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Messages - eKo

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WoW General / PvP Rewards
« on: May 23, 2007, 08:37:35 am »
Hmmm ... the new arena healing mace is awesome (similar to the drop from Prince in Kara iirc) as is the +spelldamage mace (should maybe do arena's with my priest as well :p) and I'm liking the upgraded armors too (legs & helm mainly for me as those are 2 areas I can seriously improve).

Guess we'll have to do way more arena matches :).

Was it just me or was arena weird yesterday? Hardly any paladin+warrior combo and lots of noobs (I mean a shaman who doesn't purge my Earth Shield? Of course I survive his 2 rogue buddies then while Xan & Sax kill the shaman quick with me purging his Earth Shield :p).

Also looks like we're starting to manage paladins ok as we killed a few teams with a paladin healer :).

General Chat / lotro
« on: May 21, 2007, 06:18:14 pm »
Heya Cern,

Found that Turbine had a good look at current MMO's on the market and incorporated some of their features (just like Blizzard did for WoW really). Things like EQ2's group combo's, CoH/CoV badges (deeds/traits) & the blatant WoW ui ripoff :).

The story quests are nice and it's really cool how it's woven into the main LotR story. All in all it's a nice game, though I'm unsure it'll keep me busy for long, but you never know.

My main is Katsui (still trying lots of different classes/races as well), Las has Cardannach & Lasiien (what a surprise :p) and D&H are ... well ... Darkly & Helez.

Think quite a few from Prydwen are playing on Laurelin also, though none of the people I really know. We're all still on Snowbourn and will look out for you :).

WoW General / 2.1 patch notes
« on: May 02, 2007, 02:46:53 pm »
I have to say that I'm losing faith in the dev team. They now seem to make easy short term fixes (nerfs) instead of fixing the real underlying problems which would be a long-term solution. Also a lot of 'problems' like the tailoring sets being better than T4/T5 are foreseeable.

And like Las said having everything given to shadowpriests since the TBC talents nerfed, doesn't inspire much confidence either.

And there's the hypocrite situation where they only want to buff Circle of Healing with baby steps (25 more hp healed in 2.1, weeee :p) so it would be a useful lvl 41 talent without being overpowered. Yet they have no problem taking giant steps with nerfing Shadow Word:Death (100% cooldown increase), shaman's Elemental Focus (40% less mana returned on damage crits), Paladin's Illumination (50% less mana returned on healing crits), etc.

WoW General / 2.1 patch notes
« on: April 13, 2007, 01:13:56 pm »
Have to agree with Xan that there's some weird changes.

Paladin's utility & healing reduced (healing really nerfed) while dps of all trees got slightly increased?

Shaman's Elemental Focus which was actually only changed last patch now nerfed. Instead of giving a free spell which meant you could get out of the FSR, it now only returns 60% mana. The way WF works while dual wielding is now also nerfed.

About every buff & new spells shadow priests got since the TBC talent changes have now been nerfed.

Don't know the other classes as well, so can't really say much about it, but really feels like Blizzard is making some odd changes.

WoW General / Hot Loot
« on: March 29, 2007, 11:26:47 am »
Great site Las and once they add the option to filter out raid & pvp content (they're planning it) then it would become absolutely useful.

It's not something that can't be done manually already via sites such as, but it saves a lot of work :) (did it for my shaman).

General Chat / Happy birthday Sax :)
« on: March 22, 2007, 05:12:25 pm »
Happy Birthday Saxif :).

I'll up Brigh's offer and add my Hunter into the package, you are now allowed to  not only PL Brigh's warlock into various instances, but my hunter as well! And all FOR FREE!!!

WoW General / Murmur
« on: March 06, 2007, 07:56:45 pm »
On Murmur you can unload everything you've got as he'll mainly hit the one in melee anyway. He can't move and if you can keep someone in melee then he only does the knockback/silence thing which doesn't hit very hard anyway.

I always use VT, even on trash mobs, with a decent tank you don't draw aggro; while I mainly use Mindblast & SW:Death as a finishing combo. Something which works very well, but makes your threat go through the roof (not a problem on Murmur, but it is on others mobs/bosses) is SW:Death followed by a Mindblast, with VE up you already get most health back from just the Mindblast, follow with 2 Mindflays and you're at full health again for a new cycle.

Did Shadow Labyrinth yesterday easy with a regular group on Thunderhorn (protection warrior, feral druid, frost mage, holy/protection pally & me, shadowpriest) and it was easy, wiped once on Vorpil (third boss), but the rest was really easy. On Murmur we had the druid + pally healing with the mage & me on dps. I did throw a shield on the tank after every Sonic Boom though while I moved back into position (givf longer range on Mindflay!). I love the versatility of hybrids in the 5-man instances and a pally main healer with shadowpriest backup is awesome, as long as the shadowpriest is doing dps the pally won't run out of mana.

