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Topics - xann

Pages: 1 2 3
General Chat / Ahem..
« on: December 24, 2012, 09:31:57 pm »
Merry Christmas all! And a Happy New year :D Hope you all have a nice time and a great start to 2013.. We're lucky to see it imo... Never trust a Mayan.

General Chat / Dr. Mario
« on: May 28, 2012, 04:30:11 pm »

General Chat / War of the Roses
« on: May 01, 2012, 07:43:38 am »
Being a lover of armour, swords and bloody combat etc etc i like the look of this

Alpha atm, is a mount and blade type game. Something i'm going to look out for, looks pretty unquie.

WoW General / World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
« on: March 25, 2012, 12:16:19 pm »
Pandas! .... anyone even remotely interested? :p

General Chat / Kings of Amalur
« on: February 01, 2012, 02:57:53 pm »
Anyone else heard of this? thinking of getting it.

looks interesting, and some big names involved in the production

General Chat / The Music/Video Thread
« on: January 02, 2012, 12:25:05 am »

I love music, who doesn't? I like sharing it, finding something new, even if i end up not liking it. Genres don't exisit, only what you like and don't like. So post something here if you have the urge... You're favourite song if you have one, something you've had stuck in your head for ages, one you totaly hate, a guilty pleasure... I guess i'll start with a few :)

The song i've probably listened to the most - Tool-Reflection

At the moment lots of hip/hop/rap - Tech N9ne-Low / Nine Leaves-Bad Dreams Deep

Can't help but move to this ♥motown - Steve Wonder-Sir Duke

What i spent my christmas Itunes vouchers on :P - Rosetta-Wake

"Guilty" pleasure..? or just pleasure :P - Nicki Minaj-Super Bass

This may have been a bad idea, theres way too much to list. Not really anything i "hate".. wouldn't listen to boy bands on purpose though.

General Chat / Skyrim
« on: November 19, 2011, 09:59:23 pm »
whos playing? whos going to play? :)

General Chat / Guild Wars 2
« on: August 19, 2011, 07:42:24 pm »
I've seen some of the trailers from Gamescon, and i like the look of this. I never played the first one so i know nothing of the Lore, but the races look cool, the gameplay seems pretty good... ofc these only pre beta trailers atm. I've heard the're really trying to take the genre in a different direction, but haven't looked into it much yet.

Anyone play the first game before? and are you keeping an eye on Guild Wars 2?

General Chat / U.K Riots
« on: August 09, 2011, 10:48:38 am »
London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol, Nottingham... so far


The race side of the argument is creeping into the mainstream news. Far rights gonna jump all over this.

Funny random Tweet:

"The Youth of the Middle East rise up for basic freedoms.The Youth of London rise up for a HD ready 42" Plasma TV."

This sorta thing must be so difficult to Police because theres no real purposeful protest behind it(imo), just lotsa small groups randomly looting and burning for the "lulz".

General Chat / Diablo 3
« on: August 02, 2011, 12:28:50 pm »
Any Diablos Fans?

Looking Forward to seeing what this ends up like, heard theres gonna be a real money AH for ingame items, which doesn't fill me with confidence about the rest of the game tbh... but we'll see.

General Chat / Game of Thrones
« on: June 14, 2011, 04:18:23 pm »
Anyone watching this HBO series? its being shown on Sky Atlantic atm.

Or have you read the Books?

Its a very grand, sprawling fantasy setting, lots of intrigue and Heraldry etc. I haven't read the books, but am enjoying the series.

General Chat / Magicka!
« on: March 28, 2011, 12:53:05 am »
Magicka! (30min gameplay) (early trailer)

I got this game a few days ago and its bloody good fun, just need some computer game enthusiasts(nerds) to play the co-op with... :o

General Chat / Dragon Age 2
« on: February 25, 2011, 11:36:22 pm »
Whos gonna be getting Dragon Age 2?

Theres a DLable demo out now which i might have a go at, get a sneak peak.

From what i've seen its gonna have a more ME feel... voiced main character and the wheel of choice for dialogue. And u'll be playing the "Fantasy Shepard", no playing an elf/dwarf or whatever... Dunno if thats a good move, considering the setting.

I think its gonna be a very different gaming experience compared to DA:O. But i enjoyed ME and DA:O, so i should enjoy whatever the outcome is of their offspring...

Also i never got round to playing ME2... good? worth getting?

General Chat / Dark Millenium Online
« on: February 03, 2011, 01:41:08 pm »
Anyone been keeping an eye on this? Its something i've been looking forward to, but what i've heard about it so far doesn't get me more excited...

Only 2 Playable Factions, a "Standard" lvling, quests and missions, with only 2 factions there won't be enough races/classes. In an interview a developer said its got elements of a twitch fps and a more standard MMO.. not sure how thats gonna work out.

Also, looooaaaaaddsss of action and big bangs n' stuff, i hope they don't obliterate the darker atmosphere that is in the 40k univerese.

General Chat / Kittenz
« on: September 22, 2010, 12:36:00 pm »

Rio + Cleo..
Brother and Sister, had them for about a 5 weeks now. The boy(solid black) has the scavanger habit and will (try) to eat anything thats not stuck down. And she is a little bit mental, jumps around alot without paying attention to how shes gonna land, Daredevil.

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