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Messages - eKo

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General Chat / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: April 26, 2017, 02:32:06 pm »
I managed to finish the game and the final mission was quite fun with everyone you helped along the way, helping you out. The ending is also a proper end for this game, not a cliffhanger, even though your dealings with the Kett won't be over. (And what happened to the Quarian ark?)

The 1.05 patch did fix some animations and especially the human eyes, they no longer look like they are doped up, especially Adisson ;D.

All in all, for me it's still the weaker game in the series, but it certainly wasn't bad and still very enjoyable. There don't seem to be many impactful choices to make (there are a choices to be made, especially later on, but except for one, the consequences seem rather limited), even after the full course of the game, the companians are still rather bland, the story overall was rather good though and I really liked the combat.

I've started playing some multiplayer lately and it's proving to be rather fun too.

General Chat / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: April 05, 2017, 10:57:38 am »
It's mainly the start of the game (the first 10 hours or so) which is so-so. I'm now 65 hours in and it has become a lot better, including the companions.

A patch apparently will be out soon to solve some issues including the facial animations, human/asari eyes and make the galactic map transitions skippable.

The main weak points for me are the slow moving plot at the start and the dialogue which isn't very natural and can be real sloppy at times, especially when trying to convince people of an opposite viewpoint. All in all it's still a fun and decidely Mass Effect game though.

General Chat / Re: Mass Effect Andromeda
« on: March 30, 2017, 08:35:45 pm »
As a Mass Effect fan I preordered it and am now 55 hours in with 50% completion. Despite the mixed reviews and some flaws I really like the game and I'm having fun. One reviewer compared it to Dragn Age: Inquisiition in space and I concur.

What I like:
- The graphics are good, there's some beauitful scenery and performance (on high) has been rock solid.
- The story is now shaping up nicely despite a slow start. I now hold the threads to 3 major story elements while also having tons of sidequests which aren't always interesting, but at least they're fleshed out better than the ones in DA:I.
- The combat for me is fun, even though sniper rifles are kinda broken (in SP) as you can kill mobs from afar without alerting even the ones standing next to it.
- The skill system is much more flexible and you can respec, so testing out new skills or just mixing things up so it doesn't become boring is possible. Access to only 3 equipped skills is a bummer though.
- The jetpack is much more than a gimmick, it provides quite a bit of mobility and not only vertically.
- I rather like the sudoku-like puzzles to open the remnant vaults :).

What I like less:
- Companions are a little bland, mainly because they don't seem to progress much, unlike Tali or Liara in the original trilogy.
- Some dialogue is really sloppy. There's one quest with an anti AI person, who at the end tells you to thank your AI and there are a few more convos like that.
- The facial animation goes from okay at best to totally weird, mainly because, apart from blinking, the eyes (and eyebrows) hardly animate at all.
- The unskippable transistions when in your ship, while gorgeous, geo old after a while, especially when scanning a planet is just a right click.   

Have only played one multiplayer match, but the system is indeed very similar to the one from ME3. Unlike ME3, MP doesn't have an effect on the SP campaign so far. You can send NPCs on missions, like you could in DA:I on the war map and some missions you can do yourself in MP, but that seems to be the extent of it.

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 08, 2017, 01:52:00 pm »
I tried the veteran difficulty last night (since there is an even higher difficulty) and it went from faceroll to wtfpwnd! :o

Went back to story mode for now, guess it's for people have raid gear and want to do the chapters over for command exp/achievements?

Witcher 3 is rather slow to get into not only because the story advances rather slowly, but also because you gain levels really slow at the start. I hope you're not trying to complete all question marks, Cern, as Skellige has an abundance of them. I did most of them in Velen, but gave up in Skellige as needing to go to harbour (to sell) then sailing back out every 4/5 questions marks got boring fast. I tried doing all the side quests though, but still need to finish the game (I'm halfway into Act 3 I think). I love how the choices you're given aren't black & white and how you cannot always figure out the consequences of your actions.

