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Messages - Saxif

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WoW General / Re: World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:05:04 pm »
So, you guys still playing WoW?

I think DAoC was different, instead of a gear grind you had a RP grind granted but when fighting players, the bar is set higher.  Not only do you have to play well like when raiding a hard boss but you have to outplay them, or have the right combo of classes or abilities used correctly to win.

I haven't played a mmorpg for an age, kinda miss them tbh.  Dunno if I'll go back though.

General Chat / Re: For when you have a spare 5-10 minutes
« on: November 19, 2015, 09:59:13 am »
Nope, not really looked at Mordheim at all but will have a little ganders now you've mentioned it, regards Elder Scrolls a friend of mine has it and has played quite a bit, I have looked at it over his shoulder and it looks very good but watching someone for 20 minutes and playing it for 20 hours are different.  It feels a bit DAoC and a bit WoW Battlegrounds in places, some dungeons are instance like WoW others are open like DAoC was, his pc is powerful so it looks fantastic and the customization is endless, so no cookie cutter classes or specs; at least he tells me this.  But what he showed me of customisation of your character it really is significant.

I have been sucked fully into Hearthsone currently so playing that on and off almost daily, been at it for a year now, very fun game.

General Chat / Re: For when you have a spare 5-10 minutes
« on: October 28, 2015, 06:06:15 pm »
All was good, very cool and different experience and I didn't get Ebola!  Though I did get paranoia a few times which is almost as bad ;p

Hope everyone is doing well :)

Anyone got any games to recommend?  I am waiting for Warhammer Total War atm, whilst playing Hearthstone and Endless Legend and just started Walking Dead the other day.

The ?50 pre entry Warhammer event seems a bit steep to me, hope the actual game is cheaper!

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: June 10, 2014, 08:59:50 pm »
Brilliant! :)

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: June 09, 2014, 10:27:40 pm »
Cern, if that's your avatar you really need to change your title ... Bearded Wonder doesn't really work anymore :)

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 15, 2014, 08:46:22 pm »
Bah, you've all gone soft!

Come on we can do it!!  ;D

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 14, 2014, 10:01:06 pm »
If you were l33t skillzor player like me Las, you wouldn't get ganked  ;)

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 14, 2014, 07:23:13 pm »
You can't beat a good bit of impromptu PvP whilst leveling, I actually regretted my decision to go PvE in the end.  Some of my most memorable WoW adventures involved killing another player, rather than a mob! :)

General Chat / Re: ESO has launched.
« on: May 10, 2014, 07:53:01 pm »
Xan is having bad luck, think I have won 6, drawn 1 and lost 2.

I killed half his team in our last match up, I'd like to say I have l33t skillzor but even I wonder at how good the number generator is tbh!

We play the table top game allot, we started a new league down our local club, played my first two games of that, so thought we'd get some online games in.

General Chat / Re: ESO has launched.
« on: May 08, 2014, 08:50:27 pm »
If people are looking for something totally different, come play Blood Bowl Chaos League with Xan and I.  We only just started and have done our first 6 games, on various teams.  Turn based tactical luck game you might call it ;p

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: April 25, 2014, 07:59:28 pm »
Sounds interesting but have several things to sort out this weekend, maybe look into it again in the future though!

General Chat / ESO has launched.
« on: April 05, 2014, 06:47:20 pm »
Anyone got involved?

Looks good but ...

General Chat / Re: Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: March 07, 2014, 10:02:40 pm »
Cool, I can't even imagine how tiring all that must be!!  Good luck Brigh :)

Las - You've gone and become a cynic  ;D   What ever happened? ;p

General Chat / Re: Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: March 05, 2014, 10:10:18 pm »
I was about to start a discussion about Elder Scrolls, I heard it is good from a friend of mine, an old DAoC vet, though a much 'lighter' player than we were.  I had a pass to play last weekend in the beta but it was a busy weekend for me and I didn't get round to using it, still open beta soon.  My pc is getting a bit long in the toof, wonder how it'll hold up tbh ... never did upgrade it in the end ...

Also good luck Brigh, you actually at Uni?  If so which one and what are you studying?  I am assuming as you have a deadline it isn't Open Uni?

General Chat / Re: Eador Masters of the Broken World
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:12:39 pm »
I would pick it up in the sale, er will ... If I were you though I'd play the demo, there is 4 - 6 hours free game play in it, so no loss, no point going for the purchase if you haven't played the demo tbh.  I haven't been following it tbh, demo finished and I still have other games to play/start ... but will keep my eye open for the next sale.

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