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Messages - eKo

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General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« on: June 26, 2015, 09:12:34 am »
A controller works, I used my PS3 controller for a bit and it was ok, at least way better than mouse & keyboard.

It's a fun and extremely pretty game, but it is quite a timesink. The main issues for me are the sandbox nature of the game meaning you have to give yourself some goal and the time involved in doing anything, even just flying from planet to planet doing delivery missions can take quite a bit of time.

I should give Elite Dangerous another try, but I got into the Witcher 3 now, so it'll have to wait (a long time since the Witcher 3 is huge).

I've loved all the Telltale games I've played so far (The Walking Dead seasons 1 & 2 and The Wolf Among Us) and I certainly plan to pick up the GoT & Borderlands one eventually.

Saints Row IV is just silly & fun, sort of a mix between GTA and a superhero game with crazy over the top action and lots of humour.

WoW General / Re: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
« on: April 12, 2015, 11:07:40 am »
Never say never, but I doubt I'll ever replay WoW. Did it after Pandaria was out and while questing was fun, it was also very easy. I reached level 90 in no time, but as I only finished half the zones I continued questing. But after that it was basically the same daily quests/dungeons/rep grind to gear up, even the farm you had was basically just a set of daily quests to do. Thunder Isle (or whatever the name is exactly) was fun (& hard) at first, but it too became a grind eventually. And once I got the gear it meant I had to start raiding to improve my gear.

To me it just felt exactly like before (there is a lot more to do, but it's basically the same formula). Every MMO suffers from this tbh, end game content expanding, but becoming more of the same eventually. I've had a lot of fun in WoW over the 7 years or so I played, but I just lost interest in it.

General Chat / Re: Dragon Age Inquisition
« on: November 29, 2014, 01:07:57 pm »
I ran into stuff I can't kill in the Hinterlands (okay, just one rift with lvl 12 mobs). And no I can't handle lvl 12 mobs yet (I learned that the hard way :D).

I might respec to Archer tbh, running after the spasmic AI (both enemy & friendly) gets old fast. And I also start to run into some melee mobs who AoE, so I'm dieing more. Will play some more before deciding I guess.

General Chat / Dragon Age Inquisition
« on: November 27, 2014, 01:49:02 pm »
Anyone else got Dragon Age Inquisition yet? I only just got past the tutorial after way too much time spent in the character generator ;D. I kept rerolling because eventually something  always irked me about the way they looked during cutscenes. After many (many, many, many, ...) hours I finally managed to create a character (female dwarf DW rogue) I'm really happy with (lip color is slightly off due to the strange lighting in the character generator, but it's not bad enough to reroll). The character creation tool is really great and produces some diverse characters (can be seen on the Bioware forums), though the hair options are limited and facial hair looks rather weird.

The game itself looks good so far, but as I said I only just got past the tutorial :P.

General Chat / Re: Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: November 16, 2014, 12:45:42 pm »
Blackguard is now available in a Humble Bundle deal btw for only $6.13 (along with Tesla Effect, Always Sometimes Monsters, Insurgency, Grid 2, Euro Truck Simulator 2). Pay more than $12 and you get Saint's Row IV thrown in as well. I got 3 keys for Insurgency, so if you're interested, you can claim them here.

Since I was interested in Blackguard and liked the previous Saint's Row games, I payed for the full package. You now get superpowers in Saint's Row and superspeed & superjump are awesome, feels like playing CoH again ;D.

I also got the new Space Hulk (Ascension) game , but it ain't easy, my space marines are dieing in the tutorial :P.

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: November 14, 2014, 02:14:22 pm »
Yeah, I had a look at it after the announcement. It does indeed look interesting, but beta is announced for 2015 so it could be a long way off.

PS: Come play PS2 while waiting for Overwatch :P.

General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:12:23 pm »
Guess I got the same joystick then, the Thrustmaster T-Flight Hotas X (joystick + throttle). Seemed the only decent one that's not stupidly expensive.

Yeah for the full price you get access to beta + the full game and some additional extras for the game (like an Eagle spaceship, some paintjobs, ...).

Star Citizen is launching in steps, so far they only have the hangar and dogfighting/arena afaik (important bits, but not yet worth getting imo).

I did get a new GFX card last week (MSI GTX 970 Gaming 4G which is an awesome card), so needed something to show off :). Also got Divinity: Original Sin since it was on my wishlist and I needed something to replace PS2 since I'm now playing it less.