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 06, 2017, 11:52:48 am »
But smuggler has ... Guss! :) Admittedly the smuggler story isn't so great, though there are some funny situations/lines which made it fun to play through. Since Agent is smuggler's mirror, I migh try Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior first though (while I like the Bounty Hunter gameplay, the story gets boring near the end as well).

General Chat / Re: For Honour
« on: February 06, 2017, 10:36:13 am »
Hey all,

No PS4 here either and also eagerly awaiting the new Mass Effect game! Witcher 3 is a really great game though I still haven't finished the (base) game.

I'm now playing SWTOR again (just solo going through the story). I didn't much like the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion, but Shadows of Revan was really good and Knights of the Fallen Empire so far is great (only got to chapter 5 of the 15 or so). It's got a good, more cinematic story with some nice updated graphics in the new zones, but the difficulty is laughably easy and there's no class story anymore, all classes go through the same storyline. I'm only planning to go through it all once anyway, but might go through some more class stories (Imperial Agent is supposed to be really good).

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: January 18, 2017, 09:59:19 pm »
A bit late, but happy new year :p.

Sorry, only saw this now, but that movie is hilarious, lol.

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: November 04, 2016, 12:56:25 pm »
Hey Las, found an appropriate Reinhardt video for you to watch: ;D.

General Chat / Re: No Man's Sky
« on: August 19, 2016, 01:58:05 pm »
Despite the flaws I really love the game, though it's more of a journey than a game really. It's best when taking it slow: take your time exploring the planets, find the creatures, take screenshots, ... Don't rush to the center of the galaxy or on the Atlas path as it will be less fun then. I'm considering restarting and to keep a journal & take way more screenshots, but you know how much of reroller I am anyway ;D.

I understand it won't appeal to everyone, but time flies when I'm playing!

Accoring to some on reddit it's great to play with your kids, so might be something to try, Brigh :).

General Chat / Re: No Man's Sky
« on: August 13, 2016, 09:56:22 pm »
I preordered the game from GoG and played it for a few hours. It started off stuttering badly, but once I changed the res & uncapped FPS it ran great. I now only have a bit of stuttering when entering a planet's atmosphere, but nothing too bad and it otherwise runs fine. (For reference I have an AMD FX-8320, nVidia GTX 970, 8 GB RAM & game is on an SSD).

I find the gameplay soothing: just exploring, scanning flora & fauna, mining & crafting stuff. So far I've spent more time on foot than in my spaceship :). All planets (all 8 I've visited) have been sort of similar so far, though one had weird bouncy tentacle blobs as creatures, kinda funny. Not sure how long it'll keep interesting, but so far I've been having fun (learing alien languages).

I also played Elite: Dangerous, but got bored fast (was before the Horizons expansion thingy though). The spaceflight in NMS is very arcady though, nothing like E:D where even taking off is hard (landing is done autmatically for you at a button's press, same with takeoff).

Couple more random thoughts:
The UI isn't great due to the hold mouse click instead of just clicking.
Inventory management is a bit of a pain, especially since upgrades share inventory slots (you can upgrade your personal inventory from dropships on planets though and bigger ships come with more inventory slots).
Finding crashed ships is cool, but you need to spend quite some resources to repair them so only do it on ships that are a serious upgrade (and not like I did for just 1 extra inventory slot :)). Ok, so according to the NMS reddit you can only find crashed ships with 1 or 2 slots more or less than your current ship and apparently you can use a beacon more than once so in theory you could get better ship > back to beacon > get better ship > ... (though that'd be utterly boring). You can also buy the ship from aliens landing at space stations, trade posts, ... though they are expensive.
While the textures aren't the sharpest, it's still a beautiful game thanks to the excellent use of colour.
So far the survival part is the worst part, collecting stuff to keep your life support going is boring. It's not hard since you come across the neccesary stuff on each planet, it's just really boring since you also need to dedicate some inventory space to it.
Seems like a lot of negatives, but I'm still having fun in the game which is most important (And somehow all stuttering has dissapeared now, even when entering planets. The more/longer I play the better the performance, so might be a caching thing or maybe a patch, dunno, buit game runs super smooth now).
Feeding creatures is possible and the 2 I've fed have shat rare minerals ;D.

