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Messages - eKo

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General Chat / Re: PC Upgrade
« on: July 30, 2008, 06:06:31 pm »
Don't think it's worth upgrading if you don't have a dual core cpu yet as it will indeed serve as a bottleneck. Problem is it will mean new mobo + cpu + ram + gfx. The new ATI/AMD cards (4850 & 4870) are also very good, especially considering their price. As for CPU Intel is the clear winner here (go for a higher clocked dual core over a quad core if gaming will be your main use btw).

Are you sure about PCI Express 2.0 being compatible with 1.0? The info I found seemed to indicate otherwise.

General Chat / Re: Colombia
« on: July 30, 2008, 05:54:46 pm »
You can find my pics at It's not complete as I forgot my camera while we visited the rainforest in Punyo and I didn't take pics at the wedding as there were enough people around to take pics already. Will exchange pics with Yggy wo whas there as well as a start.

General Chat / Re: Colombia
« on: July 27, 2008, 02:54:28 pm »
I'm back now from 2 weeks in Ecuador. Did a tour there for the first week, mainly in the mountains, but also spent a day in Puyo which is known as the gate to the Amazonia. Then there was the wedding of my cousin and jeez do they like to dance there :). Also spent 4 days with my cousin, his wife and her brother at the coast, near Esmeraldas where it was damn hot and Yggy and me got burned to a crisp :). It was a great trip, beatiful country and extremely friendly people all around, shame it's over so soon.

Still sorting through all the pictures I made, will post some at a later date.

General Chat / Re: AVG Anti-Virus
« on: June 09, 2008, 01:41:00 pm »
Hiya Sax,

I'm using AVG 8.0 (the free version) and it seems to work fine. Used to have Norton Antivirus Corporate Edition, but it doesn't run on Vista so had to switch. Didn't feel like paying as there are good free ones available and I don't do stupid stuff on my PC anyway.

General Chat / Re: WAR collectors edition
« on: May 23, 2008, 05:48:03 pm »
Hmm ... open beta spot sounds nice. Never really cared about most of the silly in-game items you can get via collectors editions.

Yeah, not happy about GOA running things either, though didn't find them as bad as people said. But have gotten used to live Customer Support nowadays, so hope they"ll do it this time instead of the stupid rightnow website. I remember first time I played AO (Anarchy Online); they actually had Greeters, they'd pop up when playing a new char on a new account and talk to you a bit and you could ask all sorts of questions, was really nice. The support persons from CoH were also nice, had to get help a few times with mobs stuck in the floors/ceiling.

Not sure about playing US, main problem is the difference in hours, so there"d be less people on when we play (mostly kids :P). Not sure how PvP and the PvP zone will turn out, but if there are raids and stuff it could be harder to join for us on US servers. But we wouldn't have to wait for ages on patches and get live CSRs.

General Chat / Re: I'm Bored!!
« on: October 25, 2007, 04:46:52 pm »
Nerf OP locks!!!

General Chat / Re: I'm Bored!!
« on: October 25, 2007, 01:43:17 pm »
Quick! Hide! The gimp is back! :P

Wb Sax :).

General Chat / Re: I'm Bored!!
« on: October 09, 2007, 02:55:11 pm »
Oh noes, the gimp will be back!

PS: Nerf OP locks! ;D

General Chat / Re: I'm Bored!!
« on: October 05, 2007, 01:59:19 pm »
I understand Xanatos, progress has been almost non-existing lately, but on the other hand there's been quite a few new level 70 alts, so there might be more people available for Kara soon. Also it's much easier to rotate dps than to rotate healers and tanks as there are so much more dps'ers.

Personally I'll now try to join Kara with my pally, while going to the 25 man raids with Eara. Still need to gear up though and get sta/hp enchants, but should be ok for early Kara tbh.

New patch will be a long while imo as they are introducing new things to every class.

General Chat / Re: I'm Bored!!
« on: October 04, 2007, 05:27:58 pm »
Thanks, now gearing up and getting my pally attuned.

I also got my new PC yesterday and while it doesn't seem to improve loading much, I do get 60 fps in shatt in now where I previously got 12-15 fps :).

Tested Bioshock as well and it runs and looks great, though it's scary :o.

WoW General / Re: Arena team buying
« on: September 28, 2007, 05:16:01 pm »
Your personal rating is what it says, rating based on the games you played, so only the games you effectively played are counted. Which means you can't simply join a high rating team and get their rating to buy weapon/shoulders, you'll have to play (and win) enough games to get your own rating high enough.

I'm not keen on having things rating based as arena (2v2 & 3v3 especially) is imo more based around class (im)balance than skill. Not to say you don't need any skill or teamwork at all, but for example as shaman I get cc'd way too easy without having a way out (can only trinket once then it's over). I'd do better as pally there as I could bubble and keep healing and could for example also use BoP on Las to keep him up vs melee.

I might try to do some arena with my pally eventually, but I would respec to holy/prot for it as protection is sucky in PvP (except against melee).

If it's only gonna be weapons and shoulders that are rating based then I don't mind too much, but I don't want to see more than that being rating based (except if it's cosmetic changes/titles/etc).

General Chat / Bad Taste Party Ideas
« on: June 25, 2007, 10:23:58 am »
Go as Sax! Success guaranteed! :p

No idea tbh, I'm not a creative person really.

WoW General / 2.1.2
« on: June 16, 2007, 08:11:51 am »
The 2.12 patch is on PTR and you can see the new gear at on their main page. The new arena weapons are sick: 97.7 dps 1-handers, 126.9 dps 2-handers, 225 +spelldamage on the dagger and 423 +heal on the mace makes gear better than what you can get from Kara :p. Only looked at the stats for shaman arena armor and it's totally overpowered, again it's better than Kara gear, makes casual raiding almost useless tbh.

They also FINALLY added healing jewelry (necklace and ring, dunno about cloak) and mail healing gear so I will have something to spend my honor on now :).

General Chat / Hello
« on: June 15, 2007, 11:00:48 am »
Quote from: Saxif
A game to look out for btw, though not multi-player is Overlord, it look awesome, some real cool dark humour in it, think I pointed it out to you guys before, its the one were you can command your Evul Minions to attack villagers and joy ride sheep!!  I reckon its gonna be alot of fun, pretty sure the demo is out now, intending to dl it when I find a day I am not raiding :)  Should be released end of the month ..

Played the demo (it's way too short) and it seems a fun game, reminds me a lot of Dungeon Keeper. Burning those halflings was really funny :).

WoW General / 2.1.2
« on: June 08, 2007, 01:32:37 pm »
The new trinket is nice, a buff for shamans, while sort of a nerf for anyone with CC (about every single class) :). Think Xan will like it as well though as he'll now be able to get out of frost traps.

Will need to PvP more to get enough honor for the lvl 70 trinket though as it's on a 2 mins CD :).

Am curious for the new arena sets (old one will be 15% cheaper) and also for the new PvP items. Hope they fix some omissions like no epic mail/plate healing belt, bracers, boots while those exist in leather & cloth. A lvl 70 healing weapon & shield would be nice as well, a healing mace at least exists in lvl 60 variant, no idea why they didn't have a lvl 70 version. Guess Blizzard just doesn't like healers :p.

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