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Messages - xann

Pages: 1 ... 12 13 14 15
General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 17, 2009, 04:43:30 pm »
shame we can't play that Airport level in Verses mode, was a fun one, and even more of a challagne with pc zombies :) tho npc survivors pwn /nerf

next time we leave no one behind, rip eko... i blame sax

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: March 17, 2009, 02:13:14 pm »
i agree with cern, stay in tbc areas till 70, or even alillte beyond imo. And starting in the Howling Fjord /nod. But Borean Tundra's good to, i did both and then went to Dragonblight.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 13, 2009, 02:50:17 pm »
heh, nah Premiership football depresses me, 'cos we're so far from it these days :P but hopefully not for much longer :)

boxing at 9pm, khan v barrera, tho the undercard is prolly gonna be better... Maccarinelli v Afolabi is a good match up

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 12, 2009, 10:20:55 pm »
ye, be cool if we could start the same sorta time again, won't be staying on till late. will tell carc too

General Chat / Re: Darkfall
« on: March 12, 2009, 03:12:33 pm »
However I still lub Civ 4 it's da bomb!


you junkie.

atm i'm playing Civ4, Left4Dead and Masters of Orion2. I might have a look at EVE, intrested in that sorta genre, bored of the generic fantasy mmo rly... A World of Starcraft sounds cool imo, wonder if thats a real posibility?

General Chat / Re: New Artwork
« on: March 07, 2009, 12:46:05 am »
thats pretty awesome, love the site too. Beautiful photos in The Whole Spectrum

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 06, 2009, 06:49:16 pm »
hehe, don't worry, my aims like a laser.. going thru a prism. i don't wanna die from lack of shooting back, Quantity > Quality. Unlimited pistol ammo!

Carc's just brought the game too, liked the look of gore splattered across the screen ;)

stopped playing WoW for now, just hope they change PvP somehow, or i can't see myself renewing subs.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 05, 2009, 03:47:30 pm »
got the game, ?29.99 from store. i love it, but i'm having trouble with wasting my own team mates in single player... :D don't run in front of me! stupid AI :P

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 05, 2009, 01:49:11 am »
only other one who said they might is xan but not confirmed?

actuly planned on getting the game tomoz, so /ticked for a game this weekend, like the idea of playing a zombie :D brains...

General Chat / The Wire
« on: February 24, 2009, 02:54:36 pm »

caught the 1st episode of The Wire on sky recently, dunno if it was just a one of thing or the channel is planning to show the whole thing, but was wondering how many seasons there are, and if its finished or is there a new series being shown/written as we speak?... or type :)

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: February 20, 2009, 03:22:58 pm »
Don't need to grind to prep for raiding eko, i jumped right in with out touching a normal instance and wearing crapy crafted blues :) and who needs food buffs rly :D

Always enjoyed fps multi-player, so if ur all thinking about it, i'd tag along for a few games. Will look into Left 4 Dead, not heard of it, tho am worried that the Zombies will scare Sax away...

As for WoW, yes i've been raiding, and Xanic has many purple pixels, but PvP is a sorry state atm and doesn't seem to be a solutions to resolve it on the horizon. Something must happen with it soon tho, think alot of ppl are complaining about it, even the OP classes, Insta-gibbing gets boring too

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: February 11, 2009, 09:40:34 pm »
prolly jynxing it now, but think i'm omw too 1st win on Noble ;)

Gilgamesh, Pangaea, Large, Normal speed. Got everything under control, think a Cultural Victory is inc, only 1500-ish tho, still time for AI's to screw my over i guess.

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: January 28, 2009, 02:22:33 am »
i'm surprised you can remeber what victory pie tastes like Sax

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: January 26, 2009, 09:43:25 pm »

1 ).Big & Small and Terra most of the time

2 ).Large for Big & Small, Standard for Terra

3 ).English Empire, Elizibeth. Or another one with Financial most of the time

4 ).Defult almost all the time

5 ).Normal almost all the time...

6 ).Noble atm

7 ).Well, when i beat Noble i'll update this :P but i'd love to get a Domination Victory

8 ).Haven't tried a moded game, just BtS

I have trouble getting to the end game all the time (where BtS is based mainly around too :P) AI's annoy me, if one tries anything funny (i.e-demands, forced religon) i wanna give 'em abit of payback, so the whole game swirls into a 500year war ruining my Civ :/ Will try more of a building/tech route sometime, and wipe some1 out later in the game like Sax suggested too me awhile back ;)

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: January 22, 2009, 04:30:37 pm »
civ talk!

i just started a new game, rly wanna end up winning/finishing one soon :P went random race and got Gengis Khan, so doing some early warmongering with his mounted archers, gave the americains a good hiding ;)

yes i've been raiding on Xanic as DPS, i have -41 DKP :)

my mage is 80th, and rogues 75th atm. they'll be my pvp toons now, as they are both, um, OP!

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