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Messages - Shi

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DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 14, 2010, 08:31:23 pm »
hey Las :)
cheers Sax, lvl 15 now.
we had a nice session with cern on his vampyr, we did the respective bgs and went from lvl 6 to 15 :) , on mobs/albs/mids :)
was great fun
keeeping so far a support spec, and think will do so onwards, hopefully i find company to lvl :)

whats again the nice UI addon to get? da.....? cern mentioned it to me, but i cant find it under useful daoc links thread...

DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 12, 2010, 09:30:25 pm »
cheers :)

any tips for lvling? not sure what changed since i played the game.

DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 12, 2010, 09:00:47 pm »
and 1 more question:
do i need to craft?
or can i survive without it, matter of getting enough gold to maintain myself... no clue how the game evolved over years, id rather focus on lvling and getting 50 then playing rvr, then clicking round an anvil or sth... :)
no clue, unless it changed and became 'enjoyable' , can always listen to an audiobook meanwhile hihi... (45%)

DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:58:02 pm »
hey hey cool :)
what names you using ingame guys?
id start a bard, been always an alting guy, but no way i keep repeating this anymore heheh... so 1 toon :)

DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 12, 2010, 08:36:52 pm »
well, hey guys :)
cern got me ticking with this daoc resurection thing...
i wanna be sure i dun waste my time...
are 'we' playing Hib then?
id play some healing type rather...
so bard i guess, what ya need most?
if not bard, that wud be then some evil dps class. no clue who wud be that after all these years hehe...
gimme some answers, 30% client dl, got like 1,5hrs to prepare hihi :)

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: November 09, 2008, 10:26:07 pm »

yeah, all my legion of alts worth 500+ levels is still on skullcrusher and not moving anywhere :)

guild is pretty active and healthy so it will sure get very busy starting Thursday this week.
you sure are welcome Sax if you decide for the move, anyone from you guys here for that matter :)

General Chat / Re: Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?
« on: November 06, 2008, 09:38:48 pm »
sadly I think WoW came to define the genre and in doing so killed it.

amen to that, i remember when we played DDO the forum was full of feature requests for stuff wow had or 'your game sucks cos its not like wow', Turbine immediately starting changing the game in many respects and by the time they got LOTRO out it was basically wow in the LOTR universe. Since then it seems everyone just tried to make MMO's friendly to wow players so they wouldn't feel lost n stuff :)

About the old republic, I'm less bothered about it being in the Star Wars universe or anything, what excites me is the developer is Bioware (who can do no wrong in my eyes anyway). Look at the CV of games they've done:

# Baldur's Gate (1998)

    * Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast (1999)

# MDK2 (2000)
# Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000)

    * Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (2001)

# Neverwinter Nights (2002)

    * Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide (2003)
    * Neverwinter Nights: Hordes of the Underdark (2003)
    * Neverwinter Nights: Kingmaker (2005)

# Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic ("KotOR") (2003)
# Jade Empire (2005)
# Mass Effect (2007)

I've played almost all of these and they were brilliant games, really excited to see them enter the MMO space, maybe theyll actually do something different....

most indeed great games :) (got Mass Effect on my xbox 360 and its breathtaking)
but tbh i start doubting anything will ever dethrone WoW.... what ya think?
what do you need? a good franchise, and sth that will make ppl say 'wow, thats rly good, forget wow'
so dunno, franchise?
Diablo franchise, hmm, Starcraft, 2 that come to my mind which i rly enjoyed - but w8, Blizzard games
so what others actually can do? LoTR dint make a dent, neither did SW - maybe Bioware made great single player/coop games, but whats the catch this time? what will make it different.
ps. this SW by Bioware doenst even have an estimate release date... ugh, i mean, another few years of w8? cmon, even elephants breed faster, thats rly depressive, my morale wont survive another wow lvl raise cap crap /stomp

General Chat / Re: Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?
« on: November 05, 2008, 11:24:53 am »
i played PS at release, think quite many of us did, recall Cern , Maleg at least
it was fun when the interest was high among players
but then it sorta died, and u always ended looking for fights so much, or simply locked outta a continent due to numbers..
and this scisor-paper-rock design, hate it tbh

General Chat / Re: Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?
« on: November 05, 2008, 10:38:09 am »
Maybe innovative single player titles will be the way to go?