WoW General / Murmur
« on: March 05, 2007, 06:30:58 pm »
Never found Murmur to be that hard, especially compared to the third (and second) boss(es). Easiest is to have the tank just standing in melee and not moving, kinda need 2 healers for it though to deal with being silenced at the wrong time.

Also done it with the tank runnng in and out of the AoE, problem with it is that if the tank is too slow to run out he gets snared and can't return to melee fast enough to avoid Resonance.

I rather like Shadow Labyrinth, it's really a step up in difficulty :).

WoW General / Today's Patch
« on: December 06, 2006, 07:29:48 pm »
I retract my statement, almost all servers down now :p. Think it's the BG servers which crashed actually as was stuck on loading screen before they restarted the server, but server not been up yet.

WoW General / Today's Patch
« on: December 06, 2006, 07:04:46 pm »
Patching is done and servers are up, but looks like there's a big load on them though (BG's just crashed on TH and server is being reset).

As for talents you get the 'new' talent trees (seems it's an old build as far as talents are concerned, though mainly affects paladins, rogues & druids afaik) with the 41-point talents in them which you can spec, but you keep having only 51 points to spend, 10 more come in tBC with each level.

I wouldn't spec protection for 5/10-man instances though and neither is it necessary for ZG tanking tbh, just get some tanking gear, so your def is around 350 and you can tank ZG bosses just fine as either arms or fury. Actually the guy who mostly mt's for our alliance on TH is arms spec and he tanks ZG/AQ20 & MC without probs (might have some points in prot for defiance though).

Collect some tanking gear from the 5/10 man instances (naglering & force of will from BRD, the shield from Drakki in UBRS, cloak of warding (tailor-made) or redoubt cloak (DM tribute), ornate adamantium breastplate from EPL quest chain, deathbone set pieces from Scholomance, etc and you'll be fine to tank while also still being able to dps.

WoW General / WoW
« on: November 08, 2006, 12:25:47 pm »
Muahaha, I pwnd Sax :D.

WoW General / WoW
« on: November 08, 2006, 12:01:02 pm »
It's not one mod Sax, but a collection of mods. I seem to recognize bibmod, squeenix (square minimap), ArcHUD (the curved lines around the character for hp/mana), Elkano's BuffBar, Gatherer, Hitsmode, SacredBuff... (might not be the exact ones as there's usually several to do the same thing).

I mainly use CTRA, CT (only for questlevels, timer on casting bar & chat scrolling really), Atlas (map browser), ItemRack (gear switcher), AV Bars (shows timer bars for objectives in AV & AB), BGFlag (shows the name of the FC + can click on it to target), cMinimapCoordinates (shows coordinates on the minimap and main map), Casterstats (shows the amount of +heal/dam, mp5, ... on character sheet) and class/profession specific: Decursive (need it for raids and very handy in PvP), Gatherer (remmebers where you mined/picked flowers, looted a chest), Enchantrix (predicts disenchants), SortEnchant (makes the enchant window sortable by armor type and enchant type), Flexbar (extremely customizable buttons) for Flextotem and on my hunter: AntiDaze (automatically switches off aspect of the cheetah/pack when dazed), MinimapMenu (right click on minimap to set tracking), RangeHelp (indicates wether your target is in range for melee/ranged or in your deadzone) and Beastmaster (sorts pet skills by name).

And bah @ Las as I started messing about with UI mods now :p.

WoW General / WoW
« on: November 02, 2006, 09:35:45 pm »
Givf gold plxx and PL ME! :D

Transferred my char and dinged 44 already, so be on the lookout for Eara :).

WoW General / WoW
« on: November 01, 2006, 08:57:09 pm »
It's a paying service, but yeah you can transfer chars, not to every server though as can't go from pve to pvp servers, etc.

Damn, been on PvE server so long that going back to a PvP server's going to feel weird. Never liked STV anyway, certainly not on a PvP server :p.

WoW General / WoW
« on: November 01, 2006, 06:30:37 pm »
It's kinda hard for me to join you as I think I deleted my chars on Skullcrusher eventually (were only 18 & 21 anyway). I do have a lvl 43 shammie on The Maelstrom server which is unplayed atm and could be transferred really (need money for my mount though :p).

And afaik the raid instances in tBC will be 25-man, though they might throw in a few 40-man instances, you never know.

PvP will get a big overhaul with the expansion: no more honor grinding for ranks. Instead you'll be able to accumulate honor over time to get PvP rewards, so even casuals will be able to get good gear eventually without having to play 24/7. They're going to add 1 more BG, all tBC zones have some world PvP objectives and they're also introducing arena matches (2vs2, 3vs3 and 5vs5 iirc) which will have the better PvP rewards. They're also working on some sort of matchmaking service so you won't have a PuG of fresh lvl 60's in green gear vs a team of epixed chars, though it might be mainly for arena matches as they want to intruduce a ladder system, etc.

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