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Messages - xann

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General Chat / Re: 7 July 2009
« on: July 07, 2009, 11:25:06 pm »
His name was Gilly, here he is lounging by the window about a year ago  :)

General Chat / 7 July 2009
« on: July 07, 2009, 06:52:16 pm »
Had to put our Cat too sleep today, he had a Tumor near his bladder that was stopping him going to the toliet, nothing could be done about it.

Almost 2 years ago he had a heart failure which should of killed him, but he pulled though with medication and was very happy and active again for the rest of his time with us.

He was 19 years old, we had him since he was 3 months... being 20 myself i can't remeber a time him not being around. He was very special, and i don't hink i'll forget today in a hurry.

General Chat / Sorry, wrong House
« on: July 01, 2009, 06:00:51 pm »
24-year-old burglar Gregory McCalium beaten by 'victim' - 72-year-old retired boxer

Gregory McCalium got more than he bargained for when he broke into retired boxer Frank Corti's home last August.

He should have picked on someone his own age.

Gregory McCalium, 24, was left with severe facial wounds after the knife-wielding thug attempted to rob his elderly neighbor in tBotley near Oxford, England, Britain's SkyNews reported. The would-be burglar broke into the home of Frank Corti last Aug. 19 - without realizing the 72-year-old was a retired boxer.

A mug shot released by the Thames Valley Police reveals the results after Corti disarmed his attacker, let loose with two punches to the face and restrained McCalium until the police arrived on the scene.

On Tuesday, McCalium was sentenced to a 4 1/2-year sentence for the crime.

"'I was scared when he first threw the knife, but most people would have acted in the same way," Corti told London's Daily Mail. "If you can't defend what's yours, where are we at?"

Corti, a veteran of the British armed forces, was at home with his wife during the mid-morning attack, according to testimony in the case. McCalium, a bartender, may have held a grudge over a noise complaint lodged by the Cortis earlier that morning, the Daily Mail reported.

"The jury might well have concluded you got what you deserved," prosecutor Angela Morris said to McCalium during sentencing, according to the Daily Mail.

 :D :D :D 

General Chat / Re: Eve Online
« on: June 30, 2009, 07:24:13 pm »
Xan had 1000g ? :) Was carco's account still active? ;)

last thing i remeber was me giving carc gold to lvl his Enchanting :P

Haven't played EVE much recently, but the Corp did some roaming(random pvp in Low Sec) and killed the "wrong" guy it seems, the main station we dock at has been camped for a few days now by 30+ ships ;)

ps. rip MJ

General Chat / Re: Eve Online
« on: June 22, 2009, 09:16:41 pm »
Well recently we've been scouting for suitable PoS's (Player Owned Stations) to take down for a nice profit, either we try and totaly destroy the thing and loot it (think of anything that could be on a space station, power core, Labs, guns, can all be riped off and sold) Or after awhile of hammering the shields and taking out players of the enemy Corp, we call for a cease fire if they pay us X amount of isk.

Doesn't have to be a PoS involed tho, can just look for a nice rich mining Corp and declare war, harras them for awhile and get 'em to pay up for us to stop :)

Its a Militant Corp basicly, they've had the idea of doing some mercenary jobs, leting ppl hire us for protection or to attack someone else without incriminating themselves.

lately we've been operating in High Security space, were a war needs to be delcared and everything legal, can't just attack some1 else otherwise CONCORD(space police) turn up and blow to into next month. But Low Sec space is where things can get intreasting :) Capital ships like Titans, Carriers etc can only operate in Low Sec space, so thats where you can rly rake in some isk thru force... while in High Sec ppl are safe in the knowledge that there can only be Battleships at worst in the next system, but if ur PoS is in Low Sec, u nvr know if a bunch of Titans are gonna warp in on ur ass... and visa versa ofc, we've biten off more than we can chew on a few occasions :)

General Chat / Re: Eve Online
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:13:31 pm »
definetly one of the most intresting games i've ever played, but i'd echo the early posts in this thread. It prolly takes years to learn the game properly, and even longer to be any real solo sucsess.

i've (and carc) had a lucky introduction to the game tho, having rich friends already been playing for a looong time helps, once the skills have been trained to fly a new ship it matrilizes in the hanger ;) we've been able to jump "straight" into some decent play, being a pvp Corp acting like a space mafia, its a laugh :)

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: June 15, 2009, 12:56:11 am »
PvP in wow was never that good though Xan :) I guess its back to FPS's if you really want an (equal) challenge?

Equal challenges are too easy :) i haven't been playing anything for awhile now, the odd bit on EVE now and then and TOEE(temple of elemental evil)

btw, i still have left4dead, any1 else be intreasted in shooting some zombies again one Saturday?

ps. i did play my gnome rogue again for abit(62-70), but got bored quickly

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: June 12, 2009, 01:00:49 pm »
WotlK was fine, infact it was pretty good, until you got to 80th lvl. Then the PvP became the worst its ever been.

General Chat / Re: Chelsea v Barcalona
« on: May 28, 2009, 12:51:11 pm »
well, Barcalona Champions of Europe, thanks to a poor man u preformance and a norwegian refere. Can't say i'm to upset by it tho ;)

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: May 22, 2009, 01:26:06 pm »
grats ;) was that on Monarch or Prince?

General Chat / Street Fighter 2
« on: May 16, 2009, 05:37:04 pm »
All fights should be shown like this, more fun to watch  :D

General Chat / Re: Chelsea v Barcalona
« on: May 07, 2009, 03:02:12 pm »
indeed, how can 2 such poor ref's be picked to oversee the semi-finals of the biggest club football Tourney in the world...

Annoying to that i think Chelsea could beat Man U, but Barca don't stand much of a chance imo. Another cup for the red scum :P

But nevermind ;P aslong as Leeds win the play-offs(3rd time lucky..) 1 step closer to Premership.

2nd leg at Elland road has already sold out, 37'000...

General Chat / Chelsea v Barcalona
« on: May 06, 2009, 11:54:12 pm »

if that ref WASN'T bribed, then hes a very "special" man...

General Chat / Re: More spam
« on: May 06, 2009, 05:29:07 pm »
i just got killzone2 for the ps3, so long since i've played a FPS with a console controler... i rly suck ;)

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: April 28, 2009, 12:34:29 pm »
ye, i forgot about the footie too. lets just stick to weekends most of the time i guess...

Think the best thing is for you guys to go ahead without me over the next month or two, I'll let you all know when things get a bit more stable ! :)

ok Las, will try and have the odd game still 'till you've got more free time, be a shame to let it fade away and gather dust :)

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