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Messages - Saxif

Pages: 1 ... 40 41 42 43 44 ... 46
General Chat / Seed
« on: May 09, 2006, 09:59:27 am »
Yeah Gimpy!!   Every time you blow up a trap its us who pay the price!!

General Chat / Seed
« on: May 05, 2006, 07:55:47 pm »
You dl'd the entire game I assume?

Yeah just drop anyone a line who you see as online, any of us can bring you into the family :)


General Chat / Seed
« on: April 27, 2006, 08:14:09 pm »
I have access to the Seed beta but haven't yet bothered to dl the client, the response on the Seed forums is far away from being positive.  It seems ppl r having issues with things as basic as creating characters, and when they do get in the lag is so terrible that they cant move about and get booted after only a few minutes.  Some guy made a post asking if anyone  had gotten into the game to play, and the most positive answers say that no one has managed more than a few minutes.

Think I'll let this one lie until the reports filtering back are more positive.  I guess DnL is releasing soon, maybe thats gonna look more hopefull ...


General Chat / Seed
« on: April 25, 2006, 09:15:45 am »
The politics inherent in these games and rl have never really interested me, I play the game as a game.  However the concept of Seed is interesting, when it comes to playing games like Civ4 I take the most enjoyment out of building a world spanning empire, and hate it when the pc comes along and blows chunks of it up!  Seed kinda offers the entire building scenrio, in what I assume is excrutiating detail without the chance of the pc or a player coming over and destroying what your trying to create.  Of course it could turn out not to be my cup of tea, but thats what a 14 day trial is for :)


General Chat / Seed
« on: April 24, 2006, 11:13:11 pm »
Dunno if any of you have come across this game, but the Open Beta starts tomorrow (yes I will still be there for our session).  I literally just applied to get into the beta, so may not.  It is a sci-fi type game, the big difference is there is no combat at all, I get the feeling it is going to be like 'A Tale in the Desert' (ATITD) but on another planet.  I never played ATITD but have heard alot of good things about it and will prolly dabble in this to see what t is like.

Home page can be found here

Take it easy,


General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: April 24, 2006, 11:10:18 pm »
LOL, I am not even gonna ask how you came across that one :-)

General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: April 10, 2006, 07:53:48 pm »
cool, at least you've worked some stuff out Cern, little bit late for me to worry about the type of armour I am wearing, and pretty soon, I'll be summoning the Gods themselves !!! ;)

General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: April 10, 2006, 09:33:00 am »
So Soul Trap is used for restoring magical items to maximum charge right?

I have a number of Soul Gems from little inexpensive ones to big expensive ones, when you find them as loot do they automatically come charged?  Does the process of using the Soul Trap in any way hinder the target?  I have read somewhere that you can use Soul Trap on summoned Daedric creatures as well, any confirmation (would be useful as I am becoming a powerful summoner).  So far though I haven't needed to recharge any magical items, though I am sure that will change when I find somehting useful that I want to keep.

Another question, this time about the differences between heavy and light armour.  I am going to assume that its easier to stealth in light armour than heavy, depsite only being able to find hard evidence of this regarding the kind of boots your wearing.  I was talking to a friend who plays Oblivion a little, he has a lvl 7 Paladin character who is heavy armour spec, and his AC is about 50-ish, I am light armour spec'd atm, higher lvl with rings that give me a % increase in my armour, and my AC is about 50-ish also.  When looking at the AC of individual pieces of armour Light and Heavy dont seem to have much difference between them, so whats with his AC being so high??  Also anyone notice ppl in light armour move faster at all?

Thats all for now,


General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: April 09, 2006, 03:22:37 pm »
What did you use to reduce your image so that it would fit as an attachment, my images are 3.6 megs or something and I dont seem to be able to find a way to shrink them.

Also, has anyone managed to find a reliable supply of lock picks yet?  I assume from the thiefs guild, but I was kinda hoping to be able to get them elsewhere, I broke all mine on a hard lock, didn't get more than 3 tumblers up in a row, very annoying :(

Has anyone used the Trap Soul spell yet?  I am paying for training in Mysticism atm so I can use it, but haven't quite made the 25 skill needed to cast it.


General Chat / Oblivion Tweaks
« on: April 06, 2006, 02:36:53 pm »
Found this on VNboards, I haven't looked into it yet as I am at work, but the response seems very positive.


General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: March 31, 2006, 11:34:14 am »
To get the camera to face I press down the mouse wheel, it takes a second then it allows you to move the camera view to how you want it, although it'll swap back to 1st or 3rd person when you start moving.  If you dont have a camera wheel I'd assume you could select a key or somehting in the options menu to allow you to change camera facing.

Personally I only use 3rd person when sneaking to get a better view around corners, and 1st person when fighting.

General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: March 31, 2006, 09:17:41 am »
I'll do that tonight and post a picture of my toon, at the moment he looks identical to a Kavatch City Guard, using a Katana, as I took up the position of Imperial Blade.  

I closed another Oblivion Gate last night, and am getting ready to go for a third.

Also I added the pea soup tweak and it ran fine, no problems, I'll go for the Blood one next and see how that works out.  


General Chat / Post your Oblivion character
« on: March 30, 2006, 07:26:32 pm »
I assume print screen is used for taking screen shots?

I am a custom class also, called myself a Champion, fighter/mage type, light armour for sneaking (I do alot of that), and getting into magic, especially conjuration, I find summoning a Scamp very useful takes the heat off me long enough to do some serious damage.

My latest adventure began when I left Anvil and got chatting to a woman working a farm, she told me a sob story about how her husband had run off and taken her family hierloom with him, a mace called Rocksplitter.  Anyhow I humoured her, having no intention of fighting someone with a magical mace, low and behold the next dungeon I find there he is with his bandit allies, between him and his Bandit Warlord lady friend wielding her fire enchanted Claymore they proved a handful.  However after some heavy fighting (and some use of the 'save game' feature) I defeated them both and returned triumphant!!  

Damn I'm good :)

Pictures to come!!


General Chat / Oblivion Tweaks
« on: March 30, 2006, 02:54:22 pm »
Whats the difference between anti-aliasing and HDR, I know AA is the gfx card rendering detail near or far depending on what you set it to.

General Chat / Oblivion Tweaks
« on: March 30, 2006, 10:34:35 am »
Think I'll give the pea soup tweak a try, now its been pointed out to me I notice it, that and Blood Decals.

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