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Topics - Darkly

Pages: 1
General Chat / My Book
« on: October 29, 2008, 09:40:58 pm »
Hey folks,

Hope you're all doing well :) Been keeping an eye on the board here and there, sounds like WAR is going down pretty well. Hel and myself are feeling the itch to get back into an MMORPG, so we may be around soon-ish...

But as I think Las has said (possibly!) at the moment I've been working hard on getting my book promoted and stuff. Hence I have the perfect post for the spam section - an unashamed plug for my humorous nostalgia tome called "The Crap Old Days" (ahem).

Those of you who have partied with me will doubtless be familiar with my sense of humour, and won't buy it, but the rest of you I might be able to hoodwink into believing I'm actually funny. I am, really. Honest.

Anyhoo. It's basically taking the piss out of the past, rather than the usual nostalgia book which is all rose tinted specs and so forth. If you'd like to read some of it, there are some extracts from the book up here:

Right. Plug over. You can all go back to buffing yourselves, defending keeps and polishing your helmets.

See you sooner rather than later, hopefully, work and stuff permitting,

WoW General / Murmur
« on: March 05, 2007, 11:03:53 am »
Just had a look this AM for strategies on this bugger (last boss Shadow Lab). There are two ways you can do it - run away from the AOE like we tried last night (he has this very nasty blast which drops 80% of your HP if caught in it for those who weren't there!) - or keep the tank on him all the time.

The guild page I was reading says both has their risks, but the problem with the Monty Python "run away!" method is if the tank doesn't get back quickly enough, without a melee to focus on Murmur gets all cross and drops resonance (which is what was killing us mostly - last fight it hit both me and las for 6000 and flattened us in one fell swoop).

If the tank stays in, Murmur will never use resonance, so only have to worry about keeping the tank alive after eating the AOE. That's done by me and Las both dropping renews on him, and a shield, just before the AOE goes off, before backing away for the blast and then rushing back to spam some heals; idea being the renews and shield should keep the tank standing after the bomb.

Reckon this is what we should try next time as resonance is a real bitch and a half.

**Oh yeah, question, anyone know a good casting bar mod? The ones that pop up the spell on your screen when enemy casting. For better warning of when boss aoes are gonna drop...

WoW General / Hi Folks
« on: December 10, 2006, 08:22:55 pm »
Hi all, just thought I'd drop a quick thread about what's going on at D&G Towers ;) We've both been dead busy with work lately, and not really had time to do much gaming full-stop (just a little dark messiah here and there!).

Doesn't seem much point in starting up our wow accounts now, given that we'll be away visiting people in 10 days time, for several weeks, so we'll be back in the new year... just in time for the expansion :)

Anyhow hope it's all going well in, er, what's the place called? Norrath? Derreth? Angmar....? No, don't tell me, I know this.... erm.... ;)

General Chat / Funny
« on: July 12, 2006, 01:47:37 pm »
This pilot episode for a conan-spoof-style cartoon made me laugh :)

(It's in three parts, the other two are linked to the right).

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