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Messages - xann

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General Chat / oh S**t
« on: September 24, 2009, 01:30:56 am »
7'2 Valuev vs 6'3 Haye, sometime in novemebr...


General Chat / Re: PBF v JMM
« on: September 19, 2009, 02:21:10 am »
Floyd weighed in at 146pounds... he had too fork out 500k too marquez to change the contract this morning to a 147 limit. Marquez weighed in at 142.

After redydtrating and eating, Mayweahters gonna have about 8-10 pounds over marquez. mehhhh this fights just lost what little credability it had

General Chat / PBF v JMM
« on: September 17, 2009, 11:57:43 am »
Las Vegas. 19th September. Live Sky Sports 1. (20th semptember sunday morning :P)

Tape it, stay up to watch it, whatever you do see this fight 'cos Floyd Mayweather hasn't boxed in 2 years (since KOing hatton in 10) and his "tune up" fight is against Juan Manuel Marquez, the worlds no. 2 p4p. Now Floyd is hoping his gonna be able to pick on the smaller guy, PBF has spent the late stage his career at 147 pounds, whereas marquez is a 135 pounder, and this is happening at 144 pounds. But with the 2 year lay off, Mayweather must have been walking around at 150+ for some time? so hes gonna have to pull his ass down a fair few pounds, but Marquez can eat and train his ass off which should keep him more focused and in a better mind set...

Or floyd been planning this for a year or so and has already lost the weight :/ i just hope his own hype and unbeaten record has gone to his head, will be a fight to remeber if Floyd underestimates Marquez.

But...its very likely Floyds gonna whop his ass :)

General Chat / Re: DDO
« on: September 14, 2009, 10:00:21 pm »
It was a stand alone game thats had its own follow ups since, and it blows Baulders "yawn" Gate out of the water ;)

atm i'm playing Batman:Arkham Asylum, i'd rate it 9.99/10

General Chat / Re: DDO
« on: September 10, 2009, 12:52:15 am »
From what i can tell, every1 is in the same boat, Free-to-Play accounts are the normal playing field, but you can buy "Turbine Points" to unlock other content (like Drow, a new class, more characers, items etc) you can also earn these "Turbine Points" buy achieving quests n'stuff in game. I'm not rly sure whats been changed or added since you guys played, but it seems a v.good polished game with decent enough graphics to be free play.

The only problem is its not a MMO, like you said, its multi player Never Winter Nights.

PS. Have you played Icewind Dale? deffently the best computer single player rpg i've played

General Chat / DDO
« on: September 08, 2009, 10:21:28 pm »
dnd online is free to play from the 9th september, was thinking of having a go, just for the sakes of it being free :)

General Chat / Re: Empire: Total War
« on: September 02, 2009, 03:52:34 pm »
Its fun, but the grand campgains look daunting, but i guess i thought Civ4 was to big the 1st time i played it

General Chat / Re: Empire: Total War
« on: August 28, 2009, 06:14:51 pm »
Well the whole thing was abit annoying, you should just be able to buy, install, play from a shop really. But i have to say Steam responded fairly quickly and its now sorted... Dunno what the people in all threads i read were on about, not getting a reply for months, the nubs prolly didn't open a ticket properly ;)

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: August 27, 2009, 02:29:13 pm »
DK and Pala are OP at the moment, but there's a wider problem that has been in place since TBC and got a lot worse with WOTLK - burst damage. The burst damage from most classes is totally out of control. I agree about the idiocy of a self-healing, high dps class in plate, but the reality is that plate doesn't mitigate much damage in PvP these days, plate wearers take a couple more hits to kill is all. What gives Pala and DK the edge is their OP abilities rather than the plate. Pala v pala duels don't last as long as you'd think, the burst damage takes care of that.

I've done some PvP in the Bgs with my hunter (now 80 with full PVE epix) and I can kill most classes in a few short seconds. Of course the flipside is that if anyone gets on my case I also die in even less time (I don't even bother trying to kite, it's futile). Resillience also seems to mean nothing anymore. Dunno how the arenas are, I've never done them, but over the years I've played a lot of BGs and the quality of the PvP game experience has gone over the edge of a cliff. You could argue that high burst damage is what people want and Blizz are catering to that, but ask most people and they say they hate it so I think the reality is Blizz screwed up by constantly buffing gear and they can't find a way to rebalance things.