somehow i seem not to finish games ... and end playing games that dont have an actual end, hehe
rly, if i look back i will have trouble to name 10 games i actually finished, and then you should look at my shelves.... im a magpie & collector, so i end up playing games with no end, filling vaults with items and siting on them like this dragon from Hobbit, hihi :P

referring to competitive pvp play you mention Cern, i think still best experience I ever had was when i used to play in the local LAN cafe Counterstrike - no balance issue (ye ofc well, lotsa whining about AK47 or others...) , no fotmclass-racism mentality, pure skill , but thats ofc FPS, still thinking, maybe thats they way to go to seek back this adrenaline rush? :)

General Chat / Re: Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?
« on: November 04, 2008, 03:52:48 pm »
we do propaganda today?:)

i was itching last time when i was down my local games shop and saw Fallout 3 on the shelf.... but i guess it will w8 till it gets classic or 2nd hand (thinking xbox 360 here)... but tbh i rly dislike Oblivion type of controll so dunno, might be Fallout setting makes up for it tho..

I got the beta of Chronicles of Spellborn, last time i checked it was like 3-4 months ago, honestly if AoC, WAR didnt get a grip on you Sax, CoS wont either, i didnt see anyhting back then in this game that would make me go ' WOW! '  or even close
we gotta admit, we are burnt out oldies n our needs cultivated on DAOC memories wont be ever fed! :P hihi

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: September 15, 2008, 01:37:45 pm »
Hi Maleg :)

well, they better lower the xp needed again if they still want my monies come into their piggy-bank  :)
right now with such time/lvl estimate i simply cant see myself lvling more than 1 toon, and even with 1 im having 2nd thoughts atm
i cant rly comprehend the philosophy behind offering a 10 slot account while the amount of grind offered to 1 character before even remotely reaching a 'saturate'  state is so huge. make it 2 slots, enlarge bank 10x and then none will have illusions how the game must be played

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: September 11, 2008, 07:44:23 pm »
* Its an enormous grind fest. I levelled from 70-71 which doesn't sound much. But it took me a week of playing several hours a session. If you maintain many alts some are going to have to fall by the wayside.

thanks Cern for the review, is good to get some perspective, i tend to lack criticism and go all ' oooh!! aaaah ! at the fluff ' ;)
tbh this bit depresses me.
i like my toons and to be functional at max lvl i need 2 of them there, due to my professions mainly and also due to my playstyle, i wana my shamie for healing n hunter for dps n grind/farm stuff
depresses me to think i need +/- 20 weeks to get 2 toons there, wtf?????????????? thats freaking 5 months..... ???!!! ???

General Chat / Re: PC Upgrade
« on: July 30, 2008, 04:21:26 pm »
when someone writes with himself in a thread is it called ' monopost'?  (analogy to monologue)  ???


i know nothing bout this stuff, but Cern got a new baby machine lately so im sured he's informed :)

General Chat / Re: Colombia
« on: July 30, 2008, 11:26:26 am »
nice one guys :)
i got the latin America on my to-do-list still, heh
and learning also spanish, motivation is here hehe

but this year i'll prolly stick with beach in Tunisia and then Israel where my friend's getting married :)

post the pics :)

WoW General / Warhammer Online - reunited all again?
« on: August 23, 2007, 11:33:38 am »
ola guys :)

1st of all Hi, long time no seen.

Hope ya having fun on your server.
Legion Inc is still kicking, with ups and downs as any guild in WoW, but well, the core is there, pretty solid, and mind in October we gonna celebrate our 1 year anniversary, pretty good if you ask me :)

But ok, the blabla aside, I drop by to raise a topic that for the moment is sure a distant future, but I wanna anticipate on this one still.
Warhammer Online.
As you know it's coming out, not sure when, prolly somewhere next year.
As you know too, Mythic is working on it, and it's gonna be a RVR based game, which for us, old daoc'ers surely is an appeal - no lie here.
A bad thing happened with WoW at release, due to various factors, ppl got spread all over the servers and this way we lost touch with many friends, m8s we met in DAOC etc.
I'd like to avoid this for Warhammer.
Thus my post.
I wanna know guys if you would be interested into integrating a Warhammer version of Legion Inc at Warhammer release - or Soul Pact? always loved this name but I had no right whatsoever to it so this way Legion Inc was born.
I'm not sure how many ppl would at all bother, but we got a solid core, of 'gamers' and now I guess friends, and I'm pretty confident quite some would move to Warhammer if the core decided to.
Now there are you, RoD.
And also got some RL friends of mine, like 10 ppl, playing atm some RP pve server in WoW, that I'm sure I can convince to come as well, as long as they want to play Warhammer.
That would be some solid base imo for a nice , relaxed and fun guild.

Details to be dicussed ofc.
I think would be great if we could meet and play again together when WO comes out.
Let me know your thoughts :)

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