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Messages - Shi

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General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 15, 2014, 03:38:40 pm »
those good memories from pvp server experience are pure nostalgy, bit like recalling Rambo, not that id like to watch and would enjoy it again :D

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 15, 2014, 10:10:38 am »
have you guys figured out any useful addons yet?
Cern, you mentioned the FoV one. Need check what difference it make, surprises me, 1st time i see such type of addon.
I saw a couple modifying the quest interface, need try them out - thye are consolidating it into a more friendly panel, bit like WoW, well, saw 2 addons, need see which one is better.


General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 13, 2014, 04:18:06 pm »
I'm for crazy rabbits on Eko, and pick a server for Exile alts, ill try resist as long as I can ;)
Im lobbying within Legion Inc on FB, but so far the response is limited.
Will ask also among the Face Dancers from WoW. They bunch is often up for any new MMO that shows :)

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 13, 2014, 01:24:17 pm »
didnt get my butt in seriously yet due to DAOC distraction.
But if you folks plan to play it I could give it a go :)
What is the release date??
ah 3rd of June.
Hmm, guess could give it a go for 2 months.
Planning on move mid July, so after then it will go hectic online-timewise..

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 09, 2014, 11:43:48 am »
Hey Las! :)

I spotted now Cern's remark about the performance, weird. It seems to me a game less demanding than GW2, so must be sth wrong with the engine.
I got the beta yesterday and played through the noob zone, then landed on the planet.
I definitely enjoy such type of graphics, it feels very much like WoW in that respect :)
I experience though one major gfx issue, hope they fix it, getting a blank screen and weird sounds after pressing P for the skill panel, weird, can still log out, so it's not a complete system crash hehe
No clue what server I am on :) sth starting with V or A lol :) , Exile side, playing some bunny looking race, class oriented on healing.
Not sure for the release. Maybe.
June becomes quite busy with the world cup start ;) I dont mind the scary news about the endgame, anyways i never reach it :D hihi but they need fix the performance and this weird gfx bug.

btw, in case you missed the news. You can pre-order the new WoW xpack.
It is worth it imo, since you get some goodies for Blizzard games, and also in the package a free lvl 90 boost :)
That's a new paid service Blizzard introduced, only 50e (haha), but with preorder you get 1 free for your account :)
And since, well, you gonna try it anyways, despite the usual "Im done with WoW" , so why not get the extra goodies :)
Release, coming december.
(apparently there is some sort of housing, omg, thought not gonna live till that moment :D)

General Chat / Re: Wildstar
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:29:32 pm »
open beta starts tmr, so will have a look :)

General Chat / Re: ESO has launched.
« on: May 07, 2014, 01:07:16 pm »
hey folks :)
was almsot tempted till I read the last Cern's update :D
I wait.
Will have a look at Wildstar though, never heard off :)

Was playing around in D3, WoW lately - awaiting the xpack, and feeling like to try sth new, or even retunr to sth old
DAOC mechanics still put me off, hehe, and I just discovered Warhammer Online shut down in December ouch!

take care :)

ps. Cern you bugger, now I know where you been hiding; )

General Chat / Re: Camelot Unchained
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:22:26 pm »
Hey guys :)
Hehe, for me DAOC was also the 1st MMO and it was sth amasing as whole.
But , even though I miss specially the community feel on Prydwen, the relic raids or defense etc, sth no other game brought later on , I got also a whole pack of bad memories.
?Racism? , there ?clasism?  was most horrible thing ingame ever haha.
You would never get a group , if you were not a tank, healer or some fotm pve class :) Or if you didn?t belong to a well settled guild.
Honestly , that was my feel with the ranger and nightshade which  I dropped at some point and carried with mentalist.
Hehe :)
I genuinely hated this game while loving it. :)
I would die if not Balb (Kalk) who with his chanter mastered the , hmm, wth was the name, shield on pet thing farming? I think he was the 1st on Prydwen using it, there was one more guy who did it, and it was only weeks or months after that it became a standard for exping :)
So basically we lvled together, my pot and hot and dots helping his pet :)
I would love to play the same world, same zones, but with different fight engine etc (ferking interrupts!)
Reaching lvl 50 gave similar feel that graduating or passing the driver license examma, so I say, wtf?? Heheheh :)
Silly game :)
to summarise, get over it, those times wont come back :)

General Chat / Re: Neverwinter MMO
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:20:29 pm »
hey guys,
ill drop by! :)

General Chat / Re: Proper spam, fits right into this sub forum!
« on: March 08, 2013, 10:33:25 am »
hey guys :)
wow, the song sticks, and the video is fantastic :)

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:47:31 am »
that's good news :) might come a day i feel like finishing at least the 50 journey :)
Wonder if WoW ever gets to a F2p model, lately I had a moment of weakness and started pondering bout trying the MoP (which still might be interesting, matter of lore, new class etc blabla ;P) but then watched a video on YT, went mentally through all steps, xpack price, a new sub, and went like , wtf am i trying here? no way :) felt like an addict on the edge of sinking in again hehe ;)

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Guild?
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:40:39 am »
Hola guys :)
not been around lately, had hard time to get myself playing & overall low motivation regarding gaming.
But I didnt quit, whatever you decide is the best I'd follow :)
Would be also handy to notify the few folks from old Legion Inc about eventual move, I'd take care via FB once (if) it becomes definitive.
I understand the move is now free , right? I'd rather no pay for it, not like it costs a fortune, but for the principle
cyas :)

GW2 General / Re: Guild Wars 2 Review
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:32:01 pm »
heheh cool :) Cern, what class was that actually?:)
still wondering, i see ya shooting stuff from range, but since anyone can :) hmm :)

General Chat / Re: Guild Wars 2
« on: May 12, 2012, 01:48:46 am »
think this one is worth a solide bump :)
with Cern we participated in the closed beta weekend (as preorder owners) and impressions are GOOD!
we even got a serious withdrawal feeling hehe
GW2 seems to bring lots of new, even groundbreaking on the mmo table.
No end game raiding, PvP DAOC styled, no class "holy trinity"  (tank/dps/heal) + many lil improvements
I leave to Cern to elaborate if he feels like to, since he's way better in it than me.

General Chat / Re: SW:TOR Screenies Thread
« on: February 21, 2012, 04:33:10 pm »
neither maxed, only lvl 32,  no time to push and no rush either :)
just wanna add 1 more thing to what Lass mentioned, space missions, im rly addicted, having little time to quest and explore lately I still log to do some flying missions, fantastic feel :)

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