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Messages - Shi

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General Chat / Re: Troll Hunter!
« on: February 06, 2012, 01:50:30 pm »
thx Sax, im discovering lately some more of scandinavian films, intrigued by that one :)

General Chat / Re: Kings of Amalur
« on: February 01, 2012, 04:38:39 pm »
hmm i think i saw a demo on Steam, but didnt get to play it yet, have ya tried it Xann?
not mentioning SW TOR, im kinda flooded with rpgs to finish, Dragon Age serie, Dungeon Siege III, isnt it bit like those mentioned?

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: January 31, 2012, 03:05:26 pm »
oh hey Las :)
Cern is almost always on nightshift duty, with names clearly suggesting who's the owner :)
Try in search thingie Face Dancers, that's our guild name.
I've been a bit busy, finally got my dutch exams over so slowly returning to slacking (gaming) lifestyle :)
My toon is named: Shiin (2x i) .
Around lvl 26 atm, while busy been popping for few relaxing space missions. I love it and i got totally addicted, I could play a standalone game like that :)

Catch ya soon then :)

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: January 13, 2012, 01:34:32 pm »
so only Xann left to convince? or Saxif too?:)

oh, the game is a blast :) enjoying immensly the journey, exploring the world.
Didnt have to steal my ship, got it as gift hehe, looks kick ass :)
Defo worth the box price and subs, I guess will keep me busy till Diablo 3 hits the shelves :)

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: January 05, 2012, 05:19:02 pm »
on same server as Cern, same guild, if you decide to pop , u'll be welcome :) - we're now a mix of my polish friends and their former wow guildies and legion inc+friends group, nice bunch of ppl
I was sceptic regarding gfx, but as Cern mentioned the world is stunning, game runs smooth, storyline is great to follow, Cern said it all ;)
I'm still a lowbie, trying out classes, but seeing how the class quests lead ya through different plots i'll prolly end up alting soon or later ;)

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: December 13, 2011, 03:36:23 pm »
hey guys,
got a server update from my pals:
Hidden Beks
think Imperium side, but anyhow, hope we meet there somewhere between now and mid Jan

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: December 08, 2011, 02:22:39 pm »
which side has a midget race? Ewoks? :D ?? heheh

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: December 08, 2011, 01:41:51 am »
to be franc i need add, price is similar to what publishers asked and ask nowadays for big hype releases, is only i feel "changed"
used to be a huge SW fan, but less with latest movies, after years of daoc/wow i value my monies regarding potential pleasure ill get for it
with limited time i got lately to dedicate to games i feel the price very pushed, a month is not much , for me ;)
then comes the sub model.
i am defo also for the sub model than free to play MMOs with extras available for cash, it feels weird to me and not like id like to play games, if the game is good and hooks me id pay the sub and "stand" equal chances than pay the box price and then ie in pvp get annoyed because some run 5% faster than me, just cuz they dished out 10 bucks for it, hehe :P
this is valid for games i'd rly get deep into, i like GW model, and i never played it with big expectations or comittment so the model in that case suits me, so well, 2 sides of the coin here :)

i got some friends that will play it as well, i try to get from them asap server info and communicate it here, so we end up on same server,
not sure how this works yet, are the names of servers known allready?
all i know so far, they be going for pve (no rp), my choice would be similar, dun think i wanna cope with ganking, whatever it means in SW world :P

Empire? Rebels? :)


General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:29:37 pm »
thx Eko for the info :)

I dont think ill have time to play at release, so thinking more begin January or so.
Is there a consensus over the side to pick?:)

Also agree with what Cern mentions, price is kinda rip off for what is basically a month of playtime.
I allready saw some online cdkey resellers offering it cheaper (45usd). So gonna stick to my distribution sources I guess ;)

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: December 05, 2011, 12:03:01 pm »
what are the archetype classes Eko?
i might get tempted after all :)
is there sth like a healer?
can it easily solo?

General Chat / Re: Skyrim
« on: November 23, 2011, 06:40:57 pm »
heeey guys :)
hmm i watched a few gameplay videos on YT, looked nice, but I never was a fan of those FPS type rpgs, though this one seems offering an ok 3rd person look if im correct.
Even found an online shop with cheap russian cdkeys (hehe :)) so budgetwise more than acceptable, but nah
I went lately on a shopping spree (talented in finding weird bargains) and atm busy with BF 3, CoD 3 and what not else hehe...
Got an invite for the SW event this weekend, prolly gonna have a peak , curious how it looks.
But MMOs wear nowadays for me a big 'No trespassing" sign heheheh.... :)
Got still Deus Rex to start with and Dungeon Siege 3 to finish :)
Also waiting for GW 2, but most for Diablo 3, might be my game for next few years in case it's as much fun as Diablo 2 was (farming, trading, etc)

General Chat / Re: iPod Touch 5
« on: September 28, 2011, 12:10:26 pm »
i'm alergic to Apple, but guess you need to work in telecoms to get this disease :D

General Chat / Re: Diablo 3
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:04:51 pm »
here a board with lotsa happening, seems there is a sort of crack which allows you to go into the game and even mash some mobs
p26 i think explained, then 52-54 there is some more about mobs etc

disclaimer: I intend to buy the original, but this is a bit like this kiddo thing 'can't w8' ;)

General Chat / Re: Diablo 3
« on: September 23, 2011, 08:22:33 am »
so, the beta client torrent is easy to find online :) a bit like it was with SC 2, although this time the update goes via the launcher, similar like WoW's one. And that would be it :) HAHA
It's nice to see the login screen atm :) hihi
But I hope either get into beta or that a crack will be found, so at least sth can be done.
Browsed bit some forums, and there is one, it allows to log and wonder around Tristam, nothing else, weird
Anyhow, it's exciting to see the game so close :)

General Chat / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: September 19, 2011, 08:49:34 pm »
hehe oops nah my keyboard is behaving weird since i poured a cappucino on it :)

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