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Messages - Saxif

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General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: July 01, 2013, 02:16:07 pm »
Well, survive Glasto :)

We wanted to see Portishead but chose to go and see Sinead O'Connor instead, the idea being that Portishead are easier to see than Sinead.  We did catch the last 2 songs of the Portishead set though on the Other Stage and they were awesome, defo a band I'd like to see fully.

Also saw the Smashing Pumpkins, though I didn't think that much to them and I think it is him now rather than them, Billy Corgan?  He shouted out at the end of his set 'God bless America!'  Meh and he had a 'I am great attitude' put me right off.

I caught an upcoming band called Suun on The John Peel Stage, they were quite good and if you like Portishead, would be worth checking them out on Youtube.

Caught a number of other acts, bands and DJ's as well all round the site, my calfs are ruined from walking soo much! :)

General Chat / Re: Elemental: War of Magic
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:17:54 pm »
Well, It has been a few years since we talked about this but basically because they did such a bad job with this game they gave all those people that bought it the option to get the newer versions for free.  I saw the newest version on Steam and ?25 and wanted to try it, checked Stardock account and had the option to download for free, so guess what, I did!

If Elemental was the 1st edition, the newest game is the 3rd edition and it seems much better than the old one, I have only played about 4 hours, seems quite solid though.  I dunno if it is worth ?25 but it's pretty fun now.  I kept getting emails from them telling me what they had changed and done to put things right for years, they obviously significantly regretted pissing off their fan base with a crap game and have totally turned things around and given out free copies to boot!

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: June 23, 2013, 07:12:22 pm »
No idea, only played a little myself, got a new game for free and am road testing that atm, will make another thread for it.  Also off to Glastonbury this week; boo ya!!  Anyone else going?  I know we have a few music buffs amongst us? :)  So I won't be playing much for a week or two!

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:10:14 am »
Well, experience has shown that the patch made a significant difference to GF at the 20-29 lvl BG at the very least.  I have been doing significantly better than before, it's much easier; anyone seen any GF whining, or are they too few and far between still?

Also Cern mentioned Bots, has there been any proof of Bots in PvE/ PvP yet?

People still playing btw?  I don't get online enough to see how often people play!

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: June 13, 2013, 09:47:17 pm »
Bah, checked patch notes, doesn't seem that GF got that much loving to me, need to double check the names of some of my abilities of course but meh.  I hope you all got nerfed hard!  ;D

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: June 08, 2013, 02:51:43 pm »
Grats Cern! :)

I was looking for the online AH but couldn't find it, so cheers for the linky!

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 26, 2013, 10:13:28 pm »
Cool, I generally didnt enjoy the spamming little ranged attacks with the cleric as much as I like hitting things with my sword!

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 26, 2013, 12:53:13 pm »
I tried Cleric to 5th and now Guardian to 8th and I prefer the Guardian, Xan says Wizards are OP though :)

I guess the Rogue is super dps?  The instances seem so fast and frantic that meaningful tanking doesn't seem to exist as I remember it, or am I just out of touch?  Is tanking a 'shout' that make foes focus on you, or do you have to hit critters still to taunt them?

Game seems good overall, will prolly play on and off :)

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 25, 2013, 10:00:25 pm »
I think my handle is @erekose77 btw.  I'll add you folks :)

Did anyone roll a cleric?  Seems everyone is a Trickster Rogue or a Guardian Fighter?

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 25, 2013, 09:56:03 pm »
Well, what with the long weekend I thought I would give this game a try :)

I have an Elven Guardian fighter currently at 5th lvl, seems fun, will try and make contact in game next :)


General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:26:07 pm »
So when does this actually get launched?  You lot gonna have it completed by then or what? :)

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 12, 2013, 10:51:47 am »
Bah, 4e, meh.  Tbh I don't have 4e hate but I prefer 3.75 which is Pathfinder.  They made some serious changes going into 4e and it polarised the communities.  My grp dislikes it alot, I have only played 1 or 2 games of 4e, it seemed ok but dumbed down and streamlined and very balanced.  I find variety is the spice of life, not melange ;p 

They should check out the White Wolf stuff and come up with some good ideas imo!

General Chat / Re: Camelot Unchained
« on: May 12, 2013, 10:49:02 am »
The only way to go back to the 'old school' of gaming is to play something indie or ancient and niche.  I am sure those types of communities are still out there but few and far between.  Also that sense of community didn't even survive in DAoC that long, things started to change within the year it was released once people started chasing RPs, then you either had the skills or got sidelined, uber guilds, twink builds (grp and individual), the competitiveness ramped up.  Still a wonderful game though :)

I think I might be the same as Cern as well, I don't remember where I was when I got 50th as a Warlock, or Druid, nor where I was as a Cleric in DnD Online, Asherons call had exponential xp, so no one maxed out until the game had been out years and I don't think i maxed out in any other games since ... Though I will say this, the first 20 levels of WoW were epic, Silverwood Forest is one of my favourite zones and I do remember my first bat ride in WoW and going wow!

Cursed Forest, I miss you!!!

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 11, 2013, 11:07:21 pm »
Don't think I'll make beta but happy it seems to be a good game :)  Is it much like DnD online, and how much like PnP game is it? 

What are th skills and abilities like compared to DnD and spells, do characters to what they do in the PnP version or does everyone get odd abilities? etc etc

When is it released for real?  Whats the level cap and what realm is it set in?  Forgotten Realm, Greyhawk, Eberon, other?


General Chat / Re: Camelot Unchained
« on: May 11, 2013, 11:05:16 pm »
I still remember that night Las, I also recall begging people to stay for those last pulls, then running off to Emain at about midnight on a school night, musta suffered at work the next day.  Though so long ago now! :)

Been moving house again, hence my inactivity, now own my own house, well obviously with my partner :)

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