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Messages - eKo

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General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: May 23, 2014, 09:34:39 am »
I spent the certs I had (wasn't much unfortunately) into the Harasser since Las and I had a lot of fun in one yesterday. Ok, maybe not at the start with me running into rocks & trees ;D. It went a lot better once I switched to 3rd person view. Didn't think I would have as much fun driving the thing since in PS1 I didn't much like driving tanks. Actually I still don't like driving tanks, but speeding around in the Harasser is awesome. It's a 3-man vehicle and even a MAX can sit in the backseat (and shoot afaik). By the way, I also found out you can repair the vehicle while in the backseat (best aim sideways as the repair icon is finicky).

Most fun was when I drove over a hill near a base we held and landed in the middle of some infantry, I drove over the Max while Las was blasting some others, then we turboed away. Didn't expect anyone over that hill and don't think they expected a Harasser jumping over and landing smack in the middle of them :). Was also cool to see gunner xp stream in at some point while repairing the Harasser. 

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 15, 2014, 03:06:57 pm »
Not sure I'll join Wildstar, seems to have grown on you Cern but my impressions are more like your first post. Its not exactly relaxing and just shoves shit in my face all the time :) If you're all still raving about it a few months then I might get off the fence but i suspect it's just WoW behind all the ADHD stuff :) not sure I get on with the whole cartoon thing either - I do like the humour though, liked it since you first posted about it a while back eko.

Pfft, you're just getting old ;D.

There's nothing wrong with having a tutorial or 2 pop up, having the level up animation and having a challenge or 2 activate while being in combat :P.

It's kinda strange as I haven't felt that at all, though yes there can be quite a lot going on. Some people even find the tutorial on the ship boring, though I find it introduces the game mechanics well. And yeah it's mostly up to level 15-ish, after that it is calmer. As far as I know there will be more shiphands, adventures & dungeons than are available right now in beta, but that's mostly 15+ anyway.

And I'm not ever gonna play on a PvP realm again, it sucked in DAoC and also in WoW. You hardly ever get in a fair fight anyway, mostly they either outnumber you or wait for you to engage a mob. PvP in battlegrounds/arena is good enough for me, plus Warplot PvP sounds like a great idea. (And else there's still PS2 for a PvP fix). My biggest gripe is that raids/warplots will be 40-man and thus could be hard to organize and means you need a huge guild. Though there should also be enough solo/small group content available (shiphands, adventures & dungeons).

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 13, 2014, 01:34:29 pm »
Yeah I'll play for sure (since I pre-ordered). Was gonna go Exile, but my Chua is actually growing on me, so might go Dominion after all (especially since Chua can be Spellslingers, yay!). I really like how the Chua swim (paddle) and their huge grin when they shoot stuff fits well :).

Talking about chaotic & frenetic: I did a world boss (Metal Maw) in a 20-man raid this weekend and it was funny having all those effects flying around (fps went down to 10-ish). We managed to kill it without deaths, but it only seemed to drop crap loot, so it wasn't really worth it.

They managed to totally bug crafting, though the patch of today is supposed to fix it. Housing really is great, though you need patience as the interface isn't so great, but it's powerful. Check the Housing forum section on the official forums to see what some people have been able to build. (Plus there's already a huge customization selection out of the box).

Still haven't done any PvP, but think I'll have to finally swap to using WASD (prefer arrow keys) or need an addon to autopress right mouse button in combat only (there's Steer & Deadlock Extended which are good, but I only need it in combat really). There's some addons already (Bijiplates to replace nameplates is good, so is BetterQuestLog) and more in the works (check on Curse), so that's looking good.

General Chat / Re: ESO has launched.
« on: May 08, 2014, 06:05:56 pm »
Got ESO while waiting for Wildstar to come out, but discovered some other games to play in the meantime: Shadowrun Returns (cyberpunk meets fantasy RPG) & Child of Light (platformer meets JRPG with gorgeous handpainted graphics & animations). Was thinking to give D3 another whirl since they removed the AH & changed item drops to suit your character more, but cba somehow (and still have a huge backlog of games to play anyway).