All true, i haven't arena'd in WotlK either, but i expect its being ruled by the fotm setup as usual... Prot Pala/Unholy DK prolly

rebalance... complete wipe of x-pacs would be a start :D

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: August 27, 2009, 09:54:17 am »
its all specs, Ret palas are deadly, Holy can make a friend unkillable aswell as looking after them selves, and Prot are the worst... Death Knights are just abit silly

I think its got sumthing to do with wearing plate, being able to self heal, having high dps and high solo survivablity that makes both of them OP... yeah that'll do it

General Chat / Re: Empire: Total War
« on: August 26, 2009, 10:27:08 pm »
how badly do Steam suck? i've browsed aload of threads about the problem i've got with the CD Key, and ppl have gone months without hearing back from them... can't get a full refund cos the case is open, so... RAAHHEWR!! /rage

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: August 26, 2009, 08:13:19 pm »
I returned to WoW for about a week, PvPing, and my final conclusion is. If you are serious about winning and playing to win in the WotlK, you have to reroll to a paladin/Death Knight, or spend endless hours grinding honour/arena points to get the top gear, so you can then stand a chance against the paladins/Death Knights. Same old "blah blah" the games never been balanced for 1v1, and never can be, but at 60th i did feel like i had a chance vs all other classes regardless of gear too in some cases. Strange how its gone down hill so much i guess its Blizz wanted to shift the games appeal as it evolved...

I'm bored and want a mmorpg that isn't a clone.

General Chat / Empire: Total War
« on: August 26, 2009, 06:43:47 pm »
any1 played this?

I just got it, but haven't had a chance yet 'cos of that "amazing" product Steam... couldn't finish installation 'cos the CD key code that came with the case was a duplicate and had apperntly already been used on Steam. So i've had to scan in my reciet and code to open a ticket on their support site, so they can transfer the code to my account and i can play the damn game i just brought, bit annoying

General Chat / Blood Bowl
« on: August 13, 2009, 06:53:41 pm »
You have probably heard about the game Blood Bowl, and that a PC version of the table top game has been made. Its download only atm for ?39.99, playable online with patches being released. There are 8 playable races atm Human, Dwarf, Orc, Lizardmen, Wood Elves, Chaos, Skaven and Goblins. Dunno if its been confirmed, but i imagine more will be implemented through patches, there are atleast 16 races in the latest table top rules.

The graphics are pretty nice, not very interactive(just knocking someone down with a punch would be the some animation if you killed them) but are very smooth, acrobatics when dodging and scooping up the ball when running through etc.

The gameplay/rules are exactly the same as the table top game when playing a match, but there is alot more pre-match amble with this game. You can give 1 player in your team some extra training, its like a double click mini game where you've got to let the bar fill up full as you can without it hitting the end, the closer to the top, the more % chance the stat will increase for that next match. pick a Stat(Movement, Strength, Agility or Armour) choose how violent and intense you want to train that player, the harder settings will move the bar quicker.

You can also spend some gold out of your treasurery on various "inducements" to give you an edge in the match, anything from Magical Potions to a slipped bribe to the Ref. And if you've taken a paticular beating in previous games, you'll be getting some of these goodies for "free", you'll get the difference in team costs in gold to spend on inducments.

There is a definate element of comedy spliced into the game, with the comments for the AI player if you player vs the computer, and the match commentators being have the odd funny joke, but like with most games, you'd have heard them all after 3 or 4 matches. Also all the different types of players within a race have different"jigs" they dance if they score a touchdown, i recently managed to score with a Troll, he scratchs his head and looks around abit, not really sure at whats hes done :)

This game was once annoucned to be realsed in the 1st quater of 2008, but all the delays to now seem to have been worth it so far, the game is very well put together, no bugs, no crashes and with the posibilty of new patches it can only get better(hopefully). If you have played BB before and liked it you'll like this for sure.

WoW General / Re: WOTLK
« on: July 24, 2009, 05:17:34 pm »
heya all

whos still playing this? anything changed much?

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