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Messages - Shi

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General Chat / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:38:16 pm »
next week an RTS game is released :)
not a big fan anymore of those type of games, but since I love the lore, might be an idea to have a look at it :)

General Chat / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:34:07 pm »
i played GW.
it's a bit weird playstyle if you played Wow, control wise, but the world looks nice, the game was nicely made.
im willing to get into it if you guys planning too, my main pb with it was the fact of WoW being around the corner or allrdy there, and the fact you cant play 2 mmo types at the same time, and also , well, wow rocked back then, now it's no more threat to my choices for gaming :)e
it was rly pvp oriented, with funny way to make builds etc, might be HUGE fun if played with mates

General Chat / Re: Deus Ex Human Revolution
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:30:26 pm »
not played, but tempted to try reading your opinions :)
been busy with Dungeons Siege lately, cool game, altho im still somewhere in the middle
im terrible with finishing games, games with no end suit me best hehe (mmos?:P)

General Chat / Re: Diablo 3
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:28:47 pm »
hey guys :)
bloody password , took me time to recall it :)
big Diablo fan here, still guess my favo game ever :)
quite shocked by reading the stuff over real cash AH, hmm
whatever, will still get the game, hoping for beta, was lucky with S2 maybe this time too :)

General Chat / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: June 16, 2011, 11:54:46 am »
read the books (not all, actually im in middle in 2nd tome, hehe), re-read (when ya read it u often look at the family trees, there is such an amount of characters involved, hehe) then last year when i heard the serie was out soon and watching :)
aintgot Sky nor HBO who shows in on polish sattelite, but shamelessly sucking it up from the net every Sunday when an episode in US is released
I remember some years ago when a friend told me to read the book saying it's better than Tolkien, hehe
I loved the world and the characters, grabb the books :)
I know a game is also planned out this year, RTS type.
Also read that Martin is planning to visit yearly SF & Fantasy convent in Poland, not sure when it is exactly, but he's one of few guys I'd rly love to got my books signed by :)

General Chat / Re: Starcraft 2
« on: June 10, 2011, 09:34:04 am »
i recently discovered Portal (nr1) :)
the idea is really awasome, but i think i need get used to some way of thinking, after going smoothly through several challenges i got stuck with some flying in the air room, i miss space orientation , not getting dizzy as Cern hehe, love shooters, but this one, after trying the room for 20th time i had to switch it off since it was driving me mad :) hehe

General Chat / Re: Starcraft 2
« on: June 08, 2011, 03:38:23 pm »
hey hey guys :)
im falling behind heh, didnt even know the zerg campaign was close to release heh :)
got SC2, played it some after release, i liked it, was ok, but i think the thrill for RTS burned out in me, dunno, just seems i dont enjoy anymore so much the genre...
i'm almost thinking maybe i got the gaming burnout... can't force myself to play anything atm, and trust me i got a pile of good games pc, consoles... im a magpie :)
I saw also Witcher 2 was out.
Is the gameplay style the same Las? I got the nr 1, and I could not come to like the navigation and view in this game :(
Just for the record, maybe some1 is interested, I allready sold the bug to Cern, Witcher is based on polish novel by Sapkowski, it's been translated since a while, and available through amazon.
The guy is really good, considered atm the best polish fantasy writer. Worth a try :)
Gamewise, i was thinking lately "Donkey Kong" for Wii :) haha, anyone maybe tried it?

General Chat / Re: 21 Messy 1 Messi
« on: May 06, 2011, 12:05:08 pm »
hey hey guys :)
u prolly dunno, but im a complete footie freak, part of the deal is i collect scarfs.
so Lass, ur team is Reading?:)
and u Xann, Leeds?
i got Leeds scarf, cant recall now how i got my hands on it, but hmm, one of the rules i always get them myself from places i visit, or from ppl coming from the places, and that one, hem, need make someday a proper inventory, which one, how and when... got over 100 scarfs hehe...

