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Messages - xann

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WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: January 22, 2009, 03:35:18 am »

hows every1 going? :)

just so ya'll know, Carc, Xentimir, ygg and i are still playing regulary on Wildhammer. Raiding, BGing and all round pwing ofc. Have been wondering if any1 else here has had any thoughts on coming back to WoW/wildhammer at some point in the future?

carc said something about seeing Brigh on recently? and Sax has sorted out his HD probs, so will see him logging in now and then. Also a few of us are lvling old 70th lvl alts, so will be ppl around for low instance runs. You were right Las, i've ended up lvling most of my 70's... :P

anyway, hope ur all well, and mabye see u online sometime ;)

Semper Fudge

WoW General / Re: Monday 15th instance run!!
« on: December 15, 2008, 12:55:27 am »
yeah can do, will take my Warlock

WoW General / Re: Tue 9th Dec - Instance Run
« on: December 11, 2008, 12:41:52 am »
you manage to get an instance run? i am up for a lowbie run on my 'lock or mage sometime, any plans for another one?

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: December 08, 2008, 03:01:46 pm »
i won't be able to at that time tomoz, but 'tis easy 'cos cern can replace me as dps

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: December 08, 2008, 01:19:01 am »

Anyway got to go teach Xanic how to play Blood Bowl now ;p


tandem lvling, prolly the smartest thing to do with my 'lock too, need a mining guy for Xanic, but i like to concentrate on one toon when getting down to lvling properly.

i'll be trying the pvp too... ofc, always did enjoy the odd bg, won't be grinding tons of them like i did a couple of times alwhile back. /yawn after to many.

Las, I think you should take a break, play some single player games and come back

i agree :P

what about eko too?? you gonna be playing it at all anymore?

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: December 06, 2008, 05:11:16 pm »
thought i'd bump this for an update-ish post.

so carcs dinged 80th, along with Xentimer. i'm 76th atm, trying to speed up but finding it tough :P also still using all my 70th lvl gear, thought i'd have replaced somehitng by now

any1 else still planning on playing wotlk on Wildhammer, haven't seen many ppl on for abit?

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: November 11, 2008, 02:46:02 pm »

Thats one expensive hobby!

lol thats mental.

WOTLK, i'm probably gonna play my Warrior, and will be staying on Wildhammer.

Mages are OP atm /poke Las

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