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Messages - Darkly

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General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: October 24, 2006, 08:17:28 pm »
Spellborn to be released in Q1 2007!

In last month's Producer's Update we already hinted at a new release schedule for The Chronicles of Spellborn. Today the European publishers Frogster Interactive and Mindscape have announced that the game will be released in Q1 2007, with an Open Beta scheduled for early Q1 2007. We decided to not push the game out before the holiday season, but instead take the extra time to polish the game to ensure that we deliver on all the content and the features that were promised.

As usual, we welcome you to comment in the forum thread linked below.

**from the official site....

Can't say I'm surprised really, so we won't be playing that anytime soon.

When's Vanguard supposed to be out? And dare we try that? ;) I was scared off it earlier this year when I heard all the stuff about it going back to EQ hardcore roots, but apparently it isn't like that....

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: October 06, 2006, 05:13:23 pm »
Ahh, didn't know that. I was thinking late November, just hope they aren't having to rush it too much, as they might be under pressure to get it out before Xmas.

General Chat / Some more spam for your enjoyment!
« on: October 05, 2006, 08:42:46 am »
Heh.... HAEL ME! indeed ;)

If anyone in a pug ever typed that to my priest, I think I'd just type back "Sorry, you want me to do what now?" :)

General Chat / "MMO's are for newbies"
« on: September 29, 2006, 11:22:57 pm »
Yeah, he makes some pretty good points there....

I know my first adventures in EQ pretty much blew me away. Running through a dark forest, completely lost, chased by orcs, and desperately panicking as I didn't want to die and not be able to find my corpse. Stumbling across huge teleport spires, wondering what they were, then seeing a high level party emerge from them clad in shiny armour etc.

I don't think you'll ever quite recapture that feeling, unless the genre really morphs in some revolutionary ways.

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: September 29, 2006, 10:24:59 am »
No, a preview, but when it comes out I'll probably do the review as well.

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: September 29, 2006, 08:56:46 am »
Again, sounds very different. I like the varying attitudes of factions idea, but not sure if the combat doesn't sound rather artificial, with NPCs picking out and sparring with one party member.

Only the implementation will tell, of course. I was supposed to be on the beta by now, but they've put it all back, ahh well at least they're not blindly rushing it out the door.

General Chat / LoTR PvM
« on: September 16, 2006, 07:39:11 pm »
That's a very cool idea, I like it :)

General Chat / Chronicles of Spellborn
« on: July 19, 2006, 11:08:59 pm »
Yeah, on initial look, it definitely seems interesting. I'm all for games which try to do things differently, and the skill advancement and combat systems are certainly different.

But yeah. There's always the danger it could be a bit poop ;)

General Chat / Funny
« on: July 13, 2006, 03:08:46 pm »
*hmmph* Stand and deliver, your money or your thread! ;)

General Chat / Funny
« on: July 13, 2006, 10:04:36 am »
Heh. Right, stop it now, or I'm going to post up an MP3 of the Baywatch theme tune ;)

General Chat / Funny
« on: July 12, 2006, 06:40:24 pm »
Good point Cern, expect my therapy bill too. And my oil and electricity bills too, it's the least you can do after that trauma....

General Chat / Funny
« on: July 12, 2006, 04:25:39 pm »
ArgggGGhhhHHH!! That's the aural equivalent of flossing with barbed wire.

General Chat / Funny
« on: July 12, 2006, 01:47:37 pm »
This pilot episode for a conan-spoof-style cartoon made me laugh :)

(It's in three parts, the other two are linked to the right).

General Chat / Roma Victor
« on: June 22, 2006, 02:50:40 pm »
Never heard of it... just looked it up and it's free, which is cool. Can't hurt to have a look then, I'd be up for that.

Apparently they crucify exploiters and gankers, which sounds fun, they're banned for a week or two in which their character is nailed to a cross in town for all to see :)

General Chat / Ed's review of HoMaMV
« on: June 13, 2006, 07:01:09 pm »
Been playing HoMMV too, and I agree, it's a bit too slow paced, which is a shame. Dunno if you've played with the game options settings, but it's possible to speed it up from default, by changing the hero move speed, battle animation speed... plus you can turn quick battle resolve on, and for those piddly little fights let the CPU do them. Sometimes it will lose some of your good units, but you just click replay and do the fight again manually. Helps speed it up a little... it was sluggish in the extreme for the first few missions until I played with the options. Now it's just slow ;)

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