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Messages - eKo

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WoW General / WoW
« on: October 30, 2006, 07:46:33 pm »
A link to the screenie here with the caption being: 'Bored of farming, let's go to Draenor.'. Goal was to take a screenshot of your guild near a famous npc and we chose Princess :).

We only had a few days to come up with something and Wimsy & Rhynn spent a lot of time farming mats to make everyone a farmer's outfit. I's not very special tbh, but was a lot of fun at the time and getting in beta was the icing on the cake :).

The South Park WoW episode was really funny ('How can you kill that which has no life?' :D). One WoW movie everyone has to see is Zinwrath imo, it's done very well and is also really funny.

WoW General / WoW
« on: October 30, 2006, 05:41:43 pm »
I'm still playing WoW :). Still as Alliance on Thunderhorn though in Roses of Dawn.

We won the screenshot contest and got 25 beta keys, so I'm now mainly exploring tBC beta :D. tBC is really cool, the new zones (only 4 open so far) look really good and if rep stays as it is now (not sure as xp is accelerated, dunno about rep) then you can get to honoured with the new factions easy by just questing. Each zone has several new factions and there's also a (different) PvP objective in each zone. The most fun so far is the one in Nagrand where you can do bombing runs on the village on a gryph :). Can't say much about class balance yet as level cap is only lvl 67 so far, but a shadowpriest is a lot of fun.

There are also some UI improvements, no more LFG channel, but instead a LFG/LFM panel, sort off similar to the one from DAoC. ALT + a spell casts in on yourself without having to switch targets. There's also a much improved character stats screen where you can select to see your melee/ranged/spell/defense stats in detail (amount of +dmg, +hit, +crit, def, etc.).

The new races are nice as well, got a Draenei shaman to 21 and there's lots of fun quests in the new starter zones. Only played a Blood Elf to lvl 5, so can't say much about them except that they do look good, but male BE dance is so gay :p.

Also, gear that drops in tBC is insanely good: greens (even lvl 55 ones) are equal or better than tier 1, blues are equal or better than tier 2, didn't see tBC epics yet ;). At lvl 64 my priest has +350 spell damage, 6k hp (self-buffed) and over 7.2k mana :p.

General Chat / Seed
« on: May 09, 2006, 10:17:44 am »
Wouldn't a rogue/bard be able to -partially- make up the lost action points with inspire greatness song, int buff, items? If you want to be able to disable all traps/pick all doors then pure rogue is indeed the way to go, but a rogue/bard also brings heals, buffs and cc. I still think it's a viable build, but probably not to disable traps on higher lvl/higher difficulty quests.

General Chat / Seed
« on: May 09, 2006, 07:35:28 am »
While I'm no expert on rogues, rogue with 1-2 levels or fighter (for higher hp, higher BAB, shield proficiency and extra feats) should be very viable, same for rogue with 2 levels of ranger (a bit higher hp, higher BAB, shield proficiency, favored enemy & free two weapon fighting at 2 ranger) and 1 rogue/9 bard should also work since bards also have a lot of skillpoints and share many of the same class skills as rogues (hide, move silently, UMD, ...). It would make the already versatile bard into a true jack-of-all-trades at the loss of 2 lvl 4 spells which only pure bards can get, but you have to think past lvl 10 anyways as the cap will raise eventually.

General Chat / Seed
« on: May 08, 2006, 02:26:49 pm »

Yeah, we're going to play tomorrow (tuesday) around 20:30-21:00. I most likely won't be on tonight (monday), but maybe some others will be.

General Chat / RF Online
« on: March 03, 2006, 07:41:49 pm »

Talked to Las and he said some ppl were/were interested in playing RF Online. I just got it today and was wondering if some ppl play it, which server/faction they're playing and under what name.

Only played the tutorial so far (which is rather irritating), but the game itself looks good and the mobs to kill are sliiiiiightly bigger than the usual rats :p.

I started on the first server (Spirit?) as a gnome (Bellato Union) ranger. Will prolly play there a bit longer to familiarize myself with the game, untill I get an answer here ;).

PS: I didn't get in DnL beta after all, username/password didn't work and wasn't too bothered as I was still playing WoW (And somehow I must've deleted the mail with the username & password :-/). I'm actually still playing WoW, but getting a bit bored, so thought to give RF Online a try.

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: December 10, 2005, 01:47:03 pm »
I had late shift this week, so signed up in the morning. Downloaded the game now as well, but have to wait till the 13th or so before it starts.

Expect to have plenty of reports of the low level areas as I roll & reroll new characters :p.

Bah, looks like I won't be able to play a Fairy in SoG, guess I'll go for Gnome Druid and who knows what else ;).

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: December 08, 2005, 08:33:08 pm »
Quote from: Lasiien
You are banned from this game imo eko :)

Too late, I signed up this morning, muahaha  :p.

Hope everyone remembered to sign up!

General Chat / Dark&Light
« on: October 18, 2005, 09:23:00 am »
Free open beta? Cool!

Checked it out a bit and I wanna be a Fairy!
And probably gonna start a Gnome druid too!
Ooh, amazon looks nice too, and monk, and ...

Looks like I'll have lots of alts again. :p.

WoW General / Honour System - Explanation and Thoughts
« on: April 22, 2005, 10:33:46 am »
They originally meant to have dishonor points for killing greys, but they removed it as it was too hard to implement. A low level priest/druid/shaman/paladin can heal/buff higher levels, but killing them would be a dishonored kill?

It would most likely take up way too many resources to check on those sort of actions as well and with most PvP-servers being high load already it's just not possible.

Can't say too much on PvP as I mainly play on a PvE-server, except that it will no doubt get tweaked, just like in DAoC. Even though DAoC started out with PvP in mind, the 'end result' is totally different from how it began (for better or for worse).

WoW General / Woah ! Population stats
« on: February 22, 2005, 09:56:59 am »
I actually expected Horde to be popular, especially on PvP servers. In SWG the rebels had the majority on every server, EXCEPT the Euro servers (Chimaera at least, not sure about Farstar) where the imperials had the majority. And the WoW posts/polls on seemed to indicate that a lot of people wanted to play Horde.

Our server might be the exception, but I guess Horde has the advantage on most PvP servers, while Alliance has the advantage on PvE servers. I'd have to look at more stats to see if there's any thruth, but it's what I expect.

General Chat / test
« on: February 17, 2005, 02:00:40 pm »
Using IE doesn't make any difference, still can't post in the private forum, but just noticed it does upgrade my post count somehow. :p

General Chat / test
« on: February 17, 2005, 01:55:22 pm »
Nope, can't start new threads either.

(Using Mozilla Firefox btw)

General Chat / test
« on: February 17, 2005, 01:53:08 pm »
Actually I can't post in the private section anymore either, can view it fine, I get the edit window when clicking on reply, but nothing happens when clicking on the 'submit reply' button.

Will test if it's only on reply's or on starting new threads as well.

You didn't put it into moderation mode, so that you have to approve every post before it appears?

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