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Messages - eKo

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General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 25, 2013, 10:16:38 pm »
I've got a level 18 cleric alt. Before you get your companion it's not that easy to solo, afterwards it goes fine (I'm using the Man-at-Arms). Problem is that once you play as rogue, all the other classes feel weak ;).

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 20, 2013, 06:10:46 pm »
My SSD (an OCZ Vertex 2) decided to give up today, luckily I have an old HD lying around, so I'm now reinstalling Windows (it's installing updates (137, zzz) now). My games & data are on seperate harddrives so it's just time lost reinstalling and not data loss. I was planning on buying a new, bigger capacity, SSD anyway, so I guess it might as well be now :). Will RMA the old SSD anyway, since I might be able to use in my Mom's laptop (which is slooooooooooow).

I'll logon once the updates are installed.

General Chat / Re: Camelot Unchained
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:58:18 am »
I guess it's because for most of us DAoC was our first MMO and I know I certainly didn't know what to expect. I've got some really good memories of DAoC while there's not really anything that stands out in WoW even though I played WoW for way longer.

I think that in part it's because DAoC was tougher (no hand-holding at all) and since we were underpopulated we had to work together for PvP, so we had this great community which I've never seen in any other game since then. Nowadays it seems games are aimed at casual players and group play is tacked on. There's nothing wrong with it, except that you will never have a good community. The story based missions in SWTOR were great, but it meant everyone soloed most of the time and no other game was so silent in guild chat tbh, so it felt more like a single player game with multiplayer tacked on.

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:26:43 am »
Yay! We're gonna have a Halfling army ;).

It's like a regular MMO (including instances & PvP) rather than DDO. It's based in Forgotten Realms and on the 4e ruleset, but that's where my knowledge of DnD ends. They're using what I assume are custom classes: Trickster Rogue, Controlling Wizard, Devoted Cleric, Guardian Fighter & Great Weapon Fighter with skill trees & feats, but I have no idea how well they correspond to the official rules. The cap is level 60 btw.

A really cool feature is The Foundry which lets you create your own adventure which can then be published and played in game. I played one so far (I am Slayer) and it was really good.

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 11, 2013, 07:31:21 pm »
I think my handle is arusara, so to add me as friend you just have to add @arusara, no need for a character name.

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 11, 2013, 08:53:54 am »
The more I play it the more I notice how polished it all is (especially for a game in open beta). The UI is really good & intuitive: you have all the information you need at a glance, it's movable and also scalable. Shame you only have 2 character slots, but I guess they need to make money somehow (character slots can be bought).

PS: I'm playing Katsui Arusara & Eara Arusara on Beholder.

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:34:10 pm »
Download was about 3.5 Gb. From what I gathered it's an open beta like planetside 2 was (people are encouraged to spend money and there won't be a character wipe at launch), which seems to happen more and more with F2P games. It doesn't seem like any content is inaccessible for F2P players, what the cash shop seems to offer is mainly convenience items (character slots, bags, dyes, ...) and they're not nagging you about it either.

Gameplay is more action/twitch based like Cryptic's other MMO's (City of Heroes/Villains & Champions Online at least, haven't tried Star Trek Online).

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 09, 2013, 10:17:41 pm »
Played a bit more and so far I'm liking it. Graphic-wise it's slightly more cartoon-like than Guild Wars 2, yet has a lot of detail. Animations are not as fluid as GW2 or WoW, but they're not exactly stiff either (better than SWTOR & TSW) and they have some neat little touches like chest & door opening animations. The cut scenes are nice too, there aren't too many and they've been relatively short so far. The quests are fully voiced (so far, I still remember the intro island of AoC >:() and they're relatively good (not up to Bioware standards of course). While it runs fine on my PC, once I enter the city of Neverwinter it starts to lag (understandable with so many players & npc's in there).

It's been fun so far, even though I'm only level 5.

General Chat / Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 09, 2013, 05:44:31 pm »
I only noticed today that the Neverwinter MMO went open beta a week or so ago.

I started a Halfling trickster rogue (there's only 4 classes so far: rogue, fighter (2h or s/s), wizard & cleric) on Beholder. Really notice it's made by Cryptic as it has a ton of customization options (yay!). I've hardly played it (servers went down for emergency maintenance after I finally created my character), but it looks rather nice. I haven't looked into the pricing of the items they offer, but it is possible to buy those with in-game currency as well (though it most likely will be a slow process). I'll be able to tell more once the servers are back online :P.

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: May 08, 2013, 05:51:03 pm »
n00b !! (just for old times sake! :) )

Come play PS2 with us, Las, they just released the Harasser, a 3-man vehicle ;D.

I'm really liking my Engineer even though I'm far from a killing machine, but dropping ammo, repairing maxes & turrets can mean the difference when you're pushing an attack or repelling attackers. Got into a really cool platoon last night and managed to upgrade my gun. The Solstice SF + under barrel grenade launcher is great fun, shame it only carries 2 grenades, but I guess that's what ammo packs are for. I think I'll grab sticky grenades as next upgrade or maybe a second anti personnel mine as it's fun to get a kill ages after you put one down :P.

I'm also considering grabbing some vehicle certs later, but I don't like the 1-man vehicles much and I can't fly (I crash against trees in VR). It looked like the Harasser certs were cheaper than the rest so might go for it eventually, but it needs a gunner really to be effective. Might get the anti-AA gun to drop those pesky reavers & mossies, hehe.

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: April 26, 2013, 05:18:25 pm »
I'm mainly playing VS on Cobalt (Katsui). I do have some alts as well, but hardly played them so far.

Was in a decent squad yesterday and that was good fun. Went solo later on and somehow got overrun wherever I decided to deploy. Definitely less fun :P. I might look for an outfit to join later on, so I can get into more organized battles.

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: April 24, 2013, 08:56:11 pm »
OMG, repairing turrets after taking a base is awesome for gaining certs ;D. Invested those in my repair tool for faster repairs, hehe.

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: April 23, 2013, 09:19:41 pm »
Started playing again and while I'm still clueless, I at least managed to get to BR 5 this time ;D. And is it me or do you get certs really slooooooooooooow?. Seems that I you want to advance faster it means paying up, but so far I'm enjoying getting killed in a bazillion different ways.

Big battles can introduce some lag, but it's been pretty good actually, better than it used to be at least.

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:03:58 pm »
When I tried to play it I found it confusing (dropped where action was supposed to be, but couldn't find out where most of the time) and a bit laggy (when I finally did find a fight). While I liked the original Planetside, I never could get into PS2 for some reason.

Maybe I should give it another go, but I'm trying Eve Online for now and starting to like it. There's at least way more to do than when I last tried it (there's tutorials now explaining some avenues), even though it's still rather intimidating. It is a sandbox game after all which is going for almost 10 years now.

General Chat / Re: Crusader Kings 2
« on: April 08, 2013, 09:53:34 pm »
Sax bought it and played it for 4 hours (according to Steam) :P.

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