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Topics - Saxif

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General Chat / ESO has launched.
« on: April 05, 2014, 06:47:20 pm »
Anyone got involved?

Looks good but ...

General Chat / Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: January 13, 2014, 01:53:53 am »
A game worth checking out if you like 4x games, though it is actually hex based.  You conquer shards, in an astral screen and then conquer and explore lands in a hex based screen and then fight battles in another hex screen with a huge variety of units.  Can be brutal at times but very fun, indie title.

General Chat / Not alot of action?
« on: August 02, 2013, 11:21:40 am »
Peeps gone back to playing more normal games or are you all now ruling NWN2?

When I play I am still on FA:LH, though it is a bit easy and not quite as well coded as Steam so might put it down after my current game!

General Chat / Crusader Kings 2
« on: March 29, 2013, 01:13:39 pm »
Anyone played this?

I got the free demo and am trying to get my head round it, it seems seriously complex ... Don't know if I should buy it and be able to save my game or give up now!

General Chat / Proper spam, fits right into this sub forum!
« on: March 06, 2013, 09:29:07 pm »

Love this shit ... and the song!

General Chat / Hacked?
« on: February 26, 2013, 09:03:04 pm »
I cannot tell if I got hacked or not!

I was trying to get access to my skype account, which I used my work email to open, then thought I'd try my hotmail to see if I had any old accounts linked to it and low and behold I do, an account I never set up using my hotmail address!  Seems it belongs to a teenager, judging by his friends ...

Obviously I changed the password for my hotmail, that skype account, deleted all my old threads in my hotmail, virus checked, ran CCleaner and updated mozilla.  I have never knowingly been hacked but someone is using my hotmail account for their skype account, unfortunately it had very little info attached to it so I cannot ascertain much.

Any advice?

General Chat / Camelot Unchained
« on: February 13, 2013, 09:29:51 pm »
It is indie and crowd sourcing but it could be good, though I think its time came and went about 4 or 5 years ago but we'll see.  I think I will donate some cash to the effort though ...


General Chat / Darksiders 2
« on: January 30, 2013, 08:27:14 pm »
So I splashed for this when I was feeling a little loose with my cash.  I thought as we hadn't had much traffic I'd review it.

What is it?

A cross between Soulreaver, God of War and Kingdoms of Amalur.  It aims to be a very fighty, combo heavy action game with bosses and slick moves as you run across and up walls.

Is it any good?

It is ok, I think I prefer Kingdoms of Amalur which fills a similar niche, though much less influenced by Soulreaver.

Should I get it?

I don't think so, I'd pay ?6 for it and thats what I value it at.

Is it better than, hmm, Civ 4 for example?

No way, you should prolly go and play Civ 4 again to remind you how awesome that game is, I am!  ;D

GW2 General / Guild Wars 2 Guild?
« on: October 08, 2012, 08:35:56 pm »
Hey Folks,

Cern and I talked about the future of the game a little and where we can or might go with it, given we are currently 4 regular players we are kinda handicapped in various ways as I am sure you're aware; dungeons, WvW and sPvP primarily.  Anyway to cut a long story short, I got in touch with Gahn (Na Fianna Dragun) to see who he was playing with and where (as I knew he was in GW2 via the forums).  It turns out he is a guildy in Merely Mortal (, through him I found out that Jarakin and Setroc run the guild and that most of the players (or allot) are former ex-DAoC players.  I knew Jarakin a bit back then but haven't kept in touch, despite that I asked if they would be willing to have us on board and they said 'yes'.

So the question is, do you folks wanna move across to MM? 

They are on Gunnars Hold, we can move the guild across but all the rep points accumulated so far stay on Gandara (Cern can explain that part better than I), the way I envisage it is representing their guild even though RoD willl be present on the server and maybe having alts in RoD, assuming that can be done; and I think it can.  This way we have access to more people, which will give us better options and allow us to play all aspects of the game, I for one would like to get into some organised WvW and dabble in some tournaments; as well as hitting all the instances ...

Anyway, open for disussion :)


General Chat / Amacita
« on: September 26, 2012, 07:47:46 pm »
It has been years but I came across this on Youtube randomly!

Thanks Las, good times :)

General Chat / Wiping a HD
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:20:53 pm »
Hey Guys,

My gf wants to give her old laptop to a charity shop and she asked me to wipe the HD, it was when I was sat infront of it that I couldn't remember how and all the security risks came back to me!

Anyone able to recommend a program for HD wiping?  Anything really get all that stuff out of the HD?



General Chat / Limbo
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:57:12 pm »

I was browsing Steam and came across this game, it looks lush and appears to be very different but at the same time similar to puzzle style games (more Dizzy than Tetris).  I haven't bought it yet but think I might, even if you arent looking for a new game you should check out a few screenies or the Steam trailer, really neat idea.


General Chat / Eye of the Beholder
« on: May 13, 2012, 12:01:50 pm »
I am sure many of you are old enough to remember this gem of a title!  I know you all have other games and other activities on atm but there is a title that has caught my interest on Steam, it is called Legen of Grimlock.  It is basically an EotB clone, so for anyone that wants to relive those great gaming moments, your time is night; so to speak!

I haven't bought it yet but I am thinking about it :)

General Chat / Avengers
« on: May 09, 2012, 08:46:31 pm »
Very good much better than any of the other super hero films.  Done by Joss Wheedon well worth a watch, I am planning to go again.

In this film The Hulk steals the show! :)

At last I went to the cinema and didn't feel ripped off!

General Chat / ebay
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:43:17 pm »
Hey Folks,

Anyone got any good tips on how to sell stuff on ebay?  If it helps I am going to be mostly selling geek stuff and Hornby trains.



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