Cancelled my ESO subscription today as the game is not for me. I haven't encountered many bugs, but some things seem poorly thought out: what amounts to a SP quest system in an MMO with hilarious results like waiting with 10 other people for a boss to (re)spawn and trying to get a hit in so you can advance the quest or doing one of those chain events and realize at the end that there's no reward whatsoever for doing it (and thus not bothering anymore). And the number of gold spammers is simply horrible ,never have I encountered so many of them (the report function sucks & the fact that they had to disable the PM/whisper system at some point says a lot). And having a simple to execute dupe bug in the game doesn't inspire much confidence either :).

Wildstar has bugs as well and does have some performance issues (but it gets better with every patch), but I'm having more fun there than in ESO. I love the cartoony graphics, goofy over the top animations and the humour throughout. The quests are much more typical fare and there are tons of them (though you don't have to do them all, tasks for example can be easely dropped) and the path system isn't as imaginative as they make it out to be (it's not bad, but rather repetitive). Character customization is decent, but you can also customize your mount (I have no experience with it though) and the housing options are expansive (and expensive). Some people have done incredible things with the housing editor (someone built a piano with about 700 objects and others have created a second story in their house).

It is aimed at the more hardcore crowd with the 20/40 man dungeons and challenging content, but they're planning on having more than enough content for all sorts of players (solo, raid, pvp). Not sure how it will pan out in the long run, but I'm still having fun playing it so far :).

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 08, 2014, 05:16:17 pm »
Yeah, open beta has started today until the 18th. Since all my characters ended up copied on German servers, I started a new one on Eko (Yeah they named a server after me ;D). Katsui, Chua engineer (I love the Chua animations, they're awesome). Though I'm planning to play Exile on live (Aurin spellslinger, Mordesh medic & Human engineer are planned already :P).

General Chat / Wildstar
« on: April 23, 2014, 08:59:16 pm »
Does anyone want a key for the weekend beta of Wildstar this weekend (from Friday April 25 at 7:00am PDT until on Sunday April 27 at 11:59pm PDT)? I got one on my second email address, but since I pre-ordered I can already participate in the weekend betas :). I played quite a bit last weekend, but not sure if I'll have much time this weekend anyway.

It does have the same cartoony graphics of WoW (and as such is bright & colourful unlike ESO), but the combat is action based like Neverwinter Online or ESO. You do get a limited amount of skills (eight) on your actionbar, but the skills can be upgraded & swapped at will. You also have a talent tree of sorts (AMP).

They're not trying the reinvent the wheel, but like WoW (Carbine consists of ex-Blizzard employees after all) they borrow elements from other MMO's and bring it into one streamlined package. It's not the most inventive game, but I had fun so far mainly questing, doing a shiphand mission (soloable story based mission) and an adventure (group based VR mission with different branching paths). I'm not high enough to do a dungeon (there are 2 at level 20 I think) and haven't tried any PvP.

I love the cartoon style (well, I do love cartoons) and the humour, especially when rezzing ("Oh you died ... again."), teleporting ("Do you want to be transported in one piece or one piece at a time? ... So predictable!") or taking taxi's (they tell groan inducing puns). The UI and the quest tracker especially need some more work (as there are *tons* of quests). The game is also challenging and they intend to keep it that way (I've heard the first dungeon is punishing as a PuG :P), which is good. (Last weekend the mobs were too easy for a day, but they patched that during the weekend. Mobs were way too easy, I could easely solo mobs meant for 2 or 3 players which removed most of the challenge.) Yes I've died quite a bit and yes it can sometimes be infuriating to be taunted while rezzing ;D).

General Chat / Re: ESO has launched.
« on: April 18, 2014, 10:51:00 am »
I got it, mainly to kill time while waiting on Wildstar to come out in June (pre-ordered it and played 1 beta-weekend).

I just got level 10 last night, so my experience with it is rather limited. It's a good game though, much better than I expected after reading some comments from others.

I like the combat system, but only having 5 active skills (+ an ultimate) makes combat repetitive, especially once you found a good combo to kill mobs with. On the plus side there are a ton of different skills and you're not class limited at all.

The game being fully voiced is great, but they recycled voice actors again (though it's nowhere as bad as Oblivion where it felt like they only had 4 different voice actors).

