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Messages - Saxif

Pages: 1 ... 41 42 43 44 45 46
General Chat / Oblivion Tweaks
« on: March 29, 2006, 05:20:25 pm »
Found this today, I'm prolly gonna give it a go, and see how it effects my play experiance, kinda add one per evening and see what I think.  Thought I might let those of you who are more pc savvy look over it and see what you think, though I am sure everything they have put on this thread is on the level.


General Chat / Vids
« on: March 16, 2006, 11:11:27 am »
Cool, I'll check it out later.

General Chat / Vids
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:18:32 am »

Could you put up a link or some such so I can DL the video you made of us from back in the DAoC days?  I have forgotten what it was called, though its on the tip of my tongue.



General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: March 09, 2006, 12:05:44 pm »
Sounds kinda groovy, but tbh I prolly wont reactivate again, and if I did I reckon I'd go for a classic server, TOA doesn't inspire me, I never did it the first time around.  

I also have serveral games atm that I have hardly touched so once I get bored of those then I'll look for something else, and of course this summer sees the release of Savage 2, which I am looking forwards to :)

General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: March 08, 2006, 09:12:36 pm »
Almost tempting to go back and play again if its that fast ... though I'd need to buy all the disc's again as I have no idea where mine are!!

General Chat / How long to 50th in DAoC?
« on: March 08, 2006, 03:00:32 pm »
This is ripped off of a post from the Vnboards

In DAoC, my most recent 50 hit that level in about 2 days 10 hours /played, and that was with no PLing, no help from guildmates (just a friend to play with), no out-of-group buffbots and limited money or equipment. Oh, and starting from level 1 on a Classic server, too. I'm sure others have done it far faster.

The first time I did it, it took me 27days and 10 hrs (yes I still emember), I also know several ppl who took 35+ days!!


General Chat / RF Online
« on: March 06, 2006, 01:21:26 pm »
I tried RF in the beta and got up to lvl 16 as a warrior of the Magical race (Cora?).  Was fun, but didn't suck me in.

As Lasiien said I am playing DnD, I actually like it, very different than other mmo's, but fun, and I think I'll play casually for some time.  I am playing a Elven Fighter/Cleric on Aureon called Dyvim Tvar, anyone else who is playing the game should drop in.  Carco and Xanith, and a few others are gonna try it also, see how they get along with it.


General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: December 10, 2005, 04:32:08 pm »

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: December 09, 2005, 10:36:35 am »
I think your one of the lucky ones mate, the free keys went in less than a minute.  I applied at 18:02 and was told I was to late, seems ppl from every corner of the world are queing up to try DnL ...

You'll have to keep us updated with an unbiased view of what the games like eko :)


General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: October 18, 2005, 02:40:51 pm »
ah well i'll get over it!   ;)

/em evil cackle!

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: October 18, 2005, 09:51:34 am »
Cos I dont wanna be the reason for all your grey hairs Las  :D

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: October 17, 2005, 10:31:48 pm »
Sup Etha, good to hear from you.  

Think there will be only one server for DnL from what I have read; earlier I said i'd play Dark, but might play Light as they seem to be more likely to be undermanned, think I saw a poll which put it at about 45% - 55% (not alot of diff I know).  Though tbh I dont mind which side we choose.

There has been a pretty major announcement for DnL, and it seems a 5 - 6 month open free beta will be starting next month.  This is kinda good as it allows those that are interested to get in amongst it and start playing, and kinda bad as by the end of it in April when the game hits the shelves it'll be alot more polished and contain more content.

Though I'll be playing asap tbh, and a Warrior type this time round  :D

Check out the clicky for the latest info ...

Anyway take it easy for now,


edit:-  Found this ....


Dark 52%

Light 48%
Sorcerer   11%

Illusionist   4%

Enchanter   3%

Necro   10%

Amazon   2%

Bard   4%

Rogue   9%
Ranger   13%

Druid   6%

Cleric   6%

Paladin   7%

Monk   5%

Warrior   8%

Shadow K.   13%

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: October 03, 2005, 01:30:22 pm »
G'day Folks,

Rumour has it this game is to be released in Novemeber, prolly via dl online.  Its a game with alot of new and innovative ideas (or seems that way to me), and a player driven story line (or billed that way).  However it turns out it defineatly seems to be moving away from the old cookie cutter mmorpg's and taking a step forwards.

The only problem, and it could be significant is that (and this is hear-say and my own view) it isn't finished and will be released in a poor state.  The game from what I know was made by a small grp of ppl, and I believe they are running out of cash, so have to ship the game to recoup thier costs.  Usually a bad launch will lead to a game with a small number of sunscribers, as ppl cancel accounts in droves, and once this happens those folks rarely come back.

However I defineatly think it is worth checking out, and as long as the core game play is decent I think it'll be worth sticking with.  Check the link below for all the info you could want about the game.


With regards the question of Dark or Light, I hope to see you folks on the Dark Side (insert Star Wars puns as appropriate!!!)  :D

General Chat / Bored? Shadowbane ...
« on: August 25, 2005, 08:17:40 pm »
There is currently a 20 day free trial going at for Shadowbane, if anyone wants to check it out give me a shout as i'm gonna play about with it.  The gfx look dated, but from what I have heard the game play is good, and they have sorted out alot of the problems it had when it launched a couple of yrs ago.

Also they are bringing out a new Lore server which sounds pretty good, putting ppl on an even footing (except for experiance).  For those that dont know Shadowbane is a heavy PvP game where the environment is heavily controlled by players to the extent that guilds can make cities e.t.c  Its also possibly the only game where a rogue is actually a thief and not just a dps machine!!

Anyway dl now,


Edit:-  After playing it, the game doesn't seem to live up to the hype, seems stale from tha start.

WoW General / mmorpg development the HR Giger way
« on: August 24, 2005, 07:09:44 pm »
/em cracks knuckles and rolls up sleeves


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