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Messages - eKo

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General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 03, 2009, 10:09:45 pm »
Actually it's Sunday I have to go on visit, so free to play whenever on Sat :).

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 02, 2009, 08:07:26 pm »
Sure, fine by me Las :). Though come to think of it, I have to visit my aunt, so will be away in the afternoon, early evening, but should be back by 9pm I think.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 02, 2009, 04:46:23 pm »
Cool Sax, just watch where you aim that shotgun, friendly fire is possible :P.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: March 02, 2009, 11:35:07 am »
How about we try sometime this week, say tomorrow or wed? Around 8:30pm? Or is that too early for you? I don't really mind what time, as long as you know I'll quit at midnight at the latest.

Got enough other games to occupy myself, so don't worry if you can't do this week. Playing No More Heroes on the Wii and despite the sometimes immature humour it proves to be a lot of fun. Story isn't very interesting, go from rank 11th assassin to rank 1, but the characters are cool and the action is just over the top and varied enough to stay interesting. Inbetween the ranked matches you have to earn money via sidejobs that range from assassinations to mowing lawns and collecting coconuts. Money comes easy though, so it's not like you have to do 456543 jobs inbetween.

Waiting on Madworld for the Wii which should come out this month and which seems to be a mix between the movies Escape from New York and Running Man and the game Manhunt. It's also very much like a comic with gfx in black and white, ott violence and story. What I've seen from it looks and sounds great ;D.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: February 28, 2009, 02:11:16 pm »
Just say when you're feeling up to trying out a game, I'm always up for it :).

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: February 27, 2009, 11:35:26 am »
Have to say that after 3 weeks of getting up early + having had to get up even earlier (5:30 am) to go to The Hague for 2 days this week I'm feeling knackered ;D. It's also fairly quiet at work right now, but that will change in 2 weeks when the Dutch helpdesk will be closed down and we get all the Dutch calls.

Guess it's just Las and me to play L4D then :P. Or maybe we can try some TF2? Though Left 4 Dead seems more fun, drops 4 people into a zombie movie basically, means you have to look after each other as at times you get overwhelmed and there are also some special zombie types which are hard to kill on your own. There's also a Survivors vs Infected mode in which players can also play as zombies.  Normal co-op sounds the most fun though imo.

General Chat / Re: The Wire
« on: February 24, 2009, 03:17:58 pm »
Heard it's a good series, but I've never seen it, got enough to watch still. Afaik the series is finished and has 5 seasons with the standard 13 episodes per season.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: February 20, 2009, 02:23:41 pm »
Pfft, youth of today, no stamina ;D.

So far it's going fine, usually go to bed between 0:00 and 0:30 and get up at 6:20 since I want to leave at around 7:00 so traffic is ok. Thought I'd feel much worse, but not really feeling (that) tired strangely.

As for WoW, purple gear is overrated anyway ;). I kinda feel like raiding again, but don't want to go through all the preparations again (grind for gear, food, rep, ...) so instead taking it real easy and so far it's working.

General Chat / Re: oh no....zombies !!?!
« on: February 20, 2009, 01:14:44 pm »
Left 4 Dead looked like a fun game, especially co-op (dunno if there even is single player available), but like most multiplayer games it's much more fun to play with people you know. I sure am interested to play sometime, especially something which isn't time-intensive (new job and have to get up early, so unfortunately have to go to bed early (well ... early being around midnight my time)).

Can't you bloody foreigners move to my timezone or even to one hour ahead since I'm home relatively early ;D.

Korean MMO, ugh, means grindfest, have fun Sax :). And pfft, you said you were going back to WoW, I even sent some nice blue leather pants to your drood. If you ever decide to go back you'll probably catch me up anyway, levelling goes slooooow when only playing 30m to an hour a day.

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: February 11, 2009, 04:15:04 pm »
Say wot? :)

You still gonna play WoW, Sax? I've started playing again, but taking it real easy, only got 77 last night with Eara.

General Chat / Re: XP Service Pack 3
« on: January 31, 2009, 11:40:17 am »
I agree, reset the post count (I'm too far behind :P).

Every Service Pack indeed tells you to back up your system, guess it's so they won't get sued if/when it breaks things :). Doesn't it make a restore point itself anyway? Just go ahead and install it, then afterwards check windows update again and install any critical updates.

General Chat / Re: DAOC Scam and GOA ?
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:14:58 pm »
I never even got the 7 free days mail, just a mail that my account would soon be terminated and then now the mail that my account(s) have been opened. Did check the website and noticed they have indeed opened old accounts for 7 days for its 7th birthday, but jeez can't they ever do something right :). And the way the link is goes to an website and then gets redirected to the official DAoC site doesn't inspire confidence either.

General Chat / Re: DAOC Scam and GOA ?
« on: January 30, 2009, 01:25:33 pm »
Sure you played DAoC? ;D

Yeah got the mails as well, which was weird as got another mail earlier this week saying my DAoC account was closed. No idea what's going on, but doesn't look like GOA is very secure and why am I not surprised? They did indeed get both account names right (I even forgot I registered one on my mother's name).

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: January 30, 2009, 08:19:30 am »
If you decide to try it out, get the Graphical Enhancement mod as well, transforms the graphics from being 5 years old to a modern looking game. I'm actually using most of the mods from this thread.

General Chat / Re: Civ 4 Thread!
« on: January 28, 2009, 04:41:59 pm »
Sax was beaten by a girl. Naa na na naa na! ;D

I suck at Civilization, even when playing on Chieftain though. I like developing my cities too much and building World Wonders and so I'm always way behind on military power.

I recently discovered Mount&Blade and having a lot of fun with it. It's sort of a mix of RPG, Pirates & Civilization but in a Medieval setting and with real time combat which is actually great fun. You start as a single mercenary in Caldaria which consists of 5 kingdoms that each have a king and lords under them. You can hire mercenaries, companions or peasants and level those up in combat and join any kingdom either as mercenary (get paid weekly) or as vassal to a king (means you get a village and can own castles + it's associated villages you conquer). I'm still discovering a lot about the game, but all in all it's great fun and there's a demo available. There's also loads of mods available, from making the game look (way) better to new era's (there's even Battlestar Galactica and Star Wars mods :)).

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