My main gripe though is that that tried to shoehorn a single player campaign into an MMO and didn't handle it well. (For example I had a quest to enter a portal and kill a mob. Someone else was there already & killed the mob completing the quest for me.) The 'chosen one to save the world' quest doesn't fit an MMO well, since the world is shared by others doing the same thing. Rift had the same issue iirc.

So far I've been enjoying myself though, even though I didn't like Oblivion.

General Chat / Re: Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: February 02, 2014, 05:26:25 pm »
Try the demo :P. I only played the demo and combat is hex & turn based so it's kinda x-com fantasy style yeah. Difficulty is rather hard, so if you like a challenge play it on hard!

General Chat / Re: Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: January 20, 2014, 10:09:55 pm »
I loved playing The Walking Dead and picked up Season 2 (only 1 episode available which I haven't played yet). While your decisions won't really influence the situations you get in (afaik) they do make for a personal story. I've been tempted to play it again to see how making different choices would change the story, but I feel it's best played with sticking with the choices (and consequences) you made initially.

Also been tempted by Shadowrun Returns & Space Hulk, but guess I'll wait for another sale to buy them. Got some other games instead: just finished Bioshock Infinite which was great (the end is a bit of a mindfuck) and about halfway through Hitman Absolution which is really fun, but is starting to get harder now. Found Far Cry 3 to be a little disappointing so far, but I'm not that far in yet, so maybe it gets better), but I was pleasantly surprised by what little I've played of Tomb Raider so far.

Stupid sales keep me buying stuff while I still have loads of games to finish :P.

General Chat / Re: Not alot of action?
« on: November 23, 2013, 07:33:00 pm »
True! That's why mine is human ;D

General Chat / Re: Not alot of action?
« on: November 22, 2013, 11:18:19 pm »
Xan, Irya & Serafina are still playing at least, not sure about any others since they switched realms.

No clue about the Skullcrusher guild, don't have any char left there.

I'll be playing my hunter on Thunderhorn (Alliance) for now, since the guild (Roses of Dawn) is still active there.

General Chat / Re: Not alot of action?
« on: November 22, 2013, 05:33:28 pm »
LOL yeah, been replaying WoW since Monday. Got bored of everything else I tried so resubbed to WoW. Blizzard anounced a new expansion, so there's no more big updates until the expansion afaik. Found levelling to be pretty boring tbh, it feels extremely easy, maybe because I tried a hunter, but there's been no challenge so far. At least there are some fun quests to spice things up. Been playing on Thunderhorn so far, but tempted to try my Horde chars (shaman or warrior) on Wildhammer, though Awakening switched servers (for raiding afaik). None of them are level 85 though so would have to do more levelling there.

General Chat / Re: Not alot of action?
« on: August 19, 2013, 11:25:56 pm »
Grats Brigh! :D

General Chat / Re: Not alot of action?
« on: August 02, 2013, 10:46:26 pm »
Grew bored with Neverwinter after getting to 60, so decided to try out a few other F2P MMO's (EQ2, Rift, Firefall, Tera). The only one of those I like is Tera, since Cryptic copied their combat system :P. It's initially a Korean MMO which is clearly visible in the character design, but the translation is well done and it's not a grindfest like the earlier eastern MMO's. It won't have lasting appeal, but levelling is a lot of fun.

Firefall is different enough, since it's a 3rd person shooter based MMO. You can switch an exoskeleton (which can be upgraded) at a garage to change your role, so you're not stuck with 1 class. But since it doesn't rely on the standard quest system, but instead on random events it gets boring relatively fast. It's still in beta though so might get better, but I gave up on it already.

I did come across Wildstar which looks cool. I like the humour they put in their movies, but the game might be too similar to WoW though the Paths sound nice. It's in closed beta right now and probably won't even be released this year though.

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 26, 2013, 09:33:41 pm »
Aggro is more or less broken now, clerics are better add tanks than GF's :P. And since the main boss tactics seem to be 'MOAR ADDS!' it can get silly at times. Only played a GF until level 13 so not sure how their aggro works, but their taunt (like most AoE's) is capped at 5 targets. So I think it's mainly target swapping and hitting mobs to taunt them. From what I've read a conquerer GF does solid dps and with aggro as it is now you might as well go dps I think.

BTW since I swapped out some skills on my cleric (forgot to swap a relatively crappy heal spell for a dps one) levelling goes a lot faster.

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