General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« on: October 07, 2014, 03:42:24 pm »
I bought it this weekend after Las talked me into it (not really, didn't realize there was so much to do in beta already) and the mouse/keyboard controls are indeed sucky. Been playing with my PS3 controller which is okay for normal flying, but is horrible in combat. So I ordered a cheap(ish) joystick since I will try out Star Citizen sometime too. And I might replay Freespace 1, its expansion and Freespace 2 again with Freespace Open (Volition gave away the source code to the engine and it's made to run at high resolutions on modern hardware). You do need the Freespace 2 installer, but it can be bought from GoG for cheap.

Only played a few hours and only in solo mode for now, but the game looks stunning. Tried some of the tutorials, but while they tell you what to do, they don't really tell you how to do it, so I was constantly looking at the controls on how to do some things they tell you to (been a long while since I had to do that ;D). Still no clue on how I have to do the combat tutorial vs the 3 normal ships and 1 hard ship (supposed to use silent mode, but my ship overheats stupidly quick and then I get shot down) :P.

Decided to just jump into the game and did some cargo/courier missions which earned me enough money for a new ship: an Eagle. It looks cool, but hardly has any cargo space which is why I decided to get into a conflict zone with disastrous effects. Luckily I had enough money to afford the insurance and get my Eagle back.

WoW General / Re: World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
« on: September 18, 2014, 05:26:31 pm »
Not me,I gave up on MoP after 2 months. Found solo levelling too easy and once you're at max level it's the same old really: gear up for dungeons, then gear up for raids, ... and/or grind rep via daily quests (zzz).

Anyway come play PS2: I need a gunner! ;D

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: August 22, 2014, 05:03:34 pm »
Nope, since the server merge it's gotten worse >:(. Login times are horrible and ping varies a lot tbh, it depends on the continent/population.

Driving like a crazy person I can do ;D.

BTW the resources reform & Harassers only costing 150 nanites, means you can pull Harassers non-stop. So even when you flip one right at the start you can immediately pull another. Even Lightnings at 350 nanites can be pulled almost non-stop. I've abandoned some when pulling the wrong one (AP instead of SKyguard or vice versa) which is nice :).

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: August 18, 2014, 02:58:01 pm »
Come on Brigh, where are yoooouuuu?

I even used a load of SC from my membership to pimp my Harasser (Lumifiber, Tires & Camo) ;D.

Added the screenshots, with and without lumifiber active.

General Chat / Re: Elite Dangerous
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:14:36 am »
I used to play some of the later Wing Commander/Privateer games and also Elite (on my Atari ST no less). Used to love space sims, Freespace 2 is still my favorite, but seems like there are hardly any made anymore and then suddenly there's Star Citizen and Elite: Dangerous :).

It looks like both games will become what I though Eve would be, an MMO Space Sim. You don't pilot your ship in first person in Eve which was a huge disappointment for me.

Ars Technica has a review of the current beta.

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: June 05, 2014, 02:49:39 pm »
Have you guys been playing yet? I've been looking for you, but unless you changed names I haven't seen you on yet. Started Katsui, a Cassian spellslinger, on Ascendancy, but also reserved some names on Eko just to be sure.

The PvP servers are indeed more popular, glad I didn't play on one since the queues this weekend were bad enough on PvE. Though the third PvE realm has alleviated the load and I haven't had to queue at all this week.

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: May 28, 2014, 02:41:35 pm »
Nice Brigh :). Actually you can stay in the MAX suit and hop in the back of my Harassar ;).

General Chat / Re: Planetside 2
« on: May 23, 2014, 04:16:08 pm »
We always landed right. Tried it in VR before and managed to land on the roof a few times (at which point it goes BOOM!), good I didn't tell you eh? ;D Though that was with the racer chassis. Think I'll go with Scrapper chassis (tighter turns), Vehicle Stealth (longer to lock on and won't show on radar unless close) & IR Smoke(lose lock iirc). I bought the PPA AI gun since I heard good things about it and from the little testing I did it feels great (awesome accuracy & range) and also have one of the AA guns (not sure if ranger or walker, but the faster shooting one). Not sure if AV is really worth it, since the Harasser can't take many hits itself, though outflanking tanks and hitting them from behind could work depending on how many shots you need to destroy one.

And yeah you need hit & run tactics with it, but with its fast speed & tight turns you can (try to) avoid being targetted. Standing still is just asking to get blown up :).

It was a bit confusing to drive at first, since the camera can face away from where you're driving and due to it being so fast you can end up rather far from the battle as well. Suprised you managed to kill so many LAs with me driving like a maniac trying to avoid getting hit too much :).

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