it in PvP.  Its essential as far as i am concerned, however i dont often use it in PvE as i only seem to get a shard back even when i use it to finish, 30% of the time.

WoW General / Warlock Build
« on: May 18, 2005, 10:35:42 am »
Grim Reach is useful, i'd keep it over Imp Firebolt.

CoE I have never used so i dont know about that one, i've only ever had it put on me once and it slowed me right down ... though i dont know if this was CoE or ICoE.

WoW General / Warlock Build
« on: May 16, 2005, 01:21:08 pm »
Keep Shadowburn its an insta and comes in very handy in PvE and PvP, its imo the best Talent in any of the trees.  Despite Nightfall giving insta Shadowbolts, i prefer Shadowburn for the simple reason you dont have to rely on luck to use it, and its low mana as all talent spells are.

Personally i tried Nightfall and didn't find it that useful, it didn't often proc in PvP, in PvE i usually had the situation under control and so never needed to use a Shadowbolt, i typically use Life Tap (turn health into mana), then Drain Life, which does damage with no loss of mana, once all 3 dots are on a mob i'd do that twice then finish with a Sword and Firestone.  This is a very mana efficient way of killing mobs.

Grim Reach and Destructive Reach are both very good talents, I have Destructive but thats cos I am heavily spec'd into Searing Pain.  Either are useful, both would rock.

If your taking Improved Imp then you really want to be taking Improved Firebolt, makes an Imp deadly, at my lvl he does roughly 100 damage a second, not including crits.

Fel Dom and Master Summoner are a nice combo, i'd very much like to go for them, however you have Improved Imp/VW/Succubus, i'd recommend only taking improvements in Imp and VW.  Typically i dont use my Succu for xp as it cant hold aggro or for PvP cos of the Soul Shard cost.  You'd prolly imo be best off investing those 3 points elsewhere, Ruin if you can get it is a very nice ability, especially when you use your DD spells in combination with the appropriate debuff i.e Curse of Elements or Curse of Shadow.

Seems to me that your set up nicely to do a spot of drain tanking, on the whole its a good xp set up from what I have heard, and mana efficient when use right.  You should be able to go through mobs with a minimum of downtime, however imo some tweaking might make it better.

WoW General / Just for laughs
« on: May 07, 2005, 07:49:52 pm »
that was amusing, you have a link to the site?

WoW General / Amusing threads from the official forums ..
« on: May 05, 2005, 10:44:41 pm »
Q u o t e:
    i once met a rogue and he kil;led me and i was like WIETF an he was likel olz usux roll pally nub and i was like NU UH and then he killed me again whil i was a ghost



No, seriously, I really don't understand what the heck you're saying...

[ post edited by Hrafn ]
Level 51 NE rogue. Silvermoon

WoW General / Avatar help
« on: April 29, 2005, 11:15:16 am »
I haven't gotten around to sorting mine out, but before i used google pics, then found one of the appropriate size and saved it to the right format.  Cernog put up a thread about posting pics in the correct formats.  Then goto User CP and dl it.

Alternatively you can search under google for such things as "fantasy pics"  "Horror pics" or whatever.

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