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Messages - Saxif

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General Chat / Hacked?
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:03:04 pm »
I cannot tell if I got hacked or not!

I was trying to get access to my skype account, which I used my work email to open, then thought I'd try my hotmail to see if I had any old accounts linked to it and low and behold I do, an account I never set up using my hotmail address!  Seems it belongs to a teenager, judging by his friends ...

Obviously I changed the password for my hotmail, that skype account, deleted all my old threads in my hotmail, virus checked, ran CCleaner and updated mozilla.  I have never knowingly been hacked but someone is using my hotmail account for their skype account, unfortunately it had very little info attached to it so I cannot ascertain much.

Any advice?

General Chat / Re: Camelot Unchained
« on: February 16, 2013, 05:46:03 pm »
I was already burning out by TOA and never played it, only touched on it when I went back a couple yearsa go tbh.

I think you're right though, I don't expect a grind but I don't expect very much tbh, he seems like a man who also wants to re-conjure the glory days ...

General Chat / Camelot Unchained
« on: February 13, 2013, 09:29:51 pm »
It is indie and crowd sourcing but it could be good, though I think its time came and went about 4 or 5 years ago but we'll see.  I think I will donate some cash to the effort though ...


General Chat / Re: Darksiders 2
« on: January 30, 2013, 11:47:44 pm »
Not sure about soon but they are doing a 3 way Elder Scrolls, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim mmorpg.  Might be good, might give it a look, think it is out end of the year but not really sure.

General Chat / Darksiders 2
« on: January 30, 2013, 08:27:14 pm »
So I splashed for this when I was feeling a little loose with my cash.  I thought as we hadn't had much traffic I'd review it.

What is it?

A cross between Soulreaver, God of War and Kingdoms of Amalur.  It aims to be a very fighty, combo heavy action game with bosses and slick moves as you run across and up walls.

Is it any good?

It is ok, I think I prefer Kingdoms of Amalur which fills a similar niche, though much less influenced by Soulreaver.

Should I get it?

I don't think so, I'd pay ?6 for it and thats what I value it at.

Is it better than, hmm, Civ 4 for example?

No way, you should prolly go and play Civ 4 again to remind you how awesome that game is, I am!  ;D

General Chat / Re: Ahem..
« on: January 14, 2013, 07:35:25 pm »
Yeah, passable ;p

General Chat / Re: Ahem..
« on: January 12, 2013, 08:40:02 pm »
I've been on holiday to extremely sunny Chile, so a very late happy new year to y'all!

Best parts of my trips, white water rafting and climbimg an active volcano and sledding down on a plastic sleddy thing and we were about 1000m above the snowline so it was great fun; though looking into the crater/caldera? was a little intimidating!


General Chat / Re: 'Sup ?
« on: December 02, 2012, 03:01:10 pm »
Should be god my missus grew up in Santiago and her Mum and Step Dad live there so we have access to cars and local knowledge, gonna be wicked :)

Couldn't find my DAO disk so played Demigod last night, fun game, one  I have picked up and put down and picked up several times.

Cern, you get Assassins Creed loaded yet or what? :)

General Chat / Re: 'Sup ?
« on: December 01, 2012, 09:09:24 pm »
Not alot tbh gaming wise.  I re-subbed DAoC but I seem to have deleted how hard it is to get back into an already established game from scratch and how significantly different the old breed of mmorpgs are compared to the newer instant action breed; and that is with all the changes they made to DAoC so you don't need to spend 30 minutes travelling from one side of the world to another!

I am planning on trying FTL also, Xan says he finally completed it after lots and lots of attempts.  I have also been playing Magicka again, Xan and I maanged to complete the first Arena but haven't done any others, I wanna buy the new Demons and Dungeons expac but won't till I complete the basic campaign.

I might try and finish off DAO tbh, put it down after being owned by Dwarves in the Dwarvern city, simply couldn't do the arena with my grp.  Played XCOM alot and enjoyed it but put it down for now and GW2, good game but not the future I envisioned, I don't level well, got bored at lvl 55.  Now given what Cern has said I too may stay away for now, I was trying to make inroads with Gahn, Jarakin and Co. but after my server move I stopped playing; mainly cos Amazon delivered my copy of XCOM tbh :)

Santa is flying me to Chile for 3 weeks on the 16th Dec, 24 hours travel time but should be wicked once there! :)

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Guild?
« on: October 14, 2012, 01:58:19 pm »
It is good :)

The only negative I have is not enough stats in game, you have abilities you unlock as you get more experiance instead.  The original had something like strength, dexterity, stamina, willpower and action points; this has been streamlined ... this tends to mean dumbed down but it isn't really that dumbed down tbh.  The tactical missions are great, reserach is just like it was, it is very much like a modern version of the old game tbh, I recomend it :)

Wonder if I'll be able to don scuber gear ala Terror from the Deep!

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Guild?
« on: October 14, 2012, 12:38:00 pm »
Ok, I moved across to Gunnars Hold, I haven't got into contact with anyone yet because I just got XCOM delivered on Friday so been playing that! :)

The cross server guild chat works fine and the guild screen tells you who is one which server.  The guild bank is non existant and we only have 10 points, I guess that was me ressing some npcs.  I'll prolly be playing XCOM all week, so will try and make contact next weekend and I'll let you know how it goes!



General Chat / Re: My Music
« on: October 13, 2012, 06:59:11 pm »
I like it, it is mellow and pleasant, the piano parts are defo the most interesting/ best parts, the rest flows very nicely.  I think it is very good lounge music, if you wanna pep it up then you need something in it which draws the attention back to the track, something you steadily build towards and then you hit th high and then drop back down into easy listening.  Anyway, that's how I enjoy my music; shows my hard house and uplifting house routes, build, build, build BANG!  Crowd goes wild! :) 

I am sure you could manage that but slightly more subtly!

Nice track though, listened to it a few times :)


GW2 General / Guild Wars 2 Guild?
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:35:56 pm »
Hey Folks,

Cern and I talked about the future of the game a little and where we can or might go with it, given we are currently 4 regular players we are kinda handicapped in various ways as I am sure you're aware; dungeons, WvW and sPvP primarily.  Anyway to cut a long story short, I got in touch with Gahn (Na Fianna Dragun) to see who he was playing with and where (as I knew he was in GW2 via the forums).  It turns out he is a guildy in Merely Mortal (, through him I found out that Jarakin and Setroc run the guild and that most of the players (or allot) are former ex-DAoC players.  I knew Jarakin a bit back then but haven't kept in touch, despite that I asked if they would be willing to have us on board and they said 'yes'.

So the question is, do you folks wanna move across to MM? 

They are on Gunnars Hold, we can move the guild across but all the rep points accumulated so far stay on Gandara (Cern can explain that part better than I), the way I envisage it is representing their guild even though RoD willl be present on the server and maybe having alts in RoD, assuming that can be done; and I think it can.  This way we have access to more people, which will give us better options and allow us to play all aspects of the game, I for one would like to get into some organised WvW and dabble in some tournaments; as well as hitting all the instances ...

Anyway, open for disussion :)


GW2 General / Re: GW2 Screenies Thread
« on: September 28, 2012, 06:21:14 pm »
Looks cool, must upgrade before I finish the game!

General Chat / Amacita
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:47:46 pm »
It has been years but I came across this on Youtube randomly!

Thanks Las, good times :)

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