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Messages - xann

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General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 11, 2011, 02:34:40 am »
I'm liking it alot, and am very impressed how smooth and graphicly pleasing it is for a game that got released a matter of days ago. I'm also able to run it at the highest video specs smoothly, so happy with that :)

Love the way they've made the classes.

I have made up a Human "tanky" Warrior called Xanic atm, but will prolly give the other base classes a try before i settle on a character... see what sleathin's like :D

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 09, 2011, 11:15:04 pm »
In town, ?29.99

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 09, 2011, 08:12:04 pm »
Well, i ended up getting this today with a Game Card i forgot about in my wallet :P

Will have a little look tonight and fire it up properly tomoz.

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 08, 2011, 02:00:15 pm »
Sounds fun. Like Cern i got bored with WoW again and packed it in, even gave Carco my main toon (xfered it to his account).

This Rift game sounds and looks good, and will prolly get it myself sometime soon.

But like Las i got a small list of games i want to play atm :P Dragon Age 2, Fight Night Champoin, Arkham City (not sure when this ones due) and i want to go back and get Mass Effect 2 aswell. So a Time Sinkers not gonna fit in well atm.

I'm sure i'll get the MMO pull soon tho and give this a whirl :D

Hope it keeps entertaining :)

General Chat / Dragon Age 2
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:36:22 pm »
Whos gonna be getting Dragon Age 2?

Theres a DLable demo out now which i might have a go at, get a sneak peak.

From what i've seen its gonna have a more ME feel... voiced main character and the wheel of choice for dialogue. And u'll be playing the "Fantasy Shepard", no playing an elf/dwarf or whatever... Dunno if thats a good move, considering the setting.

I think its gonna be a very different gaming experience compared to DA:O. But i enjoyed ME and DA:O, so i should enjoy whatever the outcome is of their offspring...

Also i never got round to playing ME2... good? worth getting?

General Chat / Re: Champions League
« on: February 17, 2011, 12:45:21 am »

Well Done Arsenal, wonder if they can hold out at the Nou Camp.

I thought they were gonna get stomped tbh... thats Football for ya

General Chat / Dark Millenium Online
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:41:08 pm »
Anyone been keeping an eye on this? Its something i've been looking forward to, but what i've heard about it so far doesn't get me more excited...

Only 2 Playable Factions, a "Standard" lvling, quests and missions, with only 2 factions there won't be enough races/classes. In an interview a developer said its got elements of a twitch fps and a more standard MMO.. not sure how thats gonna work out.

Also, looooaaaaaddsss of action and big bangs n' stuff, i hope they don't obliterate the darker atmosphere that is in the 40k univerese.

WoW General / Re: illegal danish 2
« on: January 25, 2011, 09:19:26 pm »
So are you on Thunderhorn, Wildhammer or gone back to Skullcrusher like Xan?

I'm playing on Nordrassil with a NE Warrior (Used to be my undead one) and my gnome rogue. Xanics still my main, Xalice(rogue) is just a mining alt rly.

Xanics getting a bit of decent gear again, having fun in BG's ;)

WoW General / Re: illegal danish 2
« on: January 18, 2011, 06:23:23 pm »
Yeah am enjoying it atm, might be because warriors are having their fotm time tho.. :)

Flying in Azeroth costs 250gold, even i could afford that.

Alot of Cata's new content is the redesgin of the old world, that includes the quests. I've been leveling a Dwarf Shaman, 44th atm, and its all very different.

But once you've dug through the new shine its still the same stuff with the odd new mechanic. Like u said u'd prolly enjoy it for abit then get bored :/

PvPs got better since WotlK tho, and thats what i'm manily doing ofc. Rated battle grounds look fun but haven't touched them yet, need to find some guild to do premades with. And then theres Arenas, don't have to do 10 anymore to get points, as soon as u win one u get them, and the amount you get depends on ur rating... definatly a better way of doing it.

WoW General / Re: illegal danish 2
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:24:42 am »

This made me watch the 1st one and Zinwrath again, clever stuff.

Doesn't tempt u at all Las hmmm??? back to the darkside? :P

Me n' Carc are still playing regular now, dragged us back in ;)

General Chat / Re: Civ V
« on: October 15, 2010, 11:53:38 pm »
Haven't finished a game of Civ5 yet, been distracted by another game i've gone back too... Left4Dead!

Multi-players still great, and hardly any l33t kids

Good fun

General Chat / Re: Civ V
« on: September 30, 2010, 11:44:13 pm »
Am gonna get this soon.

Also tried Civ4 again, but been having real problems with getting it going on windows 7 (64bit).

I hope Civ5 is more compatible.

General Chat / Re: Kittenz
« on: September 22, 2010, 11:04:52 pm »
Its kinda hard to capture taunting in a still picture, i could show you the mortal wounds they've left on my hands and legs after climbing all over me :P

General Chat / Kittenz
« on: September 22, 2010, 12:36:00 pm »

Rio + Cleo..
Brother and Sister, had them for about a 5 weeks now. The boy(solid black) has the scavanger habit and will (try) to eat anything thats not stuck down. And she is a little bit mental, jumps around alot without paying attention to how shes gonna land, Daredevil.

General Chat / Re: Heavyweight Boxing
« on: September 09, 2010, 12:28:34 pm »

                   David Haye      Audley Harrison
Age                  29                     38
Height              6?2                     6?5 ?
Reach               78?                    86?
Wins             24(22 KO)            27(20 KO)
Loses              1(1 KO)             4 (1 KO)
Rounds Boxed      99                   162

Who ya got?  :P

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