as british footie goes, i support the Gunners, same as Cern, kind of sentimental following of Arsene Wenger since he was coaching Monaco.
i would never think I would say this, but I seriously hope MU will kick Barca asses, and badly.
im disgusted by the antifootball both Real and Barca showed in their semi games. Awful!!
so ye, without slightest bad feel ill enjoy MU winning heh :)

and in 1,5 week going to Dublin for EL Final, happy rly, my 2nd in a row. IMO the UEFA cup kept some of the old cups spirit, enjoying it overall way much than CL richies cup

General Chat / Re: 21 Messy 1 Messi
« on: April 28, 2011, 01:35:19 pm »
hey hey folks
i was absolutely disgusted by the festival of bad acting, forcing ref on cards decision, cheating and brutal play, omg rly
Messi saved it for me, almost as good as Diego's one vs cough.. England in 1986 (1st one hihi) :)

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 11, 2011, 10:02:22 am »
I have a few points in the assassin class so I get stealth - it would seem that its only active for 30 seconds and then it will de-stealth you so you can't do like in other games just turn stealth on and relax :)

I probably suspect there are some talents you can get that will enable you to extend the 30 seconds

Brigh :D
maybe i missed out some talents, but i checked rogue trees (those sounding stealthish ;)) and Assassin has a 21 pts talent called improved stealth, which as i read it make stealth unlimitted

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:19:07 am »
I'm liking it alot, and am very impressed how smooth and graphicly pleasing it is for a game that got released a matter of days ago. I'm also able to run it at the highest video specs smoothly, so happy with that :)

Love the way they've made the classes.

I have made up a Human "tanky" Warrior called Xanic atm, but will prolly give the other base classes a try before i settle on a character... see what sleathin's like :D
hey Xann,
duno if you have allready a Legion Inc forum account, you did play WoW on SC early days also no? cant recall :)
anyhow, make one if you want, and I'll enable ya the access to our boards, so you can see our 'Rift threads' .
Not so many so far, but might grow.

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 08, 2011, 10:39:56 am »
i'm rly glad Cern hinted me on this game, for me it comes outta nowhere absolutely, and for the lil hype it had it's a true hit
of course it's also 'another mmo'so you will get it all, gear grind , faction grind, dailies, raids etc... but it really feels different, and since it's a totally fresh immersion in a new world it doesnt feel old like getting a new xpack in wow, and most of all, ppl are not in their own corner doing there stuff, since there is so much happening that impacts all in the zone it's kinda hard to walk by and not react hehe
what Cern described above, invasion and rift concept makes it original and unique :)
last night i told Cern & Brigh that im up for a dungeon run, but 1st need to get to the city to fetch myself a drink, since out in the field, you dont want really go afk
I arrived front of an Inn, and few seconds later a huge tree elite giant from life invasion rolled over me :) haha
personally i find the game too intense sometimes hehe, it's not a criticism, but more a statement, it's real madness in the zones where lots of players level
server seems friendly, the RP tags scares of a considerable % of muppets we got in WoW

General Chat / Re: Rift
« on: March 04, 2011, 09:04:17 am »
hey guys :)

Wow Cern, stunning indeed!! :), maybe post it also under our Rift thread on Legion boards, good incentive if ppl are undecided ;)
I got the game as well, urge to try new mmos is really strong always, Cern helped in the process a bit :)
Enjoying the game so far. It's nice to be a total noob again  :)
Got an old machine, almost 4 years old, tweaked recently with 4GB ram and new gfx (gforce 260) and the game runs perfectly smooth

cya ingame maybe guys :)

DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 15, 2010, 11:14:51 pm »

Dunno whats worse though, people complaining or the tumbleweed silence of death....

ugh ahah :)

DAOC General / Re: Daoc Ywain Server
« on: February 15, 2010, 06:51:33 pm »
Hey Shi

Good to see you are playing again - I've not been around these last few days but I should be around tonight if you need help with anything

Brigh :D

hey hey
feels wierd to feel good to play this oldie game hihi, rly :)
just realised i rolled a class i'm gonna get a full dose of flame whenever my aoe mezzing fails buuhuuuh doh oh well, guess if i was a druid same wud go for rooting hihi
gotta live a responsible life i guess :P

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