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Messages - Saxif

Pages: 1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 ... 46
General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: October 06, 2006, 05:09:09 pm »
I am starting a rumour that CoSB beta (open, last stage closed?) starts on Nov 1st, there is some kinda give away draw competition on that states you'll get beta entry for 1st of Nov.  Obviously I have entered, but the main gist of this msg is to let you know a rough time scale for release ... my money is on Friday Nov 17th.


General Chat / Some more spam for your enjoyment!
« on: October 04, 2006, 11:35:34 pm »
Click the link to be a priest!!


General Chat / "MMO's are for newbies"
« on: September 30, 2006, 07:31:56 pm »
Fair one, you make a point about instancing being both good and bad, I think it is more bad than good, some of my best dungeon runs were in Muire seeing ppl legging it cos they aggroed those 3 hags that used to wander to top and 2nd lvl beating lowbies to a pulp was great, it was even better when I went in there at 15th or higher lvl and could help out ppl who had gotten themselves in the shit.  Instanced takes that away, I think few instanced zones should be included and those should only be significant quests involved with the story of the world.

A better way to do it is have semi instanced dungeons (as most worlds have more than the 400 or so we had in Hibernia) much like DNDonline, so when Muire gets to say 25 ppl another copy is created for new ppl, that way it stops dungeons becoming rammed yet keeps the flavour of a mmorpg; of course you'd be able to transfer from one copy to another.

With regards your first game prejudicing everything that follows I am in the fortunate position of having 2 first games, AC1 and DAoC were so different in lvling play styles and end game that there were as close as you get to the N and S of a genre.  One has standard lvl up get more powerful computer assigns stat points and you assign skill points and the other you assigned everything from stats, to hit points, to skills to mana AND then got skill credits and could choose to buy new skills with them as you progressed and then raise them up.  You simply cannot compare them they were so different I played both for about 1.5 yrs, and there is no way features from one would work in the other.  

I do agree with ppl wanting the things they loved (not hated) in thier old mmorpg put into thier new one, I wanted to see "realworld" PvP and the ability to take over enemy towns in WoW and was suprised and dissapointed when I found out you couldn't and that attacking towns was just a waste of time and an easy way to wipe out cos of guard aggro.  I don't think that ppl would want the bad things of thier old mmorpg's incorporated, though I can see ppl leaving games like DAoC cos of the RvR and eliteness that sprung up only to want that put into a new game then leaving that game cos it happened again.

Unfortuneatly the EQ model of mmorpg is what took off so its not likely we'll ever see another AC1 which is a shame as it was a legendary game back in its day.

I tend to agree with alot of what he says though, suprised you folks don't.


General Chat / "MMO's are for newbies"
« on: September 30, 2006, 05:40:52 pm »
I think most gamers r stupid, its the same when you get any mob of ppl together, especially blokes.  The IQ drops on the whole the more ppl you have in a space, i.e mob tactics.  

The same is true with mmorpg's, and the vocal minority those who have overblown opinions of themselves/the way it should be done usually get the things to change that they want because the quiet majority don't wanna rock the boat so developers listen to those who actually have an opinion even if that opinion sucks.

I have read it once, and am not gonna spend time going through it again validating my point by highlighting sections of text that are most poignant so let me say you sir are wrong!!!   :D


General Chat / "MMO's are for newbies"
« on: September 29, 2006, 04:17:30 pm »
Got this link from the VNboards, interesting read I like the article.  Give it a go if you have a spare 5 mins.


General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: September 29, 2006, 03:58:29 pm »
I'd ave em no matter the odds!!!

Theres always a chance  :D

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: September 29, 2006, 11:14:39 am »
pfft, linguistic technicalities  :eek:

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: September 29, 2006, 09:20:39 am »
You doing a review on it D?

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: September 28, 2006, 05:30:42 pm »
Some more info, this time on aggro management and PvE combat I guess.

General Chat / About dl limits
« on: September 26, 2006, 09:58:55 pm »
Nah your both singing to the same tune so I'm sure your right, I don't tend to play as much as I once did and even if a load of games r released which r the nuts, I doubt I'll log more than 30 hrs a week max, which leaves about 60 hrs for other stuff.  If I start getting proper addicted or play Savage 2 alot (a FPS) then I can always increase the amount.


General Chat / About dl limits
« on: September 25, 2006, 02:37:04 pm »

Quick question to those who r IT savvy, approx how much does online gaming use a month in dl'ing data.  Assuming no dl of films or music just online gaming and web browsing.  Would a 2 gig limit be enough, I have never had issues before but am about to move house and wanna make sure the internet connection is up to it.


General Chat / Civ 4 Warlords
« on: September 24, 2006, 12:03:24 pm »
Did any of you folks buy this?  I've been playing Civ4 recently and am tempted, wondered if anyone bought it and thought it was a good deal.  Looked it up in various sites and it sounds pretty good ...


General Chat / LoTR PvM
« on: September 16, 2006, 07:20:23 pm »
Been trolling some forums as I've time to kill, seems Turbine r being all innovative and stuff like cool :)

Instead of having PvP it seems that you can transform yourself into a monster in some zones and battle players as an Orc or a Troll, I've not read much about it but from what I ahve it sounds pretty cool.  Good way to kill an hour or so if you don't have time for proper playing.

General Chat / New Daedalus Study ..
« on: September 04, 2006, 09:16:39 am »
.. for those of you with 10 minutes to spare.

WoW General / WoW piss take site.
« on: August 02, 2006, 08:53:17 am »
Damn you've twisted me arm!!

I'll post the link when I get back home this evening, the humour on the site is hit and miss, but some of it is lol funny :)


Edit:-  This link is not for minors, it contains pornographic reference material and seriously slates WoW/Blizzard/Diablo.  If your easily offended please go elsewhere e.t.c ...

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