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Topics - Evander

Pages: 1
General Chat / Hey Guy's
« on: August 29, 2010, 10:18:18 pm »
Ello all thought i'd pop by and say hello which i aint done in awhile :P

Anyway hope you all doing well :) What you guys up 2 anyway these days?

WoW General / Hiya
« on: December 01, 2006, 08:47:53 pm »
Lo all just popping in to say ello and find out how everyone is and what they up 2 :D

I've been playing BF2142 mostly think i saw and killed Las afew times just been playing around work ect

If anyone else plays BF2142 then my name is in my sig though i think my ingame buddy list is full so if u uses xfire username is evander :D

look forward to hearing from u all :D


Tom aka Evander

Pages: 1