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: June 19, 2016, 09:57:09 am »
Yeah Cern, I do think that sticking together should be #1 on the priority list. I have switched from healer to something else when people just roam all over the map and I just end up being killed all the time. At that point Junkrat or D.VA (my favorite characters) are more effective than a dead healer.

#2 I'd say is playing the objective. To cap a point you need to stand on it, to move a payload you have to be close to it. Not be trying to get kills from miles away. We lost a match where the payload was almost at the enemy base, it needed to move only a few meters, but instead people stayed at range trying to get kills. (Okay, they had 2 Torbs & a Symmetra, but behind the payload their turrets had no LoS). A few people on the payload not scared of dying would have given us the win. Okay, maybe I should've switch to Reinhardt instead of D.VA to push the payload, which leads us to #3.

#3 is to switch heroes. If the defense team is turtling with turrets for example, you need some ranged damage dealers to take out those turrets (Phara, Junkrat & Widowmaker at least can be good at this), but you then also have to follow up with a push past the chokepoint. Afterwards you can switch back to another hero if you want, but at least we're not stuck on the first chokepoint anymore.

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: June 16, 2016, 02:01:38 pm »
Thanks Las, those guides are cool, I only watched some for the heroes I play most (D.VA, Junkrat & Mercy) and I learned some new tricks.

Also was fun last night, actually went a lot better than expected :), especially once we got the more evenly matches, those were really great. I still have problems countering a good Reinhart though.

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: May 24, 2016, 05:54:36 pm »
Heh, what a coincidence, after the new Star Wars movie I started to play some SWTOR as well :). Levelled a bounty hunter to 60 and still not done with the "Original" storyline, let alone KOTFE. Grew bored of soloing before I got there.

I should play more Battleborn as it's a really fun game, but I finally got into the Witcher 3, so that's taking up all my free time now. Won't even have enough time to play/test Overwatch today.

Hope I manage to finish it before No Man's Sky comes out. Really looking forward to it as it seems more fun then Elite Dangerous. Elite is a great (looking) game, but too much of a sandbox for me, while there is some (light) story in No Man's Sky at least.

General Chat / Re: OverWatch
« on: April 30, 2016, 08:10:31 pm »
I'm in the Overwatch beta and I've got one additional key if anyone's interested. Beta starts on May 3 until May 9.

Though tbh Battleborn looks like the better/funner game for me. Its PvP has some MOBA influences and the TTK is slower so you have some time to react at least (yeah I'm not getting any younger :P). And it has some co-op PvE as well. Hadn't heard from it before, but got a beta invite and tried it out. It's from Gearbox, the makers of the Borderlands series and it has the same kind of (sometimes juvenile) humor in it. I liked it enough to pre-order it and it also comes out on May 3 ;).

PS: for a comparison between both, see this video and for a long(er) explanation video, see Totalbiscuit's video.

General Chat / Re: For when you have a spare 5-10 minutes
« on: November 22, 2015, 11:26:09 am »
Thanks for the tip on Mordheim, it's great and while many people compare it to X-Com, it reminds me more of Valkyria Chronicles, mainly because of the 3rd person movement mode. The tutorials are necessary though as the game is hard :).

DA:I was really great, but because I did most of the zone quests before moving to another zone it became too easy. It has a good story and looks great, so totally worth it (especially after a playthrough of 90+ hours).

I didn't like Oblivion, so I never tried Skyrim. I did try Elder Scrolls Online, but I didn't like it much. I prefer Wildstar, which I've started playing again after if went F2P and it's F2P done right, they don't push the cash shop in your face and as you spend money you earn perks like more character slots, joining circles & guild, ... They also retroactively handed out those perks, so I got a lot for buying the original game & subscription time. And as far as I know everything in the cash shop can be bought either with NC coins (bought for real money) or Omnibits (earned in game). After a lot of rerolls trying out different race/class combos I settled on a Draken Warrior which is now lvl 33. Still love the Chua animations, but they can't be warriors :(.

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