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Messages - eKo

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WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: January 23, 2009, 12:36:48 pm »
You any good at it then Cern? I suck even on easy mode (not really, except Sweet Home Alabama, grrr). Tried About A Girl on medium once and already couldn't follow :). Tried expert to see it once and let's say I'll never manage to play on expert, that's just bloody crazy stuff. Got it for my Wii as well and it's harder than I thought it'd be :P. The rockstar designer is great though, though I spent way too much money on silly costume parts I never use and now I can't buy the Tool tour, bah. Spent way too much time with it, just ask Las about the CoH character designer and my rerolls ;D.

As for WoW I'm not sure, tempted to play again, but got 6 levels to go + gear up while everyone is lvl 80 already with good gear so will be hard to find parties for heroics, etc. Got time to play now though so might do it, dunno.

WoW General / Re: HD Fooked and Seasons Greetings :)
« on: January 14, 2009, 01:38:08 pm »
Once you replug the cable after installing Vista it should change the drive letter of the old partitions automatically.

And you can create partitions during Vista's installation, can't really remember how it's done, but it's pretty self-explanatory iirc.

WoW General / Re: HD Fooked and Seasons Greetings :)
« on: January 14, 2009, 12:32:26 am »
If you right-click on My Computer on your desktop and select Manage, does the drive show up in Disk Management? If so I think you just need to right-click and assign/change a drive letter. Shouldn't really matter where you put the SATA cable (especially if you say the HD appears in the device manager). But since you want to (re)install Vista on it anyway, why do you need to see it already? Just run the Vista installation and install on the new HD.

Personally I'd pull the SATA/IDE cable from your Samsung drive, install Visa on the WD drive and once that's done replug the cable, but mainly because I'm so used to the C-drive/partition being the boot drive. Vista does support being installed on another drive/partition, so it wouldn't be a problem if you do it otherwise.

WoW General / Re: HD Fooked and Seasons Greetings :)
« on: December 29, 2008, 10:23:15 pm »
Means it's detected by the BIOS (thought so since you can enable/disable SMART there) and reinstalling will be for nought. My WD Raptor drive crashed earlier this month after a little over a year :P, but at least they don't make a fuss out of it (ok, the raptor drives do have 5 years warranty), I just handed it in and now have to wait 4-6 weeks.

Waiting to get it back to rebuild my PC, WD raptor drive for windows/apps, WD velociraptor drive for games and 2 750Gb Seagate disks in raid 0 for data/music/movies/series plus an external 500Gb USB drive:). Had to buy a new PSU as well as the one I have now wasn't strong enough for the 2 disks in raid, doh.

PS: Happy New Year! And don't get too drunk :).

WoW General / Re: Monday 15th instance run!!
« on: December 15, 2008, 02:44:50 pm »
Yeah sure, like I said, I' always up for an instance (and have 3 quests for Nexus ;D).

WoW General / Re: Tue 9th Dec - Instance Run
« on: December 09, 2008, 07:50:31 pm »
With you healing I guess we better start with RFC? :P

WoW General / Re: Tue 9th Dec - Instance Run
« on: December 09, 2008, 02:41:33 pm »
Yeah I'll be there, just hope you don't want me to heal cause my heal gear is banked and I'm enhance now, so heals are crappy :P.

WoW General / Re: Tue 9th Dec - Instance Run
« on: December 08, 2008, 07:21:27 pm »
Sorry, but can only do tomorrow and Wed late (after 9:30 pm my time) as I have the late shift then. Almost rid of those though as I'm changing jobs on Januari 12 which means regular working hours \o/.

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: December 08, 2008, 12:19:06 pm »
Think I'll alternate between the 3 chars I'm playing (Gnome DK on Thunderhurn and Eara+Keaira on Wildhammer). Not interested in reaching lvl 80 fast, so I log out when bored and yes, sometimes it's after 30 mins ;).

Lightning bolt spam got old fast, so respecced Eara to Enhance and it's fun even with the crap gear she has now. I don't kill as fast, but the spectral wolves are great and it can only get better with gear.

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: November 13, 2008, 07:54:19 pm »
Oh well, lack of other games to play made me buy WotLK on release day anyway and inclined to play my pally though also thinking of maybe levelling my shammie at the same time (but as enhance, liked it on my draenei shammie). I'm not in a rush this time, so we'll see what happens.

Hope to see (some of) you online in WoW soon :).

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: November 10, 2008, 12:53:35 pm »
Will try to get WotLK on Wed, but didn't preorder and not too fussed about it, even thinking of waiting a week or maybe 2 (dunno if I can though :P) simply so I won't have to compete for every single mob kill. Also I cannot make up my mind about which char to play, prot pally is fun now, more buttons to mash and they've gained some needed dps, but Awakening still has quite a number of active tanks and less active healers, so it'd be easier to join raids with Eara, though right now I fail to see the point of resto shamans in a raid as both druids & priests are now better AoE healers.

Not interested in a DK either, so still have to make up my mind on which char to level, but got a slight preference for my pally so far.

General Chat / Re: Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?
« on: November 06, 2008, 10:22:01 am »
I liked Planetside, but after a while it got kinda boring since you were basically doing the same thing over and over. Ended up in a nice outfit, but as we could only get 1 group together we were kinda forced to join the zerg as we'd get zerged when trying to open new continents. We did try to fight behind enemy lines though and when it worked it was great fun.

Got a lot further in Fallout 3 and can confirm that enemies don't scale (or at least not as badly as they did in Oblivion). The main story so far is kinda uninteresting (chase your dad all over the place), but the side quests and exploring is fun. Though VATS makes combat a bit too easy I still find the combat system fun, especially trying out new weapons and turning enemies in well ... a bloody mess (got the Bloody Mess perk :)).

General Chat / Re: Fable 2, Fallout 3 and others?
« on: November 04, 2008, 05:54:28 pm »
Got Fallout 3 Sunday evening and finding it's fun, it's very different from the old fallout games, yet it seems to have the same atmosphere (not got very far yet). While it is based on the Oblivion engine it's not just Oblivion with guns and according to some things I've read it doesn't have the scaling enemies and it seems to be more focussed on its main quest even though there are plenty of side quests.

Loved the fallout games and it looks like it has the same atmosphere and the transition to 3D is very well done imo. They've also used more than 5 voice actors (hated that in Oblivion) and the radio stations are a nice addition. The combat system is cool as well, you can just fight FPS-style, but the VATS system makes fights a little more strategic (you can target body parts, but it uses up action points which regenerate over time, but you can still shoot in real time as well which doesn't use action points).

All in all I'm having a lot of fun in Fallout 3, but I loved the previous 2 games. The whole post-nuclear holocaust with 1950's technology is nice change from the usual fantasy setting and they've always included a lot of humor and pop culture references (kinda like Blizzard in WoW). So between playing some WoW again and Fallout 3 I don't have much time for WAR :).

General Chat / Warhammer Online Release date 18 September
« on: August 06, 2008, 05:00:38 pm »
The release date for both US and Europe is 18 September.

General Chat / Re: PC Upgrade
« on: July 30, 2008, 06:28:48 pm »
Looked some more into the PCIe 2.0, 1.1 & 1.0 compatibility and it's confusing as hell. Seems to mainly depend on the motherboard and gfx card. Some work, others don't. A 2.0 card is more future proof though, but if go for one, get one you can return, just in case :).

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